Dear Sup Forums

Dear Sup Forums,

It's us, Anonymous, once again. Except this time it's the leader speaking.

We are finished with your child pornography, gore, and cruel jokes that spread like a snakes bite and ruin the internet. Where have all of the internet's problems come from? Reddit? 9gag? No, no.
Tonight at 12:00am Pacific Time Sup Forums will officially come to an end.

"kek u cant do sh*t"

Not only do I have my hacking skills and team aside me, but I also have 9gag, the founding website of Anonymous, aside us.

You're probably all thinking


There is one thing you CAN do. Surrender. I want Moot and Heaven here, with the ID and everything, saying sorry, and banning all of things disgusting things from your website.

As of now, you have 3 and a half hours.

The clock is ticking, gentlemen.

We are legion.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.

- The Leader

no plez dunt tek awey 4chin i luv it XD



when you forget to take the tag off your user mask. also there is no leader of user you biscuit looking sack of idiotic shit, useless liberal cunt. you cant do shit op.



fuck the bait got me





sure are summerfags on the loose



tits or gtfo

he never gonna reply bc he knows he fucked up

>not wielding a katana, the alpha sword
>not having your mask handcrafted by welders who put their blood and sweat into your anonymity
>threatening moot, our lifeline for trap threads

You, sir neckbeard, are a disgrace

holy fuck check this

just fyi next time you try to bait actually get your fucking facts right faggot. Anonymous originated from Sup Forums. gtfo regardless of tits

STFU, Jake.

>that link

What's it do?

Fuck if I know, too shady

nice bait fag

fug, not my 4chiiin.


Click it?
..Report back.

It's likely just a virus


>It's likely just a virus
Or it IS a virus?
Go find out?

the leader oh spooky

Oh just fuck off already

bump to have some retard to click that link

We are Anonymous.
We are Legion.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.

whitebois finna be like

Expect liberals, fools, and summerfags

I hav dat sam knif


>summerfagging this hard

yea ok skid


its 7 pm LMAO mate you cant tell time thats sad


Well I can tell this is fake just from the knife.
Much threat.

you realize that time zones are thing faggot


You will have to go through me first... N I G G A

is that ketchup?


> I also have 9gag, the founding website of Anonymous
>the leader of anonymous
first off anonymous was founded on Sup Forums
secondly anonymous doesn't have a leader it's a goddamn hive mind

Omg dude you make me laugh a lot with your shit

Thats some old copypasta here bois that i havent seen in a long time

Is this 4real?

Yeah Sup Forums will be shut down and we'll never see good memes again.

oh no it looks like we're really done for guys, someone better contact moot

Is this bait of bait?

Think I saw one a couple of months ago

haha, good one xdd

lol nice try kid i am the real leader of the anonymous stop now or i'll call my Sup Forums legion and we'll destroy your life kiddo

>When you cant tell if its actual summerfags or trolling obvious bait
Also this fucking bullshit

>9gag, founders of Anonymous

It's like some 9gagger or Tumblr user who just heard of this place just posted this.

oh my..


BAIt n1gger gtfo