Why are their fans such tryhard crybabies?

Most laughable fanbase in NFL history.


Literally zero fans before 2012, most fairweather bandwagon shitters in the NFL.

All the fake Panther fans (I am a true one) jumped back to the Seacucks and Cowboys this year.

>seahawks win a playoff game
>suddenly hundreds of threads shitposting about them
if you don't like them why do you give them so much attention?

>good teams have bandwagoners and bad teams dont
Really making me think over here

other fan bases got shook

yeah, well last year everyone on this board accused me of being a band wagon fan even though I followed the panthers for years and live not too far from charlotte.

then you're a pussy and if you take the opinions of people here seriously you deserve every ounce of ridicule you get

I'm loving how salty you all are haha just jealous cuz your teams suck and Wilson's gonna be super bowl MVP in a month

No he's not.

It's always been like this. Even back in the Tom Flores days.

Get used to being called a bandwagoner even though you might have been with the franchise since birth.

>tfw still a Super Sonics fan and get lucky and they move out to OKC your senior year in college.

i think most people on Sup Forums forget the seahawks had jim mora jr. as a head coach before carroll. like thats 2 inches away from being eternally browns material.

>literally zero fans before 2012

I've been called a bandwagon Lions fan before.
Protip: Sup Forums is a sports bar and people yell shit for the sake of yelling it.

The people on here are fucking spergs its embarrasing

My high school team was called the Seahawks, same logo, orange and black colors
>kill me now


I went to the bears / seahawks game (right after they beat the saints during their 7-9 division championship season)
all the seahawks fans I saw were literally below 10 years of age
and I heard one of them say "why is everybody chanting 'Green Bay sucks?'"

This. The fans are horrible horrible people. Everyone I've met in person just started following the team and doesn't know shit about football.

hahhaa cry more faggot

I know a guy who was a Seahawk fan till they lost to new england. Now he's been a patriot fan his whole life. Seattle brings out the worst in people.

My co worker has a raiders tattoo and says he's a seahawkk fan. Let that sink in.

This is true. Even when they got BTFO in the Super Bowl by the Steelers, they were getting blackouts from low attendance. Their local ratings for games literally doubled over a 3 year span when the team got good and the """fans""" realized their teams will relocate without ticket sales/ratings. Now you get all these "lifelong fans" suddenly coming out of the woodwork. Fucking embarrassing.

I don't consider any American football """fan""" to actually be fans

How the fuck can you be a real fan of a franchise, it's silly


No way. That has to be shooped. Even the fucking jasg have 500k likes. The seahawks had a decade of playoff runs with Hasselbeck so they had to have more than 130k likes.