

>mes que un club

>False 9


>rating zidane

These are the shittiest, most uninspired, unfunny threads Sup Forums ever produces and that takes some fucking doing. This is literally the exact same thread every single time with no variation. Fuck off.


>These are the shittiest, most uninspired, unfunny threads Sup Forums ever produces and that takes some fucking doing. This is literally the exact same thread every single time with no variation. Fuck off.

>false goalkeeper

>England National Team

>Protein shakes

lampard > gerrard > ... > carrick > scholes

>black goalkeepers


>short passing

>a dog with a hat



>one striker formation

>two striker formation



that's a big fedora

>la liga is technical
>serie a is tactical
>epl is physical

I'm pretty sure that's a way to play the piano

>total football


>the makelele role




>garra charrua


>Rock N Roll Soccer



>makelele role
>offside trap
>black horse

This. At least meme post properly.

>These are the shittiest, most uninspired, unfunny threads Sup Forums ever produces and that takes some fucking doing. This is literally the exact same thread every single time with no variation. Fuck off.

haha so well memed



>risposta enigmatica



>"English football prospects are just a bunch of pacy niggers."

>in la liga it's a foul