My dog died today. I'm gunna post some pictures of him. If you wanna post other sad stuff this is a good place I guess

My dog died today. I'm gunna post some pictures of him. If you wanna post other sad stuff this is a good place I guess.

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He was a good dog.

He made it to 17.

I'd known him 15 of those years.

Near the end he barely moved, slept all day and didn't really eat.

dont worry man the pain will not last forever

I know. And he wasn't really himself at the end anyway. He'd almost completely lost his hearing, and was going blind.

I'm so sorry about your loss man... I have a dog aswell and I can't even imagine what I'd do if he died... they are the greatest companions this life ever presented us with

I got him when I was 12, and I'm 26 now. He's been in my life longer than any of my friends. Longer than my wife.

Use the time you have. The greatest regrets I have are all the times he came over to chill and I shoo'd him away because I was playing video games or something. Take your dog out and explore. Make sure their life is the best you can make it.