Name an athlete who's uglier than Bruce Irvin

Name an athlete who's uglier than Bruce Irvin.

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Anthony Davis is the GOAT ugly athlete.

Franck Ribery

He looks like a Mexican and an Eskimo had rough sex and had a son.


Joakim Noah is pretty fucking ugly


Came here to say this

To be honest, the majority of nigger athletes are fucking hideous.

He looks like Future

>watching "real rob report"

"hey bruce why the long face?"


Is this an Oblivion character?


Next thread


His mother and sister.

oh my god

D'Angelo Russell looks like a troll doll


based younger ribery

he had so much hair back then


Surprisingly he got most of the ugly from his mom.

Dak prescott.


>there's a rapper unironically named "Future"

can we start the simulation over? i'm tired of this shit


Sam Cassell
Carlos Tevez

Zaza Pachulia

nigga looks like a catfish burned in a house fire

Russel Westbrook.

nigga looks like a sandwich


George Muresan

did someone try to cut his face off at one point?

I'm trying to figure out what makes them look different. Is it the jawbone or the eyes?


get with the times, nigga

Russel Wilson

he was in a car accident when he was like 3 years old

this. he looks like a lump of caramel

Look like he about to start running from Mulder and Scully