Feels thread

Feels thread

>be me
>about 2 hours ago
>watching Amazing world of gumball with my little sister
>episode is somthing about a phone
>the phone jumps off Gumballs hand for some reason
>i wasnt really paying attention
>sis looks at me and says, "Hey that phone is like our brother right?"
>I ask what she means
>"dont you remember what you and dad were talking about"
>"oh that yeah it is like him"
>i guess she over heard us talking
>me and my father were talking about how my younger brother killed himself
>i guess she only heard us talking how he jumped off our apartment
>i was sitting there with her trying to hold back my tears till she asked, "when is he coming back"
>start crying
>sitting there
>while my sister looks at me with confusion

Also pic related it was the scene in the show

I probably would have done the same if I were you brother. You should go next.

you're in the wrong thread, here's your place to be

Jesus OP, you alright?

I fine but i dont know how i should tell my sister or if i should

How old is she?

She is 5

Not yes my dude. Wait until shes old enough to understand life and shit.... happen to my brother too and my cousin want to commit suicide(shes 12) and entirely sure if i should tell her what happen.. shits difficult, user, just give it some time

If she is 5 I think she may be to young, tell her when your dad thinks shes ready.