Holy fuck, are we really gonna get our 7th this year?

Why doesn't your team have 6 rings, eh?

Other urls found in this thread:


how much does a ring sell for

Ahhh feels good

No matter how this season ends up, we will still have at least 6 rings and your team doesn't

Imagine cheering for a team that doesn't have 6 rings? Sounds really fucking awful

4 of those happened in the 70s lmao

Have fun losing to Brady again in the playoffs

Let me know when the Pats get 6 rings though.

And at least none of the Steelers rings are tainted with cheating, you Boston faggot.

As good as the Pats are, why do we have more fans than you?

>become a fan of a team because they've won a lot of championships
>brag about said championships

Nothing you could do or say could hurt my feelings

not the guy you were arguing with, but
>steelers rings
do you live under a rock? the steelers were notoriously roided up

Do you see any asterisks? I don't

And again, why do the Pats not have as many fans as the Steelers? Why? I remember the SEAHAWKS had more fans than the Pats at the SB 2 years ago.

Fucking pathetic cheating franchise and pathetic fanbase

It depends on whose ring it was.

You can probably get a ring that was given to an athletic trainer for a couple thousand, those ones may not have real jewels though.

> caring this much about a pack of niggers in tight clothes running around hugging each other over a ball

do me a favor and tell me how much closer arizona is to seattle than new england

Well, being part of a franchise like the Steelers, who have fans everywhere (basically 16 home games a year, for real unlike the Cowboys), it doesn't matter where we are.

>pic unrelated, our rings

holy shit raidniggers getting btfo has left room for steeleretards i forgot how autistic they are

Go Steelers lol


didn't know any players posted on this board shouldn't you be in uniform?

also how many were you alive for?

I don't see any asterisks next to the Pats' titles either

>Seattle is closer to Arizona than Boston


steeler fags don't know how to spell let alone basic geography

Reminder that Super Bowl XL was literally rigged so that Cowher wouldn't retire ringless and Jerome Bettis could have a storybook ending

>Roethlisberger obviously down at goal and short

pls don't do this to us OP

there has been too much Steelers false flagging this year

there is only like 3 of us on this board

>unlike the Cowboys

Are you dumb? The fucking Giants have a bigger national presence than Shitsburg.


2011-2013 were GOAT years because Goodell was actually afraid Harbaugh would murder him if he tried to refball him. Same with the Patriots I wouldn't be surprised if The Hoodie keeps tabs on all of Rodgers moves and prepares for his attempts to screw the Pats and counters his moves.

Not only is Pittsburgh the whitest city in the US, we also have the most SB victories

Why do we win so much? It almost isn't fair

LOL are you serious?

We had a home game in San Diego

What other team can claim that?

nah brady will get another ring, and go down as the greatest gq of all time

I dunno if this game will ever end
there is a stoppage every 5 seconds

>beat up on the injured 6th seed at home

Yinz will get dicked by the chefs

Benrapistburger tainted the steelers a long time ago

You mean that team we raped week 4?

My team has more championships. If we're counting shit from the 70's, might as well count pre-merger too, when the Steelers were the worst professional team in existence.

>living in Wisconsin

>living in jobless Shitsburgh

>living in an area full of white niggers

>living outside of California, Chicago, or New York CIty

>Living in an area full of black niggers

In addition Alex Smith is legit Tim Tebow tier

What should we be scared of?

Chicago and NYC are shit. Parts of Cali are nice, though.



Was OP losing an argument in another thread?

Argument over how many rings the Steelers have? Because it's clearly 6

>Damage control before the game even started

It's an asshurt pats fan episode.

It's not the 70s anymore pops. Plenty of jobs in Pittsburgh they're just not steel jobs.

What's a good team to bandwagon in American Football?

Sure thing, that's why Pittsburgh's population is still declining.

source: my ass

Does KC even have a shot next week?


Only the poor black population. Pittsburgh is one of the whitest cities per capita.

>squids raped stoolers week 6
>stoolers rape squids
>stoolers raped chefs week 4
>this means they'll beat the chefs


That's why Vegas is favoring Pittsburgh on the road, right?


Different situation - We didn't have Big Ben for that game while KC was fully healthy

No shit, It's a tiny city; the same size of anchorage, AK and its surrounded by nigger infested suburbs

vegas odds are based on betting, not which team is better. bandwagoners jump on the steelers every year

43-14 is also another reason why

literally all of the suburbs have 10 black kids in the high schools

>mfw Cowmen are about to get their 6th ring

Yes you did dumbass, he threw for 300 yards


Miami is also a much better team than the Chiefs

Fucking Alex Smith is Tim Tebow tier. No team has ever been blown out in the regular season to beat the same team in the playoffs

There aren't nigs in the suburbs.

t. I live there.

Feels fucking great bros. Seventh Heaven in sight.
Kiss the rings, bitches

>Miami is also a much better team than the Chiefs

But the chefs have a better record in a tougher division?

The Chiefs literally lost to the Bucs and Titans

And got 43-14d by the Steelers

I'm already looking forward to putting the Pats in their place

Stoolers literally lost to the Eagles and Squids.

They're not as good as yinzers think. Your secondary got carved up by Matt fucking Moore

Yeah because ALEX SMITH has a long ball

LOL. It'll take a miracle for them to beat us

The Steelers lost to Tebow, didn't they?

Matt Moore was criticized these past few games for his refusal to throw deep (coming from a fan base used to Tannehill) and he still landed a bunch of deep passes put up ~9 YPA. This secondary is terrible.

Matt Moore is literally better than Alex Smith

I'm better than alex smith

>Fucking Alex Smith is Tim Tebow tier.

Topkek, I almost forgot who gave teboq his only playoff win.

You mean when Big Ben was injured?


the whole second half of the game was garbage time.

>states reason city is desirable
>"lol no shit"

Damn you sure told him.

>t. steelers fan living in Florida who has never been to a game but roots for them cause muh dad does

I'm sorry your Shitsburgh education didn't teach you how to type "Pittsburgh Population" into google.


They will win it for based James Harrison