
>Two young Afghans were thrown-out from the sixth floor(18m) of a refugee shelter by Albanian youngs. Both of them in critical condition.

>Six other Afghans and Syrians were beaten with iron bars. All hospitalized and some in bad shape.

This happened Saturday night and the reason is still unknown. lol

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should have stayed in Afghanistan fighting the invaders

well as long as they are killing each other its fine by me desu

>the reason is still unknown
I think they might have a clue or two

Who would ever have thought that Albanians would contribute to society?
It's refreshing.


>you come in France for a better life and what you get is flying from the 6th floor directly in the street

Tbh thanks albania. Not even mad.

Btw we should make use of the colliseum and have the refugees fight to death. We keep those who can kill 50 others, at least.

fuck of roach

that's will be a nice show

It is beginning

So sad, afghans are based people, but albanians are just simple thugs...

Shitskins inclination towards violence and ever more atomic tribalism will actually be Europe's saving grace as they begin infighting.

Afghans ? Based ?
From which world are you from ?

>ficki ficki with pre-pubescent boys isn't based Ahmed

hahaa bitches

it's ME




us shiptar take no shit from ANYONE F*CK MUSLIMES!!!

>allowing only the most barbarous and efficient murderers into your society out of the immigrant population

sound like a good idea

No way they were Albanians, they didnt take the kidneys


Fuck you, Muhammed

>American Education.

Albanians are Muslim you stupid fuck.

>afghans are based people
gas yourself roach

They kill 50. It's a win. Also just send them to the legion police Mali or something and you're done.

And such shows would be better than football, come on.

>Shitskins come from various shitholes and invade my country
>They fight like the animals they are
>The taxes my people and I pay are used to try to save their lives instead of bettering ours

Life sure is good in the califate of Francistan

It's a meme you churkah

Albanian here.

Even though we're immigrants ourselves, we don't support immigration or refugees. Albanian police routinely arrest and deport Syrian refugees pouring in from Greece, who shelters and feeds them.

It's a plague.

u fuckin pussy bitch im albanian cathlic

fuck muslimse and fuck u too communist

They aren't though. The ones counted as such are in majority non practicing.

>albanians are muslim

I'm orthodox and I still hate slavic serb/russian scum. Nobody likes you pig faced mongrels.

I guess the diversity from the middle east met our own diversity :)
Surprised it was abanians and not algerians though.

Never seen so many french flags on my Sup Forums, is my country waking up? I've been redpilling my entire social environment, surprised at how easy to un-blue pill most of my friends are. It really doesn't take much to break the conditioning and open their eyes to a reality they always knew was there, behind the thin veil of media lies.

The Brits, on the other hand, are so absolutely cucked it's actually painful to watch.

Réveille-toi, vieille Angleterre !

ancient meme

That's not true Ivan. We use to be friends once upon a time till some drunk russian sailors try to steal our submarines

B-But Islam is compatible with western society!

Juste imagine the sad irony : afgan Guy managed to survive :
-Polio, tuberculosis and other middle age diseases
-tribal shit tier justice
-religious extremism
-political corruption
-foreign invasions and bombing
-antipersonnel mines
-gets enough money to travel the fucking world to France (deadly trip)
- finds shelter and ends up killed in a shit tier random refugee dispute
> these guys are more based than me and you will ever be desu

A year ago is ancient?

he's actually a weak faggot who flew his country and got fucked anyway

what makes you think he was a good guy ?

Even the albanians hated him

based albos, thank you

and hehe
"reason is still unknown"
again based 9/10 since they survived

There's quite a lot of French anons in the French/pol/ recent editions. Though they pop up at shitty hours (during work).


Mehmet? Are you that Serbian diaspora?

Perso j'echange 2 afghans contre un albanais

Wow, I'm starting to like Albanians.


What makes Albanians so vicious?

Their mafia is also brutal as fuck.

Are you that Albanian diaspora?

>The reason is unknown

We all know the reason.

Nice to see Albanians fighting to protect their land and their wifes. I guess the French were too busy dying in theaters

Aren't Albanians Muslim as well?

Low IQ and massive inbreeding

>the problem has gotten so bad that even European Muslims have to defend themselves from Arab Muslims

Who would have thought

>500 years of war against the turkroaches

i don't hate the Serbs

There are so many non-whites in France that it has become pretty much impossible for most whites to not have been attacked by one of them at least once in their lives. Except for the ultra left bourgeois cucks protected by the police 24/24 in the richest Paris districts, but I guess those guys would still be sucking foreign cocks even if they were attacked.

Pourquoi tu ferais ça ?

Ce n'est pas la première fois que des réfugiés se font défoncer...


>What makes Albanians so vicious?
Only one word m8 : gjakmarrje kanûn

For some reason your picture really annoys me.

Ouais ou trop occupés à niquer ta mère.

so your pro refugee now denmark? you seem to have a low iq yourself now that you reveal your liberal faggotry to the world

germany is shooting people that try to sneak in regardless of what merkel wants They are secular modern people. You should open your borders to them and shit.

