Could you recommend me good books?

Could you recommend me good books?

William Gibson - Neuromancer Trilogy

HP Blavatsky's secret doctrine

The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss
Also the second book A wise Man's Fear
The third is still being edited and whatnot so

Anything by Slavoj Zizek if you want to know how fucked humanity is through Hegelian philosophy and Lacanian psychoanalysis

Pic unrelated, I just made chocolate cake

Patric Rothfuss - The Kingkiller Chronicle.
Two books out, third coming soon.
Some of the best fantasy I have ever read, and I real a lot.

george orwell 1984
stephen kind Mr. Mercedes

Thousand and One Nights
Life and Times of Michael K
just some high school shit

The Holy Quran

> "soon"
But yeah, great books.

Looks good user.
I've seen this recommended a lot. Is it really that groundbreaking? Would you put it above the Song of Ice and Fire?

Thank you, guys.

I started reading American Kingpin. It's pretty good.

"The last wish" its the first book in the witcher saga

>Would you put it above the Song of Ice and Fire?
YES. A hundred times yes.
>extremely well written
>great characters
>awesome story
>never boring
They are just perfect. Read both twice now waiting for nr 3.

Shit read this a week back good shit

They're different styles. ASOIAF is basically a wide-scale epic, full of political manoeuvring and deconstructions of the genre. Kingkiller focuses more on atmosphere and twists of the journey as you follow the main character. Personally, I like the latter more.


Mistborn Books
The Expanse
The Death Gate Series

These are all high fantasy btw.

Battle Royale by Kōshun Takami is a fantastic novel, it's like Hunger Games if it was an actual good cohesive book.

>The Kingkiller Chronicle
At least Rothfuss gave us the name of the third book in his live stream for charity. Doors of Stone.
It's the last book with Kvothe as the main character but he also revealed there will be several more series happening in the same world as his. Possibly a son.

Doors of stone is a myth and will never be released.

My favorite fantasy series of all time is the malazan book of the Fallen by canadian author steven erikson but so far the stormlight archive by brandon sanderson has been quite good.

>Doors of stone is a myth and will never be released.
Kek how young are you?
I've waited over a decade for some books to come out.. And he is indeed still writing it.
Rothfuss doesn't bullshit like other writers.

My favorite book and main character of all time.
The First Chronicles of Druss the Legend by David Gemmell.
>Snaga the demon forged axe
>still want it in real life 20 something years later
It's on par with The Kingkiller Chronicle.

Fuck I love Druss.
"The man who makes entire armies retreat and run for their life"
Fuck yeah.

The new jim crowe

The republic


crativity inc

Yeah the ending was explosive