Hillary clinton's running mate

Why do you think Hillary clinton is considering Julian Castro as her running? What does he really bring to the table. What appeal does he have. What are his benefits? Why not choose someone with more experience. I mean he's literally the secretary of Housing and Urban development. Do you think it's a ploy to bring in more Hispanic voters as a contrast to trumps anti immigration stance?

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To pander

He looks like he's ready to suck all the dicks in the US. I guess that's what he's offering.

To pander. He's unqualified.

And no one who speaks a foreign language while campaigning will win the Presidency

his last name is castro so therefore the latinos will all vote for her/him. that's what she's thinking, anyway. who knows, it's probably true.

top kek

His mother was a La Raza Party co-founder. Community not conspiracy: all these people know each other and get each other jobs. Remember Rumsfeld living two doors down from Cheney?

Can you give a source that she's considering him? I haven't heard anything about that.

She's probably going to pick Tim Kaine if anybody.

He looks like his face was torn off by a dog and they surgically attached somebody else's face at slightly the wrong angle

second post best post


Man, what's with all of the Hispanic pandering this election?

He doesn't even speak Spanish fluently. Pandering retards

That guy looks like he speaks with Ted Wasonasong's voice. Also his entire "force landlords to accept criminals and Section 8 nogs to diversify suburbs" act he's trying to pull will cost him votes and piss off anyone who's not a Kool-Aid drinking lefty.

They're like 18% of your population now. It will only increase as they become more numerous.

And they're under 10% of voters. The """""hispanic vote"""""" is another media myth.

Everything from them is a ploy to destroy white, non-kike families, property, and towns.

>That guy looks
...even more insane and faggy when he dyes his hair and pretends to be white.

And again, at HUD, he is working to ruin more neighborhoods with Section 8 vouchers.

This. He is a terrific pander that will flop just like Palin flopped.

If she brings in somebody with a short voting record, they stand a strong chance of running for president when her term is over, thus securing 8 more years for her party.

>tfw live in 95% white neighborhood (there's like 1 Asian family)
>tfw it's only a matter of time before they start relocating spicks and niggers here
>tfw we'll have to move again

He's got the gayest face I've ever seen.

>The """""hispanic vote"""""" is another media myth

good goy

Stanford, Harvard Law, successful mayor of large US city, Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, and Democrat. Right-wingers on /pol aren't going to like this guy no matter how qualified he is.

It's almost like you don't understand the english language. He's not talking about their population, but their voter turnout which makes up less than 10% of voters.

Fishface Castro

He used to play Sulu on Star Trek.

I thought kingdom hearts.

He's such a creepy looking fuck that it'll be a serious detriment. Nobody wants a wonk and like it or not, optics matter and the guy looks like a fucking alien in a skin suit from Men In Black.

Literal kek

I honestly thought that photo was shooped.

he's a visibly ethnic spic

this freak is a full on degenerate... clearly he is a tranny who outranks obama on the fag scale by orders of magnitude... why does God allow this absolute filth to flood our highest offices? Can we not repent or have the Vials of Wrath been poured out already?

he's racially diverse


Looks like a mongoloidian fag

>this is the guy that's going to dump section 8 into your suburb

get down with the clown


I am now going to use "dumping section 8" as code for taking a shit

well lets think about it

hillary is an idiot

she thinks this guy will get more latino votes.... but she already has them all

what she needs is white blue collar votes.....

conclusion.... shes an idiot



He's basically the only establishment minority the DNC has left after obama.

so you're saying she needs joe biden?

He is an evil person.
If white nationalists want an enemy to paste, this is it. There is no one more deserving of brutality than this anti-white.

He wont do it, Chelsea's too old


Some nobody, can't help.

She needs a strong independent black Muslim woman.

Haha it is basically that simple. Why does she need to pander to latinos after trump saying he wants to build a wall and deport? hopefully she picks someone else.

What fucking race is he.

Looks like a soviet soldier from N64 goldeneye t.b.h.

Fuck its going to be michelle obama isn't it

the secretary of urban development is evil and anti-white? Do explain.

Cuck Elf

He looks faggier than George Takei.

>Hillary is going to turn the hispandering up to 50

Again, ANTI-WHITE. Take this man all the way to the gallows to MAGA.

He is working to reallocate funding for Section 8 housing to punish suburbs for being too white and too wealthy.
Source: NYpost

Everybody throwing Castro's name around as VP are a bunch of hacks.

A better Latino option would be Rep. Xavier Becerra (D-CA).
If she wants to lock down Virginia pick Sen. Tim Kaine (D-VA).
If she wants to quickly unite the Party and drive Democratic turnout pick Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), or possibly Obama Labor Secretary Tom Perez.

It is not a joke, he looks flaming as fuck.

Every fucking VP pick in this history of America has been chosen to bring in more voters. Stop acting like this is any different.

Very true, but judging from every move she's pulled so far, she doesn't know what the fuck she's doing.

I really hope she picks this Castro dude in order to get the gay beaner vote. It's such a ridiculous choice that will just tank her. It'll be the equivalent of the sarah palin pick.

Is she courting the Uglo-American vote?

looks like a 100% fucking faggot

If you don't think Hillary's entire fucking GE strategy isn't just to pander to every single group and pray they flood the polls you are delusional

Dems dont know that Cubans hate Mexicans

cause identity politics

cause WOMAN, cause HISPANIC

these people and their voters ruined democracy

>harder dong

kek wills this

Its true papito; unless they totally renounce socialism and are castizo (not indian)

Mestizo, obviously.

They are a vanishingly small component of Hispanics as a group.

Also there is a generation replacement component at work as well:

IDK man. I get that he's an indian mudblood and all that, but he looks just like Mr. Sulu but slightly darker. You could honestly tell me he was a vietnamese faggot and I'd believe you.

The guy has a face even more jewish than a Jew.

I'm honored.

it's happening m8, can;t stop it

Do you really expect it not to increase to 20% in the next decade or two? Do you know how many children these people have?

When you see it...