What's the answer? Most people got this wrong. Stay sharp yall

What's the answer? Most people got this wrong. Stay sharp yall.

Inb4 some stupid autismo answer. It's 17 you fucks.



Both wrong.


3 apples = 30, 1 apple = 10
apple without a leaf + 2x 4bananas = 18
18-10 = 8, 8/8 = 1, 1 banana = 1
4 bananas - 2 coconút halves = 1, 4-1 = 3, 3/2 = 1.5
1 coconut half + apple with leaf + 3 banans = 1.5 + 10 + 3 = 14.5

Don't forget these faggot cancer normie questions try and be clever by removing one banana and one coconut in the final line. Oooo so clever much wow.



someone cant find the answer


Also one of the apples doesn't have a leeds but the rest do. Like da fuck is that suppose to mean.


More variables than equations if apple with leaf != apple without leaf. And thats granting that # of bananas and coconuts scales linearly.


Ding ding

What do you mean apple without leaf? All the apples have leaves. The red vegetable on the 2nd row is a tomato.


there is no one solution

let a = apple
let b = apple leaf
let c = one banana
let d = one coconut half

with only 3 equations cannot solve for 4 unknown sry

why would you assume the leaf means anything, just solve it as if the apple means the same

Thats like if I said d+b+1=7
Solve for d.
Would d be 3 because we will say d and b are the same variable
Or is it unsolvable because there are two variables.

You can't just go "well X sort of looks like Y" in math and determine they're the same thing. Even childish stupid math like this

why assign different variables to different apples, that's dumb

like assigning different variables to each apple with a leaf because they have slightly different

3 apples = 30
3x = 30
x = 10

apple (assuming that having no leaf is the same as a apple with a leaf) + 2 bananas
10 + 2y = 18
2y = 8
y = 4

banana - coconut = 1
4 - z = 1
-z = -3
z = 3

answer is 17 retards

Not the same at all.
Nice bait though

Not realizing the fact that the bananas and the coconuts in the 4th row are different quantities from row 3

Assuming all apples are the same:

3a = 30
a = 10

a+4b+4b = 18
10+8b = 18
8b = 8
b = 1

4b-2c = 1
4-2c = 1
-2c = -3
2c = 3
c = 1.5

c+a+3b = 1.5+10+3 = 14.5

If apples aren't the same, it's unsolvable.

It's solvable if apples aren't the same, dillweed.

Is that some kind of red carrot?

Wrong autismo...

This cannot be solved. The variable representing 2 bananas has not been declared. Can't assume it's any value.

Do you not know how to a simplify a system of equations?

14.5, half a nut and he took a nan away

... and mix it all up, cost $14.50
cheers user

Its impossible.


i'm assuming the apple on the second row missing a leaf is an error

but either way it doesn't matter, it's 14

2n = n + n

what we have here is a simple math problem with fruity variables, what are you seeing user? Most “normal” fruits and vegetables we eat today are modern creations, the familiar yellow banana, boysenberries (a hybrid of raspberries and blackberries), and most apple varieties, we’ve been cross-pollinating plants for centuries, time to step up to the plate user

so one leaf equal to fitty cents? I'd buy that for a dolla!

But what makes a new variable? By not specifying constants you leave people to interpret the equation in whatever way they choose. We dont have this problem with numbers because they are constant. So fuck off, and everyone please leave this thread.


where you buying your fruit op? one apple with leaf still attached (organic) $10 bucks? The real variable is how cheap is an inorganic apple?

Apple 10
Banana 4
Coconut 3

If we assume that half coconut is half of 3 (1.5) instead of undefined then it is 10 + 4 + 1.5

So 15.5