Now that the dust has settled, what went wrong?

now that the dust has settled, what went wrong?

was it
>allowing thomas rawls 100 yards in a half
>sub 50 yards passing in a half
>being incapable of making a catch

should the lions be banned from playoffs?

We suck and overachieved. Most Detroit fans know this and know the team disappoints them every year.


This too. They always seem to fuck us hard.

>inb4 every 3rd worlder from detriot cries reball

>the Lions playing like shit isn't why they're losing it's the refs

That face mask was a miss but otherwise they've just been sucking big ol' ass.


It's OK the Lions still got this. Xeattle is that shit. Don't get too down.

>all these drops

fuckin christ

>apart from what may be the only touchdown scored in this game, they've sucked

makes it even worse desu, seahawks have sucked too

most of the time, refs gave us a lot against the Packers and we still couldn't capitalize on it

Lions were over achieving and winning a lot of close games,anyone who looks at NFL history knows teams who are winning lots and lots of close games are getting some degree of good luck and that it can change at the drop of a hat

I wasn't saying the Seahawks were playing like gods but they're definitely not playing as bad as the Lions.

>implying it's not Stafford who helped

Pick one

Or another way to put it, if you're winning a lot of come backs in the 4th quarter which is what Stafford was getting a lot of credit for earlier, that means his team was losing a lot of games late in the 4th quarter, not a healthy practice

The Lions are outplaying them though. So you're wrong.

haha you are so new if you're asking this. Have a seat and go read on some lions history

JUST fuck our shit up. Fans come to expect it at this point.

The ability to bounce back from being down is admirable, not at all an unhealthy practice. The best teams are the ones that fight back, not sit pretty.

you do know that team with a lot of holes being carried by a QB is basically the worst thing that can happen to a franchise right? Example A the Colts, Luck got them good in a weak conference too fast killing their draft position when they needed good drafts still, and know it's come back to bite them.

Stafford injured his finger and it's clearly affected his performance. The teams last three losses happened after his injury

>mfw this is a good defensive draft

Based Quinn is gonna solve some of our problems

>losing the entire time is out playing


Except maybe you're overthinking it and the Xecucks are this bad? This game is far from over and the Lions will win tonight if they keep on their pace. Don't give up yet.

Name me one hole on the Lions offense.

That's right, they don't. This team is complete, it's a matter of doing what they've always done, which is rebound from being down. You're not looking into it carefully enough.

Not what I'm saying. Coming back strong on top is what makes the Lions a great team and deserving of a big distinction in the league, perhaps with Bowl implications if it continues. I'm banking on it to show later on.

Sure it's admirable, but when it keeps happening in the final few minutes it's also risky as hell, one day you're going to have one less time out than you need, or a receiver doesn't get out of bounds, etc, dude I'm a Falcons fan, we went through the same shit in 2012 and our luck ran out in that very fucking scenario in the NFC championship

I will NEVER give up on this team!

Yeah the 29th ranked rushing offense in the NFL doesn't have any holes

>name me one hole

apart for your inability to construct a sentence, how about the fact that receivers cant catch?

It's better to take risks than to play conservatively. You'll find that many teams are overrated if they constantly do the latter.

Football is any given Sunday. You're supposed to give it every last bit of heart you can. And if it's at the last minute, it's the best.

It's not how you start at all, it's how you finish. Take the 2010 Packers, the 2011 Giants, and others for example.

They played the three toughest games during that time too

>the Zenner sucks meme

Cuck detected

Except that's because the penalties are being drawn on them but the blind refs won't call them. You and I both know this is true.

Le cuck xD

>you and I both know this is true

please don't lump me in with you. the detriot lions """receiving core""" is filled with shit tier overrated hacks with hands of stone.

THIS should be something you know is true, and it has nothing to do with the refs

Golden Tate has been dominant all year and Marvin Jones is a serviceable number 2 receiver. Boldin is also a welcome 3rd.

And are you not denying that the refs have been totally off with their calls today? Do you even watch Xecucks games in Xeattle?

Keep trying, Xecuck fag

Sucks or not they still have the 3rd worst rushing offense in the NFL this year
and the 21st ranked total offense
and the 18th ranked defense
You finished the year with a fucking -12 point dif

the Lions have holes all over the damn place

Where are all these holes? I'll try to disprove you either way. But this really is a team that should have Super Bowl implications based on the talent we have at core positions.

Golden Tate is at best a top 15 WR. Marvin Jones is below average 2.

And Eric Ebron?

