ITT advice thread on Sup Forums

ITT advice thread on Sup Forums

What do you need advice on?

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Need a bro? Talk user, I'm here, I'll do my best to respond while I play Shovel Knight Spector of Torment

selfish bump


I need advice on a job offer I got. Its decent for my major, 60K, but they're drainers and might not let me stay in my state and make me relocate.

A lot of people have mixed feelings about the offer, but my family say I should just skip it and get something better and or local.

Thing is, I want to start working as soon as possible for experience, and to kill my boredom. Plus I have low self esteem when it comes to applying to jobs. Nine times out of ten I don't get a response.

then do it user! I mean, of course, it's all up to you.
For all you know this is the best thing ever. Who knows, maybe it will all work out!

>have to work 40hours a week or else I'm fired
Can't do 40 hours because I have other things I need to do
>won't have money and don't want to sell drugs
>recently lost a lot of money
>might not be able to insure car
>family member close to dying

IDK man. I kind of don't want to move out to different state.

60K living at home is amazing, 60K in a different state is meh.

I really want some experience though.

I'm super on the fence.

the biggest rule I tell people is you gotta look out for number 1.

sure but who said you had to share it? who said you had to live an amazing place? do you want to get out and be on your own someday or do you want mommy and daddy to take care of you? Do you think that a girl is going to want to date a dude that lives at home with his parents?

What is that supposed to mean
>rule number 1

No it just means you user. Look out for you. you can't be useful to other's if you're down dude. So in this right now, doing everything you wanna do, will need your attention but you can't if you can't focus

fuck you privileged faggot

Still not 100% sure on what you think I should do

Thing is that I would have to pay more, where as at home it would mostly be transport charges.

I'm also a bit on the fence because the placement is in the tri-state area, and that can be good or bad.

I live in the NYC area so there's a lot of good tech jobs by me, so I'm wondering if I should wait for a better opportunity.

A lot of people have roasted the company I got the offer from, InfoSys, saying that its not the best place to work for.

Its also the first company to reply to me since I've applied to places since graduating this May.

I want to accept it, but I also don't want to rush into it. I'm leaning more towards accepting it, but I still don't want to ignore anything else.

And I don't fuck with hoes. I'm all about autism, and no ass.

Privileged? How so?

Some random tech company that's hiring an ass load of people gave me an offer.

If you have CS as even a minor you could get a job with InfoSys, their fucking interview was super easy and they got back to me super fast.

Its not just me. When I got the offer I saw a handful of other people online say they got the same offer.

You should him them up.

>the last line kek
Dude you'll never develop as a human unless you take risks. You could move up in this company or even sidestep but 60k starting after graduation is stupid lucky you peice of shit. Take the job, get a new life and get out from underneath mum and dads wing


also fuck you


fuck you i wish i could get a job in my feild for 60k usd in the same year i graduated you ungreatful little mommys boy fat cunt

so this stuff will sound stupid now but...oh well.
so im a faggot, thats clear. not the normal kind but the enhanced, probably trans kijd if faggot. i dont know how to cope with it, im 6'1", ive got manhands and feet so thats always something that makes me impassable, ill always just be that creepy guy in womens clothing, doesnt matter how much i do, but looking female because of stuff like clothing and makeup always made me feel.... i guess kinda well, but i cant really put a finger on it
the main problem is that, for the moment, im not getting my ass outta bed because it all seems so useless, so i missed like 2 months of college/uni now. even my regular gaming stuff cant properly bring my ass outta bed, now its kinda okay when it comes to that, i kinda have a personal goal (decent time in a dark souls speedrun) which at least brings me outta bed.
also, one of the psychologists i talked to strongly advised me to go to a clinic to find out what i actually want, id also have more time because of it, all that stuff. im intrigued by the idea but i dont really know, so...wat do?

You need to go find something you love, a passion or atleast something else to occupy your time (not games) and work from there. What country do you live in?

>You need to go find something you love, a passion or atleast something else to occupy your time (not games) and work from there.
yeah, i thought so. im just not really motivated by anything, it all seems so not worth doing it. this sounds incredibly entitled, holy fuck
>What country do you live in?

Any vices? like drinking smoking ect

not really when it comes to that, i used to drink more regularly but it didnt really give me anything so i stopped that again, smpking was never my thing. im living in a students home so i probably would have access to drugs but never tried any. biggest vice would probably be staying in bed until i go to my pc cause i fucked up uni for the day. especially when it comes to uni ive got large issues, i kinda only do it cause my brother was in the same one im in right now and i knew its something where i can be away from home, just have my distance and everything. i dont really do it cause i want it too much, its cause i know my dad wont be disappointed. same goes for the whole trans thingy, i cant even be a man, the shit ive been given from fucking birth

take sexuality and gender out of the equation because in this day and age it's irrelevant. Go to a doctor and tell them all of this because you might just need some small medication to keep your spirits up until you can learn how to do it yourself. Or go traveling for a while and see how hard other cunts have it, it can really open your mind up to what you want to do
>inb4 find yourself in india
go somewhere cool where their culture is something you're passionate or at least have interest in. Maybe columbia and get addicted to coke for a few months? who knows mate the world is your oyster