Tfw brown-green eyes

>tfw brown-green eyes
why live

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Stay away from blue eyed women please don't polute our people

you're just making me do it
what's wrong with brown eyes anyways

Think logically . Brown if dominant, blue is recessive. If you nigger-eyes keep breeding with blue eyed then over time you poo eyes overtake us. So please have respect and stay with your own race

>eye color is race
screw you stormfag nigger

>skin color is race

>arguing over body aesthetics when there are literal chimps invading europe forcing their shitskin religion on us

You all disgust me, come on in untermensch!

are albinos white

i will just leave it here

There's way more of them and they're ugly.



>>eye color is race

what is ocular albinism?

>baby blue eyes
>curly blond hair

>tfw blue eyes blonde hair master race

>Brown is dominant
>Blue is recessive

No. There a blue dominant alleles and brown recessive. In black people and Middle eastern they usually have a dominant brown varient. Europeans can have either by chance.

There are over 500 different brown eye alleles (variations of the gene).

Is Sup Forums always this science illiterate?

Green eyes are way better than blue eyes.

t. blue eyed person

You guys know in a few years, we can change the physical characteristics of babies before birth right? Why does it matter so much to you storm fags? If you want blue eyes so much just get a designer baby.

yes, by definition you stupid nigger

There are about 10% blue-eyed people in this world

Yeah, and almost all of European origin. The mutation arose in Europe and it stayed in Europe. If it was completely recessive how would it have built up to 10% of the population? It would be wiped out in very few generations if that was true. Have you never seen a brown eyed parent with blue eyed children?

Green Eyes>Blue Eyes
Dirty Blonde>Light Blonde

You look like a bunch of faggots with light colors for eyes and hair.

>Blue eyes black hair reporting

>tfw I turn gay for green/blue eyed guys and I just want to kiss them when I see them.

They are powerful.

Aww, thank you kind stranger. I would take that as a compliment since I have green eyes and medium to dark blonde hair thanks to my Slavic blood.

>pls don't cuck our recessive genes
too l8 m8, you can't stop evolution

You are correct. My mother has brown eyes and my father has green eyes. Both me and my sister have green eyes.


you're mean, please leave >:(

in a sense yes, since the med will also inherit the cuck genes from snow niggers


>blue eyes
>blond hair
>great gains
>voted for Trump
Fight me cunts

I have brown eyes and brown hair with some reds mixed in. Always wanted to get with a blonde haired blue eyed chick, as red hair and hazel eyes run in my family. Eventually realized my kids will most likely have brown hair and brown eyes like me anyway. You just gotta play with the hand you're dealt man. I'm a white American (German/Irish and Scottish/English). Found myself a cute French/Italian girl with a little native mixed in. She's got a fat ass and child bearing hips. One day she will have my children and they will be just as white as any children I'd have with a blonde hair blue eyed girl. Life finds a way.

"Blue eyes master race" bullshit is just a meme
Every notice how the smartest German scientists and leaders all had brown hair and brown eyes? Not a coincidence. Blonde genes are Nordic genes infiltrating from the north, Germans are a brown haired, brown eyed people. Aryans are Indo-Europeans

The "blondes are dumb" meme is based in reality

>Eye color= Race
I wonder why i don't visit this board regularly anymore

It's because people buy into the Jewish propaganda lie that Germans wanted to exterminate everyone who didn't have blonde hair and blue eyes (who are NOT aryans by the way), and so they've come up with some sort of idea that blonde hair + blue eyes is the master race

Blonde hair and blue eyes is certainly very beautiful. But not necessarily the "master race" the way you might think


I think blonde hair + hazel is more beautiful.

Dark hair + Blue eyes are the perfect combination though, both for men and women.

>green eyes
>brown hair
Am I white?

>TFW eyes are both blue and green
What does that make me?

Every eye color is nigger except godlike green with black hair, I am literally the greatest creation and masterrace. Stay mad cucks

How's that seasonal depression treating you finland?

both white

>tfw shit-brown eyes
Used to look good in contrast with blond hair as a kid, now they only make me look more muhammad.

>more brown eyed and brown haired people in the world than any other colour
>surprisingly more scientists and leaders