Do you rate him?

Do you rate him?


Of course

I love Fly Emirates, they're my favorite club

of course not, i fucking hate his style of playing

>le do everything and don't take credit man

Only Modricly

Yes tbqh


What, being better than everyone else?

Highly, top 5 CM In the world

youd be an idiot not to

>top 5
>not number 1


Yeah he was great for one season at Spuds. To Sup Forumsastics that means he's world class and they'll never 5get him until some new meme comes along.

Only the ultimate contrarian would truly believe in his heart that Modric is a meme

he was their best player in the 13/14 season and the player most responsible for their winning the CL, he's meant more for Madrid than their current manager ever has.

>I don't rate Zidane

Zidane's best was at Juve. They are both Madrid legends.

>Rating a goblin with eleven different choices to pass
Seems kinda unfair kouhai

Is he in his prime at the moment?

He's the second best Croation midfielder

>I rate Kovasic over Modric

Rakitic you dumb fuck

Could get into any team in the world.

Hm... not sure about that.

Name me one.

In fact, try and name me one where he wouldn't get in and improve the team.


*dabs smugly*

thats even worse

best player at his club in the last 2 seasons, fantastic at NT as well
best midfielder in the world

what a fucking shame he plays for Real

Prove me wrong

Probably the best CM in the world for the last couple fo seasons

>le cover the space that messi leaves behind man

burden of proof is on you m9 but here you go

The best player for Real Madrid and probably the best midfielder in the world.

Katie Ledecky is my waifu.


>deleting this defensive stats

>rating the tic

Chelsea, boss.

it's not their duty to make tackles and interceptions

their only job is POSSESSION

Toni Kroos is horrible tho, he has no purpose other than holding the pace, maybe he is a league player or whatever, but if you need him in a UCL match, or a derby, he will never show up

he sure showed up to 7-1 and he had a good euro

national team Kroos is the best Kroos

Modric is even better than Penaldo and Meshit

>their only job is POSSESSION
That's wrong and you know Modric has better defensive stats than Kroos even though Kroos plays DM in place of Casemiro in matches.

Best midfielder in the world.

Is there not enough flopping and murder ball for you?

>he sure showed up to 7-1
everyone did, i think the only average player was Ozil maybe.
and in Euro against France when they needed some creativity, maybe a long shot, or whatever, he simply didn't bring it.

he is worse than Casemiro, like really dude Casemiro

Best player in the world imo. He controls everything, everything goes through him he holds it all together. He's a maestro and has a laser of a shot. Wish he would shoot more.

A great footballer but he should pay the fucking taxes and not cheat the state.

I'm sure he pays Spanish taxes

if he'd get in any team in the world it's because he's better than their current midfielder, it's pretty much common sense that a team would improve with a better player in it

>Luka Modric < Cesc Fabregas

English footblling opinions at an all time low