Austrian Politics Late Night Edition

Our chancellor resigned from office today.

There is political disarray in the establishment parties.

Livestream in German of the presidential candidates debating.

Previous thread:

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>Your President is both a Prime Minister and the Head of State, right? So what's left for a Chancellor?
No, he's only head of state.

So who will replace Faymann and will they be different in any way that matters?

Kanzler = Prime Minister
President = President

Weed out degeneracy.

Jó estét, Sógors.

We have an used president for sale for a good price. Only slightly damaged. Do you need it?

>es gibt einen Furry in meinem Grätzl

For those who are interested what we pay those shills for, here is the latest
from the OH

Can we have him? Please?


auch in meiner nähe

Ah Austria, third times the charm. I believe in you this time

I don't know if letting Orbán near Finland would be a good idea. He would corrupt the ebin. The Dark Ebin would be our downfall.

Yay good news for our former masters. Get your shit together and make us a part of your empire once again.

With Love from Slovenia

>So who will replace Faymann
We don't know yet, there are a number of candidates

>will they be different in any way that matters?
probably not, here is the thing with the SPÖ, their left wing is as insane as the green party and their right wing has a lot in common with the FPÖ our right wing party, the party is slowly being torn apart between those two far left and far right parties, but there is no real move to win for them, if they move to far either way it threatens to cut the party in half and so some center guy becomes boss and his main job is to keep the party together, he can't really do much and the party slowly, over years, bleeds voters anyway. No matter what they do, the party is finished and will never ever be the party it used to be. Meanwhile the FPÖ rises.

>3.4) Studienreise nach Auschwitz und Krakau
>3.5) Artists for Refugees
>3.6) Antirassistischer Stammtisch


Are you guys closing the borders before summer? Our leftist government won't do much to seal the balkan route. We dance to the tune of Germans.

In my country they take sandniggers to the zoo also give them bikes to ride around town without any police protection. Just saw an antifa girl spoonfeed a migrant this friday.

Oh yeah and college students are paid 20€+meal to protest for mass immigration.

welcome to EU

Make Österreich groß again.

There is a petition, why not create our own invert its punchline and btfo them.


Dieser van der Bellen soll ernsthaft die größte Gefahr für Hofer sein? Ist der alte Mann schon dement oder kommt er nur senil rüber? Low-energy vdB, MakeAustriaGreatAgain!
Ich gratuliere euch jetzt schon einmal zum neuen FPÖ-Präsident, liebe Ösis!

>Are you guys closing the borders before summer?
They better do something, maybe a FPÖ President gets the message across, I highly doubt it tough. I don't even care much for the mudshits anymore, it's the traitor cucks and faggots in our own ranks that need gassing asap

I'd take the 20 bucks and the meal and not go to their bullshit protest. In fact I'd probably also try to sabotage their banners to say something racist instead.

It's still not clear what's going to happen, Right now I'd say nothing is going to happen except for when we get flooded by thousands of them again but then it will already be too late. Meanwhile Germany/Bavaria is protecting their borders and no one is saying anything.

Es gibt leider noch keine Umfragen, aber schau dir die Quoten an

Gibt in letzter Zeit allgemein keine Umfragen mehr. Scheint echt fast so als ob sich alle Spezialisten nach den letzten BP-Wahlen umgebracht hätten, indem sie die Institute in die Luft gejagt haben.

Do you love me? :3

I love my slovenski neighbors. I plan to move to Ljubljana after College.

i do not think that they know who will replace him at the time
however the whole party is marxist scum and they should be lined up against the wall

That's cool and all but our language is pretty hard. Ljubljana is beautiful but liberals are workng hard to ruin it. When do you plan to move here?

v7 when?


I have slovenian relatives there. I can speak Croatian though as my native language.

Will it be hard to learn slovenian ? It is quite different it seems.

I plan to in 3 years or so. Maybe find a wife there and a cheap place to live.

How are girls in Slovenia? I used to just visit relatives there as a kid so i didnt really get to know other people.

Kill yourself liar.


Note; I too don't agree with how imigration is being handled, but this idiot is lying.

where is bavaria?
we must save them from the islamic republic of alemania


Its kinda true?

In America you can find craig's list ads for protesters being paid 15 $ / hr.


So what does that mean mountain bros?

Are you going to leave EU now?

Have any of you Viennafags planed a happening for tonight?

Don't mind, Apparently click bait from yesterday

Wosn des fia a grausliger Fetzn.

Dire times.
I think that no matter which party gets more votes - shit will be going down hard and fast... maybe even before 2018.
Party politics is just a means to delay the inevitable.
You can see it in the attitude of the people... the betrayal by the powers that be has been so severe that an eruption is just a matter of time. The nihilistic smugness of some part of the middle class will make mission "Commander Bronson" just that much more relieivng.

kek. FLAGGE zeigen! Fahne muss rot/weiss sein.

