/nfl/ general - Seacucks BTFO edition

WAS: Rams 'spending a lot of time' on Sean McVay
DET: Stafford can't conjure late-game magic in SEA
SEA: Paul Richardson a highlight machine in WC win
SEA: Baldwin posts 11/104/1 line in Wild Card win
SEA: Russell Wilson turns it on late in WC win
SEA: Rawls explodes for 161 & TD in Wild Card win
NFL: Ray Horton one-and-done with Browns again
MIN: Vikings will keep Pat Shurmur on as OC
CLE: Williams to join Browns as defensive coordinator
OAK: Amari Cooper goes 2-10 on 10 targets in loss
HOU: Osweiler accounts for 2 TDs, Texans advance
OAK: Cook throws 3 INTs in sad end to Raiders' '16

How many points will the Cowboys beat the Giants/Packers by

seahawks 2

Seahawks sure did get BTFO again last night amiright guys? Hahaha

>be mad at the hawks
>post new thread with the accomplishment of another team
>forever be cuckold

Go Patriots

Post the correct news fag
PIT:Report: Steelers to franchise tag Le'Veon Bell
PIT:Ladarius Green leads Steelers' inactives
MIA:Byron Maxwell (ankle) out for Wild Card Round
CLE:Browns officially hire Gregg Williams as DC
BUF:Owners 'expressed remorse' for benching Tyrod
BUF:Schefter: Next Bills' coach to have more power
KC:Chiefs looking to extend Andy Reid's contract
MIA:Dolphins 'aren't counting' on Tannehill next week
WAS:Rams 'spending a lot of time' on Sean McVay
DET:Stafford can't conjure late-game magic in SEA
SEA:Paul Richardson a highlight machine in WC win


hahaha lol hahaha agreed!

>watching nigger infested sports ever

How can any of you unironically support these teams full of diva negros who don't care about their fans and franchise?

Half the time these niggers quit while down showing how little they care about anything other than themselves.

You are all literal cucks for watcing this shit. Patriots are the only acceptable team I suppose though. Since Belicheck and Brady are basically running a football plantation

>inb4 he lies and says hes a pats fan

Honorary MVP

Man, how did the Lions do that? They def had the refs on their side or something.

>PIT:Report: Steelers to franchise tag Le'Veon Bell

Another year of watching him in a Steelers uniform. Fuck.

If the Falcons win this first playoff game, I'm almost 90% sure that they'll at least go to the SB.

A lot of our fans are really thinking this next game is going to be a walk in the park for some reason which I don't understand. I think our offense can definitely capitalize on the Seahawks defense but I'm having fits thinking about what Wilson can do against this defense.

>Look I posted it again

Seahawks in the post season are not something to overlook. Especially if you come in cocky.
Atlanta has such a hot offense right now though. And home field.

He should win MVP just look at the difference between that team before and after his injury

It's gonna be a hard game, that's for sure. First one they had this season was real close. But I still think the Falcons have a chance to win. They had the chance to win in Seattle as well. I don't want to say they would have won if ref had called the PI, but they probably would have.

30 bings lads. post brunch

>haha NFL
>haha guys you should totally root for the Patriots tho haha

>it's another AFC shitshow playoff game

Why are AFC playoff games so fucking garbage?

The chieffs are fcuking cucks and I'll tell you why

>they haven't been to the owl siince 1969
>they cannot develop their own QBs
>they can't win in the playoffs unless their win comes against a meme ass team
>their team also has andy reid at coach
>Smeth L I T E R A L L Y benched for Sackorpick
>They shitpost bloody murder after they beat oakland, you'd think they won the owl
>Their WRs are meme speed babbies
>They overuse the sad frog (not pepe, sad frog) meme constantly
>their defense is meme "bend but don't break" type
>they have the fanbase consisting of Meth addicts and 15 year olds
>they can't draft WRs for shit
>their red is a blatant rip off of the 49ers
>they stole montana and shit on him
>easily dominated by Denver, Oakland
>KC isn't even in Kansas
>Their BBQ gives you AIDs
>originally from Dallas
>their gatorade is actually piss and PEDs
>get dominated by meme teams when Derrick John- I mean Justin Houston is injured
>didn't draft Manning, Brody
>no historic owners
>sister fucking is a rite of passage for some reason
>their fans are fat, white, pasty, neckbeards
>no idea how to spell "touchdown"
>their TE is on >reality TV


You have 10 seconds to name the last actually entertaining wildcard game.

Smart move tbqh

He's a bit of a nigger and the exclusive tag for a RB is probably only something like $11 Mil if I had to guess. Might even be less than that

I don't like the Lions I just like shitting on Seacucks

>Literally who?
Texas has another team? Lmao

Anyone else use BASED bing predicts?

they should move the Pats/Broncos to NFC and Cowboys/Giants to the AFC

microshill pls

I only use bing for porn

because it is legit better than google for porn searching

>official Sup Forums's teams
Patriots. Literally got trump into office and generally are a pro white team

Giants. Meme Magic and based retard Eli

>Official shit teams we hate on Sup Forums
Seacucks. Tranny front running city

Atlanta Falcoons. Nigger team nigger city

Kansas shitty Queefs. Worst shitposters while team has't accomplished anything

The Seahawks are going to meme their way to the Super Bowl, I can feel it.

