Worst fanbase in NFL history


The Giants

Without a doubt.

I would be totally fine with them if they would just admit once that they jumped on the 2012/13 bandwagon.


Why are all NFC fanbases so awful?


Because the AFC is based desu


They'll probably get pelted to death by batteries if they ever return to Filthy.

Patriots, ofcourse this board will never admit that now that they suck brady's dick

I kind of miss all the Seahawks shitposting from a few years ago

Worst? No, but most certainly the gayest.

Oregonfag here. Northwest sports fans are the worst, probably because no team here has done anything worth a damn since the Blazers in the 70's. It's just not a sports region, and when there's a team that does well, people come out of the woodwork and pretend like they're diehard. Don't worry, the majority of current Seahawks fans will be gone soon.

No argument there.

>being jelly of the most loyal and dedicated fanbase in the country
it's okay user

Not on spee but irl Steelers fans are the worst.

Patriots by a country mile

>in person
>on Sup Forums

>dedicated fanbase

PNWfag here. Born and raised in Washington and followed them since early childhood. Only a few people I knew still watched/followed them during the Seneca Wallace, Charlie Whitehurst, and Jim Mora days with me so it was annoying as all hell when we became successful because "fans" started appearing like fucksticks out of the woodwork. Even today I still have friends and family ask if Marshawn Lynch is injured or something

It's the Raiders, Eagles, and Steelers

They are currently the cowboys fanbase so it makes sense.


I remember back in 2010 when the Seahawks were Sup Forums's favorite team. What happened?

Whats the best fanbase then?

>It's a Seahawks didn't have fans until the Russell Wilson era episode

Philthy fan here. My boss is a cowboys fan being born and raised in the Philly so are a few of my friends. It's probably the biggest non "local ,tristate area" fanbase.

Swedehawks are cucks


Broncos, obviously. Notice how even though we are Superb owl champs we don't shitpost like austistic children?

Jim Mora was only around for one season. The Seahawks were a top contender in the Holmgren/Hasselbeck era, it was the 90s when they were consistently awful.

I was born in Virginia and no one is really a die hard skins fan unless they are from nova, so I starting following the hawks back in '05 when they went to the super bowl against the steelers.

Sometimes I think about rooting for the redskins but they just don't have enough energy in their fan base for me to get into the team.

Any other Virginia bros know that feel?

Patriots fan living in Washington here. These faggots are completely obnoxious. Even the fucking ships in port have 12th-man flags on them.

The Washington Patriots/Packers/Panthers/49er fans are all literal ass

I was alive for the beginning of the Holmgren era (born in '97) so I will say I haven't had it as bad

Norfol here, Pittsburgh fan from a pittsburgh famliy. All the bandwagoners piss me off who don't know the history, my grandpa remembers when they where trash in the late 50's and 60's


Go back to the east coast you piece of shit

>literal bandwagoner living in a bandwagon state


>Patriots fans
>complaining about anyone else

O im laffin

FACT: an arizona cardinals, carolina panthers or 49ers "fan" made this thread


>being this salty DAT BIRD knocked you to 2nd Seed

When the Cowboys, Patriots and Steelers have fans all over the country, they have a good strong fanbase.

When people from Seattle root for their own team, they're bandwagoners.

What gives?

>tfw nobody says your team because you're irrelevant

People loved the Seahawks in the 2000s. You couldn't go 10 feet without bumping into a fat Samoan in a Tatupu jersey.

Because the Jets only have fans when they're good and the Giants aren't.

truth of the matter is that the kingdome sold out regularly and was one of the loudest stadiums ever. seattle has always been a football town due to the don james huskies era but Sup Forums never existed so the 12 year olds on Sup Forums think it something recent


East Coast Bias, since the Seahawks used to be terrible their fans didn't exist in the media until they were relevant

>everything you said about PNW as a sports region
Wow. You really don't know anything about northwest sports. Fun Fact: Apehoop isn't the only sport that matters. Wouldn't expect some faggot from Oregon to know anything about the topic anyway.

Is this a patriots false flag thread?

Because they are much worse than the seahawks.

Is that Dak standing in the background?


I've been a Patriots fan since growing up in Connecticut and Massachusetts during the Bledsoe era. I just live someplace else now.

Then why are you so upset that people support their home team? You think everybody in Boston isn't going on about how "Fackin' sick the Pats are, bro?"

drew bledsoe was born and raised in wasthington state

This nigga knows what's up

Back from about 2002-2007 were the years I remember most where the fans were everywhere hear. I'd always see Alexander, Tatupu, Trufant, Kerney, and the occasional Houshmandzadeh jersey. Then the Jim Mora year happened and it seemed to me about 85% of the fans disappeared

>You think everybody in Boston isn't going on about how "Fackin' sick the Pats are, bro?"
Not to this degree.

You mean best fanbase in all of football. Why is everybody so jealous of the 12th man status your team doesn't have? Today the science will measure the crowd noise vibrations, tectonic plates will shift, and Seattle will definitely drift off and sink into the ocean forming an atlantean society. Get fucked.

Sonics fans had to go somewhere, and they sure as hell weren't gonna watch the Mariners. No one deserves that kind of punishment.

>beating Detroit
>couldnt even beat the Tardinals

>haven't won an owl in 20+ years
>still have largest fanbase
>went ~10 years without a playoff win OR division title
>still had largest fanbase
>went 5-11 for three consecutive seasons
>still had largest fanbase
>went 4-12 last season
>still shitposted with the best of them
>not a dedicated fanbase
pick eight


Seattle fans are the worst because they're all bandwagoners, ghetto-ass niggers, and SJW cucks. Add the "12th man" and neon green memes and you've got a shit stew brewing.

They also tend to be rather full of themselves.

I was walking through Kroger today and I saw some Seahawks merch. It was a Seahawks branded crockpot and there was also an LSU branded one too.

I live in fucking Memphis why the hell is Zerhawk shit this far east and south?


What's happening right now, tardinal?


Pats, followed by Cowboys

Except I'm a Chiefs fan, cuck

if your a pats, steelers or cowboys fan you have no room to talk.

now the raiders? fiercly loyal and not douchy about it. good shit


so you another brady blower with nothing constructive to say?

Pats fans are infinitely the most loyal on Sup Forums