And how many cases are there of white war veterans doing terrible things because of PTSD? We give them a pass, but these refugees have been through 1000 times worse than any of our veterans have. They've had their entire countries destroyed and have been forced to fled to nations that despise them. They're traumatized and they need HELP, not criminal charges.

Where to get a copy of Kanuni i Lekë Dukagjinit in france since you are maybe albanians, or know how to.

wtf is it with sand people and iron bars

>French flag

Because he's obviously a sand nigger.

Actually the majority are, don't lie:

Albanians are usually Muslim or Orthodox - most of them are Muslim

>There are so many non-whites in France that it has become pretty much impossible for most whites to not have been attacked by one of them at least once in their lives.
Babtou fragile spotted
I'm white living in St Denistan going to Bobigny université everyday crossing la Courneuve, Aubervilliers in métro, and tram, never been mugged or attacked un my life (just grow a pair my french people)

In Albania, but im shure is not in foreign languages
There only one mosque in a 200.000 people city. Always empty
Don't belive wiki. In Albania there are 4/5 religions

I don't live in such a shithole but still. Personally my experience is similar. I'm insomniac and have always walked my dog at 2am or more in my city's center and never had any problem. I just could shag/help some drunk qts.

So yes, grow a pair faggots.

They may not be particularly devout Muslims, but on paper the majority of Albanians are Muslim.

Keep up the good work, Albania. France sure as shit isn't doing anything to help.

>tfw others peoples do all the dirty job for us

My wife is albanian (I'm French). All her family (of >9/10 qts I might add) are counted as muslims. None have ever prayed in their lives. Make what you want of that.

Guess I'll get it from there then.

Based Albanians

>stupid Muslim kids thinking they will """"take over"""" the west
>Instead they come here and kill each other

Ty based baby jezus

Honestly though if you think muzzies are bad imagine if there was a genuine khornate cult in the world with as many followers as ISIS has troops at the very least...

post pics

It isn't just on paper.
They always point out that they have Christians but the truth is different. This is the kind of demographics in a pure alb*nian region.
Also the great European Kangs like to redecorate churches.

filthy mudslimes getting what they deserve.

deus vult.


I find it funny how that serb ITT is demonizing albanians again, although serbia lets refugees pass through their country in swarms

meanwhile albanians save western civilization again

>bunch of Afghans try to ficki ficki Albanian girl
>her 3 brothers, 7 cousins and their 15 friends beat the living shit of out of them and give two of them a crash course in flying

I'm guessing this is the motive. They have really strong family ties, even more than the rest of Balkans (which are pretty traditional to begin with).

They would kill you in a heartbeat if they feel like its the will of Allah
Make what you want of that.

>Throwing people off buildings.
>Ottomans saving western civilization.

Go to bed Bardhyll. Tomorrow is a new day. The drugs aren't gonna sell themselves.

Ahmed detected

What ?
Beeing a cowards and fleeing your country instead of contributing makes you a hero ?

Are you serious ?

I'm not gonna leave my country, even if it's becoming a shithole !
I'll fight for my people, and I'll take my gun and defend it from invasion when the time will come.

My grand parents and all of my ancestry didn't leave and surrend like cowards, and thanks to them our society is modern.
Now it's out of questions, to let foreign people just leeching what takes centuries to build.

A year ago 2 marroco young were shot in belgium because they try ficky-ficky with the wrong girl
this is called removing kabab

Pretty much what I was gonna say.

arrêtes de faire semblant que t'es pas musulman sale fils de chien d'albanais

>Tfw sand niggers who ran from their lands with their tails between their legs, leaving their women and children behind to fend for themselves are "heroes" in our Brave New World

Honestly, I don't have a face for this level of bullshit.

In a sort of way when ISIS kills other muslims is removing kebab.

Is that your plan in the end. Like that one Simpsons episode? Just keep bringing different types of muzzies and counting on them to lower the population of other muzzies?

I'm clearly not pro-refugee, you retard. I even commended the young shqiptars on their act of public service.

>Honestly, I don't have a face for this level of bullshit.

If you want I have the faces of many "heroes"

>the reason is still unknown
was their availability not reason enough?

Hating Serbs isn't exactly a prerequisite for being Albanian, it's just strongly encouraged. :^)
That being said, not all Albanians are bad, obviously. Just a lot of them. Usually the muslim ones.

What are you doing in Belgium, roach?Yea, sometime you guys confound the Kosovo with Albania. Also most of Korovars drink alcool and eat pork. And they don't know a world in arabic

Don't you have a morrocan dick to suck ? laisse mes compatriotes tranquille klet

>Not dead

Gee I pitty the poor wageslave who is going to pay for the medecial bills


t'as pas une bite d'algérien à sucer?

They should stay alive to show the others ''ficky-ficky'' can be dangerous

Oh yes you confuse these alb*nians with these other alb*nians. But you see they are not true alb*nians as that is what is convenient to me right now.

t. Taqyia

>you come to france as an invader, refuse to learn the language, refuse to assimilate, demand that mosques be built, demand the French change to THEIR views, and then they get thrown out of a building*