Jo, aber net in dem Muster. Und wos sui der grüne Schas?

most likely kern. he's running the ÖBB, so the unions will probably shut up and have their balls fondled since hundstorfer was rekt lately.

Well, they had to beat up some evil nazis. Those 150 pan-humanitarian activists could barely protect themselves with their heir peace bats and peaceful bengal fire from those intolerant mourners and their racist slurs. Rumor has it they even prayed in a catholic fashion. What the fuck were they even thinking?

wir brauchen eh keine neue Flagge. rot/weiss. passt schon


There has been a study that suggested about 20 % of austrians are disenchanted with democracy and the stagnation from it. There were other numbers as well but that's the only one that really stuck with me.

potzn trips

jungs hat sich wer pro und contra reingezogen grade eben auf puls4

Ich machs grad, ausserdem netter Sternen Proxy.

falscher post

oder so?


Die Schweizer Flagge in Form eines Schilds

bin auf urlaub ;)

ich find der dicke gruber sollte in die regierung der is so gscheit.einzig das über die steuerreform könnte man hinterfragen aber ansonsten.

are Austrians basically niggers compared to Switzerland?

This is not very tolerant


>Lefties with basies beating up citizens paying respect to a victime of violence
Vienna has really become Bizzaro World

Die Kommunistenhenn muas aber weg.

Genies den Urlaub mein Freund, hoffentlich kommste zurück mit nem gutem Wahlergebnis.

ohne de bayern geht übahaupt nix

>die Flagge der schönsten Nation der Welt

Irgendwann ;_;

Die Trauer war angemeldet, die hochgelobte "Spontandemonstration" der Linken übrigens nicht. Dazu ein nettes Zitat:

>Seitens der linken Aktivisten wurde die Demo als Erfolg gesehen: "Wir werten die Spontandemonstration als Erfolg, es ist uns heute gelungen, die rechtsextreme 'Mahnwache' der 'Identitären' sowie jegliches andere öffentliche Auftreten von Rechtsextremen im Bezirk zu verhindern", sagte Tom Müller, Pressesprecher der Plattform NoFascism.

yep. könnte man noch verbessern

Fucking Austrian niggers always causing Chaos and Disarray.

WWIII will be started by Austria. Screencap this.

It will happen if you fuckers elect Hillary.

Ich bin ein Schwarzkopf im Schwabenland. Ich liebe es hier, beschäftige mich viel mit Heimatkunde und mag keine Muselmannen.

Was habt ihr mit mir vor? ;__;

ich zitiere den basierten Adolf Schärf "Der Anschluss ist tot. Die Liebe zum Deutschen Reich ist den Österreichern ausgetrieben worden."

just a reminder austria has a city called "judenburg" which means "jewish borough"
>austria won't be based until they clean up ALL the filth

>k-keep me posted

But seriously though keep us up to date, during crazy times like these these devious snake people loose composure and we get a brief look at who they really are behind the fake politician robot face.

You can learn a lot about a person when they in the grips of fear.


You think that's bad? Nothern Germany has a city called Cuxhaven.

Sie sprechen Deutsch in Vietnam?

You think that's bad? We have a city called "FUCKING"

>not realizing that this probably has a different history than the one you imagine

also this

jesus christ germany we can only take so much of your nonsense

that isn't bad
that's pretty funny tbqh

Im on vacation here. just with my fellow countrymen.

Aber andere Frage.Von wo beherrschen sie die Rechtschreibung?

I know the history of the place dude, they kicked out all the jews in the 1400s or 1500s i think, and the nazis set up a concentration camp near by as well
I am just making some banter

Sie sprechen Deutsch in Americo?

>"Der Anschluss ist tot. Die Liebe zum Deutschen Reich ist den Österreichern ausgetrieben worden."
Gut dass da nix von Eroberung steht :^)

>Where do you live?
>In Fucking, Austria
>...okay, and where exactly in Austria?
>Jeez calm down, forget I said anything. Austrians, I swear.

Neuwahlen j/n?


ich weiss nicht

Deutscher in Amerika oder Proxy?

ja, meine mutter kommt aus Deutschland, und sie brachte mir.

>implying that white americans are anglo or spics?

>TFW actually living there

There's also a Judendorf.

i rly cant respect country which we could take over in 2 days. sry ~


die werden jetzt folgendes ausjüdeln:
>fliegender wechsel zu einer vom team stronach unterstützten schwarz-blauen regierung
>zwei jahre geballte inkompetenz garantiert
>SPÖ kriegt 2018 die protestwähler



Time to get a german keyboard.

Ich bin Amerikaner
ich wohne in Florida

your first income tax as a resident will send you back running I guarantee that, unless you want to start a business and quickly learn a trick or two from savvy accountants how to not get communist'd out of your revenue

Amerika wäre viel schöner als deutschsprachiges Land. Englisch ist eine verklemmte Sprache und passt nicht zu euch.

not bad!!
but the year is wrong :D