2017 playoff wins

Texans: 1
Cowboys: 0

Checkmate b*tch

Sup Forums's only team is the Giants
/so/'s QB is Rax Grissmam

Where do texans fans ever get their merchandise? does the dollar store have all your fan gear???

the loins have nothing to do with this you faggot

>official Sup Forums teams
>generally pro-white
LOL that would meant the iggles are on of Sup Forums's top teams, and if you've been here for more than a day you'd know about philthy

>>they have the fanbase consisting of Meth addicts and 15 year olds
>sister fucking is a rite of passage for some reason
Can confirm. Went to Chiefs game when they played Dallas in Arrowhead. Saw people smoking meth THREE fucking times in the stadium bathroom alone. Taligating half the people smoke meth. I also saw a guy fucking this chick right outside the bathroom and im pretty sure they were cousins. Almost positive. Anyways it was like watching a football game with a bunch psychopaths. At least Dallas won but I had to run for my life as some Chief fans began chasing me and my waifu. We both had to throw smoke bombs to get to our car. Never again.

>Cowboys record against the Texans: 4-1

The Texans will always be the cowboys' retarded little brother

The raiders wouldn't have even beaten the Browns without Carr.

Are you really happy about getting blown out by the Patriots?

Wonder what an Owl with Houston and Dallas would be like desu.

Can we just fast forward to the AFC Championship game. It's obviously going to be Pats/literally doesn't matter.

Especially with it being in Houston this year? Houston PD would collapse.

>nobody will ever be this obsessed with the seahawks

Nice win congrats

Chief fags like to obsess over other teams

>this butthurt about the raiders being relevant again

Mike Judge would announce the return of King of the Hill and it'd be just as good as before.

>they still doubt us

Best overall team of this season


Falcons have more than a chance. I get any given Sunday (or Saturday in this case) and it being the playoffs and all but a lot will have to go wrong for the Falcons to lose.

Our defense is much better than it was in Seattle and the offense is red hot. If our defense can keep them below 30 points I see no reason the Falcons shouldn't win.

Our offense is scorching hot right now.

seahawks are #1

my team

When you lose to the steelers/patriots what will you do?

It's the Patriots.

They're a top 5 team in both offense and defense, even without Gronk.

you forgot even without brady

>implying the patriots will one to the patriots

is he /ourguy/?

idk but i got some lewd pictures from your mommy last night


Nah. You can scream 'system babby' all you want but 28 TDs to 2 INTs is pretty fucking remarkable. That's just pure awareness.

Funny how the Cowboys have been improving upon the NFLs shit ratings and how does the NFL repay them? By suspending one of their best past rushers right in the middle of their playoff run. Like what.. this couldn't have waited until after the playoffs? Between this, and all the ref-ball the Cowboys have to play against, it really makes me wonder... Why does the NFL hate the Cowboys so much?

calm down faggots, they're good without brady.

Bears, obviously.

The offense is hot but the defense really isnt that great. Statpadding at the end of the season against the 49ers and rams made the defense look better than it really is. The falcons lost to the chargers and eagles of all teams. Watch them crumble against a playoff caliber team.

They won't make it to the Owl.

nothing because i dont even care about this sport lmao

but we arent losing.

Don't worry they do that shit to the Patriots all the time.

Oh yeah, they are good without Brady. But they aren't a top 5 team without Brady.

ok they're #1

yeah they are

oh is this a new shitposter, I haven't been on spee for a minute.

Welcome to the filter.

What are talking about?
They get away with so much holding, just because "muh greatest O line evar" bullshit.
Plus the NFL gave them like 7 prime time games in a row at the end of the season.
Quit yer bitchin'.

>filtering banter like a bitch
been here since the late 80's kid


everyone freaked out when they beat arizona with jimmy then it turned out they sucked and the other 2 teams were meme-ami and houston. any qb coud have won at least 2 of those 3 games

think of the 'boys as white people and the nfl as liberal faggots. it doesn't matter if you built the empire, you will be sacrificed first for 'equality'

>hurr durr Cowboys O line holds all the time

You mean like every single O line in the league???

>funny how they only become good when the ratings are down

smells like a rigged year for them

Bandwagon fag

Pathetic, don't call yourself a chief fan

>what is 2014

If you didnt see this shit coming I dont know what to tell you.

holy shit is there any comment that won't be turned into a Sup Forums point?

I feel like we haven't done enough to troll the Giants and their fans about the Josh Brown mess. I hope there are some Brown jerseys at Lambeau today.

>goodell is an unfair faggot
wowee this is news

>the NFL is only rigged when the Cowboys win


>kc fan since born (in kc)
>real life mirrors the chiefs' records and status in nfl
>many lows, but the highs are always alot of fun
>nobody wants to talk about it
>loyal to the end

i can't even comprehend how people bandwagon. unless they are not from a major city that has a team i guess, but even then. just pick one

you mean when the cowboys had to refball to beat the lions?

yeah i member

No, because rather than smother them in their crib they keep being given their bottle.

Okay guys I have a serious question. I have a single decently sized red bump on the shaft of my cock. What the fuck could it be? It almost looks like a pimple

That wasnt me, it was some other dum finn trying to make me look bad.

I will shitpost even harder next season.

>Seahawks quarterback is raising his wife's son

El oh El

>I didn't even watch the game but I'll shitpost about it anyway
why user?

>moving the goal posts this hard

Truly pathetic user...

>very first play is a 10 yard run by Bell

Well shit, guess the Fins don't stand a chance.

Could be ingrown hair.

2014 cowboys were horrible and you know it

thats why the next year they were a top 5 team in the draft. pathetic

How can you bandwagon a team that has never won anything?

I thought that as well, but on the shaft of my dick? Its literally about 2/3rds of the way up.

Didn't he get suspended for missing a drug test because he was in fucking rehab too?
>Hey we need you to come take a drug test
>"I can't, I'm in rehab where I can't check myself out so I can get clean and stay off drugs for good"
>well now we have to suspend you. Hope you learned your lesson and never try to get clean again!