ITT: We attribute an album with a cause of death

ITT: We attribute an album with a cause of death.

Pic related, freezing to death inside a log cabin in the woods.

getting beaten to death in a warehouse in downtown Shanghai

dying from a high fever while tripping on acid

Your ex GF killing you

here's the chart for yall

>not getting killed by a bear

Slow illness related death while being raped in an Irish prison in the 1930's

Typhoid, Pneumonia, Measles, Tuberculosis and getting shot by a Confederate all at once

It's a summer void album you fucking utter pleb.

I'd maybe compare it to starving yourself to death in your 1-room apartment because you don't really care anymore, nobody notices your missing and your body will be found a month later because of the smell in the apartment below.

Been trying to find this. Cheers user. Goodbye world.

Mauled to death after jumping into a zoo enclosure.

shooting yourself in your old family home

The first nuclear weapons of the war that will cause the extinction of humanity melting you and the rest of civilization.

Having your consciousness uploaded onto a supercomputer where it remains for 500 years in total isolation before a hacker replaces your core memories with the boot-up program for a self-driving lawnmower

You're making it sound like this album is bad.

It is.

(but ur happydrunk while it's happening)

gravitational spaghettification

This. For anyone looking for an actual album about freezing to death inside a log cabin in the woods, try the best album from the same artist actually written in a cabin in the woods.

asphyxiation under a collapsed building during a hyper-industrial apocolypse

true, although my one qualm would be that the pain on Dawn is far less "convertible" to physical pain for me, it feels incredibly emotional

having a stroke



Partying on a cruise ship until falling over the edge and drowning but at least you can see fireworks overhead.

what album is this? google image search doesnt work

Getting shot by the cops

yeah, just replace freezing with complete isolation

Nonono don't kys

Random psychic parasitic organism on an alien planet.

Yeah, that kinda fits

Car accident

Ryoji Ikeda - Dataplex
It's pretty good minimal glitch

>inb4 someone posts ACLAM and says "killing your wife"

stabbing yourself in the heart

>The Ape of Naples
>not under falling from a tall structure


Dying of thirst in a desert, probably some kind of modern-biblical thing

Dying gloriously protecting your tribe and honoring your gods while outnumbered ten to one

That sounds like a good death, actually.


any recs for freezing to death?



Disappearance after the tragic death of a loved one

nah, dying as a fetus before being born

Seeing a guy you knew when you were a kid in a club when you're 21, instantly realising you were always gay in love for him in high school, he says he's straight but he fucks you in the ass in the club toilet, you realise a few days later he's given you AIDS. He abandons you and goes back to his girlfriend, you get super fucking jealous, seeing her with him around town and what not, you eventually have an argument with her, you get really fucking angry, blinded by rage, you kill her, even though he gave you AIDS you still love him, but he's not happy that you killed his girlfriend, he's a mess and he fucks you again, then he tries to kill you but he's weak from his advanced AIDS so you come out on top and he dies in the struggle, you don't know what to do anymore. You finally succumb to the infection on a warm summer night at Glastonbury a few weeks later.

More like being aborted

Requesting cause of death

>not drowning

Dying in space due to taking your helmet off and drifting away into sun.

some sort of drug overdose would work well with this

Shit album


thanks this is pretty good


This. Glow Pt. 2 literally ends with Phil being mauled by a polar bear

Dying of a stroke during a hot summer day

Fentanyl overdose

Being sacrificed to a pagan god.

Slitting your wrists in an icy bathtub, bawling your eyes out as you realize how bad things truly have gotten as you bleed out all over your photo albums of lost loves and friends

this might fit that death even better

Crashing your car because you fell asleep.

Car brakes down and you either strangely disappear or freeze to death.

You are hitchhiking and a trucker kills you.

jumping into the rapidly spinning gears of some manufacturing machine

dying in your home of natural causes while surrounded by loved ones


Infinite in mystery is the gift of the goddess
We seek it thus, and take to the sky
Ripples form on the waters surface
The wandering soul, knows no rest

top kek

jumping off of the metlife building while on acid because you think you'll fly

dying of boredom

>Dying of a stroke during a hot summer day
As a britbong I have been feeling like this recently


Underrated post

the worst one

taking a ton of morphine and lying down in a field of colorful flowers waiting to be taken by death

suicide after developing schizophrenia

More like suicide after breaking up with your bf

Falling down a (that) hill.

the "bf" in the album is will's alter ego/the voice in his head/a delusion he embraces

sounds way more schizo than homo to me


Being abducted by aliens and tested on by their scientists until you are pushed to your limit and die of a slow, painful death.

>freezing to death in an igloo while you start to hallucinate random clicking/tapping and voices

I like you user


Radiation poisoning



Hiding yourself in your room in a paranoid schizophrenic frenzy, not eating for two days, writing a manifesto in paint in a old torn up notebook then shooting yourself

Also works for this tbqh

Getting lost in the woods.

Death by drowning.

Slowly, as you grow delirious and the life fades away from you, gently tripping balls as you leave this earth

Ascended to a higher plane of existence together with Satan.

If you're going by the cover yeah. Musically, I'd say something more like death by electric shock

eaten by cows

Choking on a D20 dice during D&D

I still feel like it'd be death by drowning, just probably at a river rather than at sea.

getting lost in the woods

Norwegian woods*
edit: omg this got so many upvotes wtf lol

getting raped and then killed by your dad who was possessed by some evil spirit

Getting lost in the mountains and die of starvation surrounded by fog

I've always been undecided whether that album evokes a freezing to death inside a log cabin in the woods mood or more of a late summer camping alone in a pine forest by a campfire mood

