/mlp/ has been strutting around because they had a bot army fixing their cancer.
Now their bots are gone and it open season on ponys
Join The fun and laugh at them crying over it.
/mlp/ has been strutting around because they had a bot army fixing their cancer.
Now their bots are gone and it open season on ponys
Join The fun and laugh at them crying over it.
horse fuckers are finished
How about, you know, doing something productive with your life instead?
>The true state of Sup Forums when you can't even attempt to destroy SDLG so have to kill our comrades.
Not your personal army faggot
>fail in overtaking the commies
>fail in overtaking SDLG
wonder how this one's going to turn out
Only a few days ago we were going to protect them.
They're from this site, they're comrades.
There isn't any monument from Sup Forums is there unless you count the void which is mainly reddit and turncoats.
Like spending weeks putting in more hours than a full time job to draw pictures of donkeys and have an army of programs running to revert any changes anyone makes to them because there is only 30 or so donkypokers online at any one time?
Nah, ill just fuck your shit up instead