You will argue over anything

You will argue over anything


Yoda pants




Onion ring



Wear tight pants and whore you will be


more skirt


we wont argue over anything

we will argue over everything

Nicest trips

Leggings because I have a HUGE leggings fetish.

My girlfriend a few months ago bent over like that in leggings while I was getting out of the shower to tease me, and I ripped the crotch open and fucked her in them. We now do that often, she loves it but hates it because it gets expensive buying and replacing leggings.

Fuck you, I only argue over some things.

Fuck you, you should argue over everything

Prolly yoga pants because they leave more up to the imagination. More satisfying when you finally get them off her.

Psh like you would know, virgin

OP was right

I will take both

"Tee hee, didn't know you were there user"


Both are awesome. I refuse to vote a winner unless I can see this in person. As a judge I will need to in there deep and see these contestants up close and personal.

Love seeing some panties whenever they bend over

we don't argue over everything. we argue over a few things. like traps not being gay

Yoga Pants / Leggings give girls with no ass or an ugly ass a great ass.

traps are gay
hence the name 'trap'

Traps are gay

hence the name "trap" you have to fight your way out of fucking a man

Personally, I prefer skirts, because I've got an upskirt pantyshot fetish, and don't really see the appeal of leggings/yoga pants.

dude, make your own argument

Make me, you fuck

Hive mind

no one cares about what you think

No You make You

Who gives a fuck if its gay or not, ima stick mah dick in one, call that what you will

Watch out people! we've reached a deadlock

No You You You

Neither, liking ass is for primitive cavement indiffent to shit and nasty sweat.

You're a deadlock

okay, I'll cal you disgraceful gay piece of shit then

cool story bro, ill update my facebook profile to say that

Right, because I prefer both redheads and that shape of ass.

I pick ass

do that, it will be the proudest moment in your parents life

I'll deadlock you, you fuck

>Be me
>be autismu
>Cannot choose
>Fukx the both.

Although this is a close one, the skirt wins it for me.
The skirt allows some great pantyshots, it's very airy and when your GF wears one and you two are feeling extremely horny you can just go to the next sideway, bend her over and take her.
Now although some people might say "but the leggings give girls with a bad ass a good ass and girls with a good ass an even greater ass, I don't see this as an advantage for men, as it gives them the opportunity to trick men into thinking they have a better ass than they actually do, while the skirt just shows you her ass how it is.

Skirt for sure

Porque no los dos?

So the question is if you like naked pussy or covered up pussy?

You have to be dumb to choose the second one. or gay

fuque off yua faggota

What if you have a latex fetish?

then you need professional help
naked pussy is best pussy

I'll deadlock your deadlock with a deadlock you you double fuck.

In that case, innie or outie pussy?

No es Smackers puto, es Smuckers

Doesn't matter as long as it has a penis.

Its a mexican stand off you fucking apes

Well, I'll dead your lock with a deadlock on your deadlock on my deadlock on your deadlock then you triple fuck

You're a mexican ape not standing you're sitting

outie, but i can appreciate innie as well



I'll deadlock your mexican stand off with a wall, you fucking monkey

Sure, if you like fucking curtains hanging down to her goddamn knees, I guess I can see that if I had shit taste

Hairy pussy is not naked pussy

Whatever amerifat, I can polevault

did I say so?
also fuck hairy pussy

I imagine many people do

But hairy pussy is not naked pussy and is not the best
No they dont

Sorry, I don't understand sombrero

>needing a wall
Inferior to straya, just let them all fucking drown in shitty little boats

its not an argument, skirt wins

I'll deadlock the shit out of both of you


skirt is better if you're actually able to see under it
if not, leggings any day


But you can see through leggings too

and some skirts go down to the cankles