The king of Lakeside makes his entrance today as three time champion Martin Adams kicks off his quest to tie Raymond van Barneveld's four BDO world titles, with 2015 champion Scott Mitchell also beginning his campaign.

Wolfie's battle with prostate cancer has been noted and it may have been part of the reason he performed so poorly at 2016's Grand Slam compared to the prior year, winning none of his matches. He starts the day's action against Newcastle's Ryan Joyce, who had a solid 90 average in his 3-0 win over Sweden's Dennis Nilsson yesterday. Scotty Dog should have a very easy victory over the least-worst player from last night's torturous match involving Roger Janssen and Mark McGrath; unfortunately for Jansen, it wasn't him.

The evening's only real highlight is Tipton's most intelligent man Jamie Hughes against YORKSHIRE'S Martin Atkins, who is best known for being a mohawked 50-something embarrassment and producer of the worst apology/excuse ever when he quit a match against Rick Hofstra two years ago due to elbow trouble and then bled his heart out on stage in scenes that would give anyone second hand cringe. Expect the Black Country mob to be out in force to boo Atkins any time he gets close to a double to finish.

The women's draw today sees two time back-to-back champion and actually good player Lisa Ashton and /180/ waifu Fallon Sherrock start their tournaments against Sharon Prins and Olive Byamukama in the afternoon and evening respectively.

Coverage starts at 12:30pm on Channel 4 before switching to BT Sport 1 at 6:45pm.

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All matches are best of 5 sets except women's matches (best of 3 sets). Women's matches are in greentext.

>Today's matches (12:45pm - 5:30pm)
Martin Adams (5) v Ryan Joyce
Tom Sawyer v Paul Hogan (P)
>Lisa Ashton (2) v Sharon Prins
Scott Mitchell (2) v Mark McGrath

>Tonight's matches (6:45pm - 10:45pm)
Krzyztof Ratajski v Willem Mandingers (P)
>Fallon Sherrock (7) v Olive Byamukama
Raymond Smith v Davy Van Baelen (P)
Jamie Hughes (4) v Martin Atkins

>Today's matches (12:45pm - 5:30pm)
Sorry, that should say 12:30.

>Channel 4 in charge of consistent scheduling

It's wolfieeeee


Time for Broken Wolfie to claim back his crown.

>What can I get you, user?

Lisa Ashton is a true MILF, would bang all day and night.

When does Ted Hankey play?

Have a word with yourself. She looks like some old council estate slag that gets in the news because she let some 14 year olds throw it up her because they bought her alcohol.

The only way Ted Hankey will be playing is if he kills one of the competitors and wears their skin on stage.

So you're saying there's a good chance

Where next for Jobberback after his pathetic performance last night?

It's alright, I know I have bad tastes.
But I'd still fuck her.

We're on now.

a move to the PDC so he can play against worse opponents

>wasting half an hour on evening session highlights

>She looks like some old council estate slag that gets in the news because she let some 14 year olds throw it up her because they bought her alcohol.
Yeah but did they fugg?

>using "family"
>"Other organisations you can't mingle with them"
Well that's Jeff Smith cutting all ties with the PDC.


O'Shitback admitting his DJ Otzi walk-on is the only reason people watch him.

He should try for 10 first round losses in a row

Austria run tingz

Some people are allergic to money it seems.

>being a PDCuck shill

More like Smith is too shit to play in the PDC but isn't man enough to admit it.


Wolfie truly is the GOAT, lads.

>being a baby Nicho-lover

>Agadoo remix playing in the background
Fucking lol.

>Wolfie's downgraded shlag

Poor bloke

Interviewer is a top qt


Is this Phoenix Nights or the undisputed World Darts Championship?

Fitting walk on music.

How did you feel about Martin Adams's lady who was just being interviewed? I wouldn't mind some involvement with her.





Munter was as round as she was tall. A real fall from grace for old Wolfie.

He's so happy :3

>tfw no 19 by Paul Hardcastle as walk-on music

>That JUST haircut the Announcer has

>crowd being this quiet during throws
BASED Lakeside

>that unintentional shanghai

Why did Adams, this fucking huge idiot, divorce his waifu?

He will never ever see a pussy and can only wank to pics of his wife like the rest of us forever alones.

Wolfie looks like he managed to eat the piggies in the straw and stick houses over Christmas.

>Darts Vader
Feel the power of the Lake Side

I don't understand how wolfy can even see the board through his slitty chink eyes

>Putin mask

Joyce doing very well.


>this absolute silence

Crowds a bit dead lads

Think we need to call in the PDC Stormtroopers to rile them up a bit

Darts would be so much better if 8 wasn't next to 16

Wolfie SHOOK

>Wolfie in charge of finishing

Wolfie getting wrecked harder than Tony O'Shitback



inb4 Joyce jobs out of the tournament now so he doesn't get battered by the Market Deeping crew


Because he was getting cucked so he told the slag to fuck off.

Is this Lakeside or a leisure centre?

>Throwing your darts at your other darts
He should put a little cork bit on the back of each dart so it can hold another dart.

How the fuck has he missed that?

lel @ those darts at D4

LEL @ Wolfie

Hubble bubble double twubble


BDO should just pack it in

It's a hotel and conference centre the arse end of Woking. I think when people hear Lakeside they assume it's the shopping centre over at Thurrock.

I was just saying because it's dead quiet, like it would be in the Pro Tour events.

>I think when people hear Lakeside they assume it's the shopping centre over at Thurrock.

DAT 118

>PDCucks irritated by no-one singing Yaya-Kolo


Reminds me of that World Bowls the BBC show. Used to watch that when I was a NEET.

I'd rather not have Yaya/Kolo either.

Just some noise.

>getting cucked

lel, he can't expect being able to fuck this milf 3 times a day like she deserves when he's like 70.

This lady needs to keep her gears oiled and he can't do it even with viagra.
No need for a devorce.

Maybe everyone is so quiet because there's a conference on next door? Wouldn't want to disrupt the 2017 Dulux Emulsion Gathering of Paints or whatever.


>Just some noise.

I once booked a weekend away at Potters when the bowls was on without knowing.

Had all the facilities to myself as all the old cunts were dribbling at the bowls. Pissed in the swimming pool and everything. Good times.

Needs more Vuvuz

>rawling on average damage control
Neither of them are averaging 90.

>Pissed in the swimming pool and everything. Good times.


That'll help

DAT 115

DAT 115

His old man hands can't handle the pressure anymore :(

>Wolfie choking the set away


Rawling now admitting the BDO's qualifying system is retarded.

What's with all the qute girls in the crowd today?

Another reason why Lakeside > Ally Pally

>that second dart

>british djobbing organisation

The standard is fucking atrocious.


And the sad thing is this will probably be the best match all day.


Adams hits a 180 and you can't stop rimming him.

Tony plz.

>thanking the crowd every time he gets a round of applause

God I love Woolfie

Big D3 from Wolfie.