Wow Golden State fans are the worst

>Wow Golden State fans are the worst
>Wow Miami heat fans are the worst
>Wow Seahawk fans are the worst
>Wow Cubs fans are the worst

Do you just hate any new popular teams?

I bet none of you even personally know a GSW/Seahawks/Cubs fan.

Other urls found in this thread:

>I bet none of you even personally know a GSW/Seahawks/Cubs fan.
Well I am one, I'm a fan of all of those teams, does that count?

>I bet none of you even personally know a GSW/Seahawks/Cubs fan.

Right here buddy

>Do you just hate any new popular teams?

Do you think that's a coincidence? Maybe new popular teams happen to attract the most annoying bandwagoners?

>I bet none of you even personally know a GSW/Seahawks/Cubs fan.
I don't because I don't live near plastic liberal faggots

Nothing wrong with hazing bandwagoners

Cubs fans arent that bad

All florida fans suck. No respectable person wants to say they live in florida, only old people and cubans move in soooo

Zhehawk fans never existed until 5 years ago. they are insufferable. The most popular team in washington is still the Sonics tho. Shuan Alexander??? whos dat?!!?

Golden State fans are the same as Zhehawks, except they liked the Lakers, now they like GS

Or maybe people are just petty and don't like when other teams win and not their own?

>Do you just hate any new popular teams?
This has been proven right since the whole deflategate scandal

Except all of those """""fanbases""""" are complete trash. Not sure what your argument is.

do you guys remember the autist that posted on Sup Forums way back who claimed he was only a fan of 'winners' and would seriously watch and root for teams like the patriots, lakers, auburn, etc and made videos discussing his "winners" and their tactics?

it was disgusting yet hilarious at the same time

I don't think anyone would remember, it was a time when the original advice dog first started exploding (pic related)


> Golden State
meme team that is smaller market and regional. suddenly bandwagoners everywhere, can't deny that

> Miami heat
florida is a shit fanbase state and everybody knows MUH DECISION created ultimate bandwagoners. their own fans left the arena, max keks

> Seahawks
complete shit franchise for their entire history until muh 12th man

> Cubs fans
cubs fans are shitty but at least they're shitty because they were self-hating, muh curse. but they have always existed

it's as if popular teams shouldn't be popular but fairweather/front-running faggots ruin it for everybody

What's wrong with watching winning teams? You really want to watch jags vs Browns over Hawks vs Patriots?

Old memes were the worst. Who thought this was clever?

Gotta start somewhere. I remember when EFG made me laugh harder than anything.

He was clearly a band wagoner and only rooted for those that were winning that year.

>I bet none of you even personally know a Xecucks fan

I live around them and solely converted because of them.

And the Sonics were appropriately relocated to OKC as it couldn't have been any better of a blessing.

Just nuke the PNW while you're at it.

Glad I don't live near brain dead conservative cucks

You don't belong here.

t. s

>I bet none of you even personally know a GSW/Seahawks/Cubs fan.
cubs fans are cucks
seahawk fans are newfags
GSW fans are typical casual basketball fans
penguin fans are cunts or kids
hawk fans are nig nogs

that's coming from someone who knows or has known fans of all teams.

Seahawks fans are actually the worst though. There are leagues of embarrassing Seahawks fans that get posted here all the time. Look at this shit

The video was posted the day I stopped being a Xecucks fan. Interesting. Not that it should be surprising or predictable or anything though.

Sup Forums is a libertarian board buddy sorry

>literally falling for meme politics

Sup Forums is a NatSoc board. Only a Xecucks fan would think otherwise because DUDE WEED LMAO

I rooted for Victor Alexander and Vincent Askew! VINCENT FUCKING ASKEW DAMMIT

Don't you have a white guilt rally to go to?

the seahawks are terrible and national socialism is for Sup Forums roleplayers only

The Xecucks represent everything we are against here. Nothing wrong with national socialism. It's part of why we hate the Xecucks in the first place, if not a core and integral part of it.

t. r/thedonald

>implying I support (((Trump)))
>not supporting Richard Spencer

wow newfags are the worst

Dont remember that, but i do remember i few years back an user found some youtube videos of some edgy kid who would only root for winning teams. Sadly youtube removed the videos.

>gif related

Man Sup Forums is full of autists. Sorry Seahawks fans get too "into it" for you. Just continue ironically watching the Bills because your dad said were good in the 90s and passively watching them during a fuckin sweet World of Warcraft session though.

Hes still in middle school

Time to go back to pol

Cubs fans are rich, northshore or northshore wannabie cucks.

That being said I'd rather be that than a southside negroid so I'm a cubs fan.

>I post on Sup Forums all the time, I'm so cool

>Sup Forums is a board

GSW fans ARE the worst, objectively.
Miami Heat fans are ok.
Seahawk fans are pretty fucking bad.
Cubs fans are masochists that finally got a payoff from all their pain and suffering.

I think you're just baiting because no one on Sup Forums would seriously defend that video

Unless that's you then lmao my nigga

Why are they the worst? What do they do that any other fan base hasn't had?

They have bandwagons, so? Any team that has ever had a championship run will have bandwagons. What exactly do they do that's sooooo bad.

Seems to me people just say this about any team they don't like.
