At 5'4, are my chances of getting laid ruined forever?
At 5'4, are my chances of getting laid ruined forever?
James Cooper
Michael King
Eh. You THINKING that does more damage than you actually being short. You're a bit tubby like the rest of us, but not fugly. Learn to be more conifident (not an easy thing i know) and you'll be fine.
Now excuse me while i watch you get called a shirt fag for the rest of the thread.
Lucas Green
You have zero chances of ever getting laid.
William Garcia
Owen Anderson
Get a hair cut stop looking like a reject. Exercise and find a purpose in life.
Hunter Phillips
Save some money and get urself a girlfriend for an hour. You will die a lonely man , good luck and take care.
Elijah Miller
Nah. date asian girls. As long as you're white they'll fuck ya
Aiden Gray
Find a midget
Anthony Sanchez
Turn yourself into a Trap and get laid forever.
Nathan Moore
This doesn't look like a midget