Don't know who to vote for. Perhaps Sup Forums can show me the way

Don't know who to vote for. Perhaps Sup Forums can show me the way.

Going to vote soon so dubs decides who I vote for, trips decides what I spoil the ballot with.

Other urls found in this thread:

Abstain. No point in wasting a vote on policies you don't understand or at least don't care about.

There's no right answer when voting, although unless you vote labour you're wrong.

>wanting no human rights
>wanting a totalitarian state
>wanting complete surveillance

Just admit it you didn't read any of their policoes and are simply voting UKIP because you don't like brown people.


Go vote labour buddy.

Rolling for Theresa

Barak! A mudslime is perfect for your cuntry

Well, unless someone gets trips before I go vote, gg.

Liberal Democrats - lefty shit
Labour - communists
Green Party - crazy lefties
Conservative - socialists as previous

so... no choice rly

Conservatives are socialist? How?
All yhey have done is cut public spending and push for privatisation. Pretty much he polar opposite to socialism.

Draw a cock on your ballot card

spending money for benefits thats socialism and they doing that so they are socialists

not that shit as corbyn is maybe but still


I think people would notice it if they all of a sudden cut all benefits. That's why they do it bit by bit. They are definitely trying to avoid giving money to anyone.

>Telling him to vote labour
>I voted labour
>'You voted UKIP because you're racist'

Are you fucking retarded


Vote snp.....glorious independence

Labour all the way. Nothing wrong with a bit of socialism

still controlling and regulating the market and taxing people as other socialists

if you force one person to give money to another that means you're socialist EOT

Wasn't me telling him to vote labour. I told him to abstain.


United Kingdom Independence Party

rolling for labour


Snp are retarded

So you want us to go back to being nomadic tribes with no concept of currency? How is a government supposed to operate without any funding?

Labour will bankrupt and destroy out country


>rolling for labour

be prepared for next venezuela

How so? Westminster doesn't give two shits about them.


free market don't need regulations


Found the daily mail reader.

I assume he's also a terrorist sympathiser then too?

How can you be so dense as to buy into their fear mongering?

nigel farage

Please elaborate retard?


Voting conservative. Labour is likely to bankrupt us further, but if they wanna wipe my tuition fees go for it. Lib dems are the anti brexit party, and also want to bring another 50,000 Syrian refugees to the country... No thank you. Conservatives are the only ones that can deliver a brexit that doesn't keep us in the Brussels bubble. I'm not keen on a number of conservative policies and frankly I think they take the piss. Article 50's triggered and the conservatives have had 9 or so months to work out how to negotiate. Labour is in denial its happening and the lib dems would happily just chuck us in the EEC. I feel labour and lib dems wouldn't even try negotiate a decent deal. Corbyn would probably pay them the divorce bill with interest.

write in vote for hitler, dude.

Scotland have their own domestic issues which the snp wont fix, and insist on blaming it on the rest of the uk like somehow its out fault. Scotland get more £ per head than any other country in uk. But snp still cry independance, ignoring the vote 2 years ago


Cant stand daily mail. No I actually believe he is a good party leader. But unfortunately Labour have historically been awful with economy. Never forget the note "theres no money left" - 2010

It's not fear mongering, it's having a basic understanding of economics. Corbyn's welfare policy and £10 min wage will ruin the economy and put small independents out of business.

Labour all the way

This is the general election for brexit - not domestic issues. Britian leaving eu will affect us for 50 years +. You can always choose another party in 5 years time.

If that is true then i stand corrected. Source?

Labour seem to want to give everyone everything immediately, which we all should know would be a disaster to out economy. Whats the point of cuts and such to improve finances if Labour come in and make it 100% worse. Its not sustinable

Draw a penis on the ballot


Draw goatse with Muhammad's head popping out of it on the ballot card



pls this



i'd go jeremy if i were you

"none of the above"

OP said ukip is n/a in his constituency.
Guess he's got to add his own UKIP box because trips.


Vote for Trump.
Though it may be too late for you and your country now.
You failed to vote for a Trump long ago and now your Island is full of Arabs, you have an Arab Mayor in your Capital, and more of London is owned by Qatar than by brits or the Queen for that matter.

You have lost the numbers to have any power over your decisions, political, legal, or cultural. You cannot recover from this as they breed like rats. You were assimilated. Enjoy your "diversity".

"Diversity": a word used by Liberals to corruptly and secretly increase the number of voters who will in turn vote for them and keep them in power in order to illegally make money off the backs of others while also suppressing the ones who actually built, labored-for, fought for, and founded the country.

Why though

>every constituency in my county is Conservative and basically always has been

Tories leading, who the fuck is voting for them?

Comrade Corbyn is in despair.

The difference in spending per person is negligible. Barely above London and still less than Northern Ireland.


Better explanation

Because I don't understand politics.

Old people and rich people will always vote tories. Old people are the demographic that May appeals to and they're also the group the most likely to vote.

Young people just dont bother to vote, I saw thousands of students bitching about the Brexit result while claiming they "didn't have time to vote due to exams" as though the cunting polling stations aren't open 7am-10pm.

If they can't be arsed to vote on Brexit then they wont bother to vote on general elections.

Depends on what you want.
A Brexit that doesn't actually detach you from the dead weight of the European union or a Brexit that actually detaches you from the EU, where you internet is temporarily censored until people complain enough to get that shit pulled back.

I wanted to vote Lib Dem since they were the only party that voted against the Snoopers Charter, where the Conservatives want to record everything you do on the internet and store it for an entire year, and then censor pornography unless you register on a government database. But Lib Dems dont stand a chance in my area so I voted Labour purely to get rid of Conservatives.

Labour will probably fuck you over the least

Same with greens. If it wasnt a wanted vote id vote them


But they will fuck the whole country up in the long term. In labours mind if your work hard or are succesful we'll tax the shit out of you, and if your not interested in doing anything we will pay you handsomly for that.