Zenner's okay but is at best a top 15 RB. Finally your Oline isn't great. Especially at run blocking where their bottom five.

It's an average offense.

Holy shit these refs are fucking garbage

>not catchable


>the team was 0-5 this against playoff teams this year
>finished with a negative point differential
>29th ranked running game
>wasn't even a top 10 passing offense(11th)
>19th ranked defense
>about to finish the season with a 4 game losing streak

>superbowl implications
We're done here, research your own team personnel

In this game?
>12th man
>13th man (refs)
>dumb nigger penalties
>also your center is out. As a falcons fan, I learned how important center is when we went from scrub who never played the position before in 15 to Alex Mack in 16.

You're only down by 13 so they could come back. If not, my coons will humiliate them next week.

Fuck Seattle. Kick their ass please.

>muh 12s

Can't stand the pretentious fucks

I hate them to bro.

Falcons were cucked out of a win in Seattle by a no call on Julio, so they'll be out for blood.

>that fucking call

See faggots? Fords must have some fucking dirt on jewdell. They fuck them every time.

what could they have

>delusional drunk lions fan replies only

Well shit, I'm glad I didn't get my hopes up and waste my time watching this season. Fucking Lions.

Easiest way to troll muh 12s is to remind them they pay a college every year in order to call themselves that. Plastic tradition.

Any real lions fan knows they shouldn't expect anything. Only newfag fans are dumb enough to ever believe.

That's why I stopped watching.

when did you stop

Detoilet should not have been in the playoffs.

Having to scrape fourth quarter comebacks against shitty teams shouldn't earn you a playoff slot. Going 0-3 to finish out their season against three playoff team was all you needed to know about their chances.

All these fags calling refball are just salty as fuck.

>whistle blows
>defenders pick up Stafford and drop him
>no flag

What the fuck

I don't know about the other dude but for me it was maybe 3 years ago. I stopped watching all NFL games. Too many commercials, too much BS politics and just too much rigging.

Just here to post my two cents before my boss yells at me. Dropped passes and no running game.

Also letting a literally who get 100+ yards on the ground is unacceptable. Here's to another year of mediocrity.

Yeah but you have to be prepared for that whenever you play Seattle

>Seattle in the top 10 most penalized teams
>for the past 5 seasons
>"W-why don't the refs call anything on Seattle?"
Congrats on not knowing what the fuck you are talking about.

>All these fags calling refball are just salty as fuck.
Except for the fact that it's one of the most blatant refball games I've seen in my 20 years of watching football.


haha look mom I posted it again in another thread xd

how many interceptions did the referees throw tonight?

it's too bad the loins and bengals are in separate conferences
curious to see if a tornado would form at the 50 yard line since its impossible for either to win

>Seattle in the top 10 most penalized teams
They are number 10. Lions are number 1.
There weren't any int this game.


>implying anyone here lives in Detroit

xd haha toilet

>They were outplayed
>Couldn't stop the run
>Refs did buttfuck them a little bit
>Baldwin went ham on them

Typical Loins performance.

>Lions, the team most fucked by refs
>Seahawks, the team most bailed out by refs
If the Loins came out firing on all cylinders I would not have been surprised to see them hit with 70 penalties for 2400 yards
Lucky for them they just shit the bed instead

Keeping Caldwell

reply 'goodnight sleeptight matty boy' or else the city of Detroit will be turned into a pile of rubble

A little late for that, user.

>play bad

I do like how they had to reinforce the fact that they were keeping him, on a week they were preparing for the playoffs, for a team that never makes the playoffs
Just so very Lions

>not pondering why they played bad instead of accepting it like a faggot

really forces thee ponder

Keep blaming the refs. Ignore the obvious weaknesses of your team and blame the refs. You'll never improve or win a playoff game, but, hey, at least it won't be because your team is absolute fucking dogshit.

You've clearly never been to detroit

>bad team plays badly

The offensive line is shit. Decker and Glassglow are good and that third stringer was better than Reif was his entire career but the o-line can't block for shit. Stafford literally only has seconds in the pocket and Zenner has no effective blocking so he rarely gets productive runs

Teryl Austin is a shit DC, there, I said it. The reality is that he looked good in 2014 because he had some of the best defensive talent in the league to work with. There's a reason no one wants to hire him as a HC like he wants to be.

Caldwell. Needs no explanation

3 years ago as well. Posting sad frogs in lions gear got tiring fast.


>1 (one) playoff win in 50 years
>The shitty of Detoilet