Admiration thread

My victory is to have 11 Basques in the field!

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>an ethnically-restricted mid table la liga squad would rape literally any english team

rly mks u dink

Athletic has no relegations in your history

will eurabia ever recover?



They're like the 3rd most winning team in spain.

>the top 6 leliga teams would win the EPLeL
>the bottom 6 leliga teams would get relegated in the EPLel

What about the other 8 teams?

Hey what's going on I'm of basque origin (:

Why the fuck are Basque names so weird? Its like they belong in Africa or smth

You have to go back.

Idk, why the fuck do Singaporean names sound so Chinese?

Like Quan Yan Changwang

what happened

The anthem

too bad their warrior, vicious genome and their shitty subculture makes any Basque basically a potential murderer

100% pure Basque

french mixed with spanish


Get a load of this faggot.

why do people act like fucking hull city or boro are better than celta vigo or osasuna. guaranteed the bottom six la liga teams would replace the bottom six eplel teams

if athletic can put up a serious challenge to barca and play beautiful football while doing it, they would literally walk the prem. let's be real, they play the sport with more gusto down there than simply buying the newest pacy nog and the hoofing it to him

are they /ourguys/?s

He spends too much time on the solarium.