Is he a future HoF qb? Also what qbs currently playing would you say are future HoFers

Is he a future HoF qb? Also what qbs currently playing would you say are future HoFers.

russell wilson is already in the HOF and he's a fucking cornball

Carr, Mariota and Winston
cap it

Brady and Brees are secure locks, unless they kill, rape or are discovered with cp.
Rivers, Manning and Roethlisberger are borderline, I don't think Roethlisberger or Manning will end with HoF worthy stats, but both are one championship or league MVP away from being locks and both play in great organizations. Rivers just needs to keep grinding those stats. I don't think any of them will be inducted in their first year.
Rodgers, Ryan and Stafford still have a long road. Rodgers having the upper hand with his rating.
Flacco and Wilson could even be in the talks if they either keep accumulating playoffs wins/records or championships, and both play on good organizations. Both longshots.
The rest are shit, too old or too young to achieve something hof worthy.

>1 playoff win to this point
>future HoF'er
whoa 'der

Rodgers won't get in. He's a system QB who only has 1 ring. Plus he only got that 1 ring because they were full of the talent from the Favre era Packers. He can't win with the current Packers which have far better talent.

>He can't win with the current Packers which have far better talent
>Far better talent

Yeah they're stocked full of talent like Richard Rogers, James Starks, and Jeff Janis. How lucky he is to have those weapons.

Rodgers is already a Hall lock. Anyone who says otherwise is a moron who doesn't know football. Matt Ryan will not sniff the Hall.

>Julio babby getting into the HoF
Yeah no

Possibly if career continues
Gotta win some shit

>system baby
>team implodes without him

>@ChrisWesseling Matt Ryan when not throwing to Julio: 290/405 for 3535 yards, 32 TDs, 3 INTs, 121.4 passer rating.

Fuck off.

Put any QB in that system and there a HoF QB. Put Jay Cutler in that system and the Packers are 16-0.

Hell Matt Flynn threw for 5 TDs in that system.

Rivers is the best of the three as a QB just based on the fact that he's put up these numbers with Literally Who wideouts. Of course he's been stuck in the Chokers organization for his whole career as opposed to two of the more famously well run teams in the league.

>hasn't won shit

He also got a league MVP stolen by Peyton. Pure bullshit if you ask me.

>Put Jay Cutler in that system and the Packers are 16-0
Not even a Bear fan would think that.

This is good, but I'd put Rivers in Probably and replace Stafford with Romo.

Oh, so you're just a trolling retard. Good thread then.

>Romo even in consideration

Romo is Jay Cutler tier.

No tears shed for this lackluster player. He squandered LaDainian's prime and he had Antonio Gates with other serviceable receivers. His teams early on were loaded with pro bowlers and he couldn't even reach a Superbowl. When will the Matt Ryan and Phillip Ringless are "elite" meme end? I thought we had to wait for a quarterback to do something in the playoffs before assigning that distinction.


>Will get in even though he doesn't really deserve it

That's it, as much as I like Rivers and Romo

It was LT who underperformed during the playoffs.

Dak for sure

can we stop this meme where skill players help you get to the owl more than a top tier defense?


This is why we're building the wall, Paco.

I guess you didn't read the whole sentence.

If he wins a few more playoff games and stays in the league a while, I don't think it's out of the question.

Peyton manning will definitely get in.

would bet my life that they're in
would bet money that they're in
would not bet on but would not be surprised if they get in
>newton (but if this year becomes the norm then no way)
would bet against getting in

>no romo

Newton is going to be the Derrick Rose of the NFL. An MVP that doesn't get into the HoF because he was a fluke and didn't win anything.

He's in the married to a guy hall of fame

As a QB, does a ring get you automatically in the HoF?

he's not even one of the current top 3 closet gay NFL players

Bears fan here, Cutler would do a hell of a lot better in Green Bay. The whole le cutler sux meme is because of us never having a consistent offensive system in the post Lovie era