Is next year /ouryear/?

is next year /ouryear/?

I believe!

Unironically, yes.

As a Packer fan I can honestly say I'd be cool with a Bear's Owl victory would actually root for them if they got there (you can say these sort of things when it's an impossibility.

I'm OP and I'm actually a Packers fan too, I live in Chicago for work as of recent have taken a liking to Burrs fans because they live a depressing life

>tfw it's been 10 years since they were in the owl, and I still had to look it up again just to be sure it wasn't even longer

Yes. Alshon Jeffery guarenteed it.

>tfw the Bears go 13-3 and go all the way to the owl

it's only cuz Burrs QBs are always notorious for throwing tons of INTs, Burrs defense is always solid

>Burrs defense is always solid
Clearly you weren't around during the Marc "Just Fuck My Franchise Up" Trestman days and his back to back 50+ pt loss games

You guys clearly have not been around enough Bears fans. I was raised Packers fan in Chicago and Bears fans are loud and fucking obnoxious HURR DAH BEARS. They are depressed and salty. They deserve all of their losses and suffering. It's not like Chicago doesn't have enough championship teams. I love making fun of my friends when the Bears lose, that Jordy catch this year was brilliant.

ok that was bad but short lived

If Cutlel is still the QB, then no.

They still have ways to go. It's gotten a lot better under Vic, but it's nowhere near championship statuts

Yea right

That Thanksgiving 2015 game was incredible too, right user?

I'm not even going to bully how pathetic your franchise is. I know 3-13 hurts, so I'll leave you alone to cry about that.

>Brett favre day
>should be a guaranteed win for the packers
>"Huh? Who is that?"
>shadowy figure emerges in the distance
>a beautiful Down syndrome face emerges from the shadows
>"I really wish I weren't here right now" says the shadowy figure
>it's jay goatler
>historical documents have contradicted each other, but most say jay goatler threw up to 10 TD passes
>Brett favre day ruined
>thanksgiving ruined
>packers shit their pants

I fully believe that 2016 is the end of the current JUST-era and that great things are coming. If I could live through then I could live through this clusterfuck of a season.

You'll get there too once Ted Thompson steps down and Rogers calls it a career, user

My fucking sides are in orbit

>raised a packers fan in chicago

I'm willing to wager you have a set of ear guages and a unicycle currently within arm's length