ITT we suggest items that go into the time capsule, once closed will not open for another 1,000 years...

ITT we suggest items that go into the time capsule, once closed will not open for another 1,000 years. Only dubs make it into the capsule.

A slightly smaller time capsule

Throw it in boys

Inside would be a picture of the larger time capsule with OP's dick in the shot.

A photo of our glorious leader


Put this in OP

A step by step instruction manual for intercourse. Fully illustrated and colourised with a included tube of lube

My dragon dildo collection.

Fifty six chicken nuggets

But instead of lube it's filled with rubbing alcohol


Please Mr Trips put them right in

Oh shit

Fifty six children nuggets

A live baby

LGBT community

My dick once I die


A hot log of shit sucked directly from Andy Sixx's asshole

Vegans and feminists. Why should people in the future be happy?

This guy's dick before he dies

a few shitty dvds

A creamy log of shit

>This guy's dick before he dies
Seconded. Carry out an urgent emergency dickectomy on user and insert severed dick into time capsule for posterity.

A bag of dick bags

user, what's it like knowing you are shortly to have no penis?

A jar filled with cum


He'll eat all the chicken nuggets though

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nugget porn. lots of it.



A freeze dried shit sandwich

Dubs logged

Dubs logged

zerg must live on


A fidget spinner

A life size statue if Judy Hopps

If dubs, screencap and insert this thread.

A collection of the cringiest shit this planet has to offer

a warm creamy log of shit

A bomb with a 1000 year timer

Hail Satan

What's the point of a time capsule when we have nothing worth putting into it anymore. Everything is disposable junk and mass produced by the billions. We'll be up to our knees in all this junk before this fuckin tube of yet more of that very same junk is ever opened.

Donald Trump

ask them if CP is legal

our most recent scientific hypothesis, so they can laugh.

Calm down Satan

A feminine penis.

That's genuinely funny.
A gift from the 21st century, to the 31st.

Trips logged! Dubs logged

That's good. We should put him in there with some air, otherwise it wouldn't be humane.


Dubs logged

The complete collection of Sonic Sez with a picture of Chris-chan

A gold cross but instead of imposter Jesus put our true leader, Donald James trump

Nothing but banana pics

OP, list current contents please

A copy of Donald Trump's Private Spending.

This now a log thread

A 1911 .45 ACP, w/1 round chambered; Zombie Virus; Mummified remains of Trash Panda, labeled: Master Race

An alive dog

A complete omnibus of the workings of LRH

With a log on top

3 jars of cum. Drop them in hard. Let them brake

Unabridged archives of Sup Forums since its inception... Printed

A small african child.

A big mac. Shit will still be edible when it comes out.

Covered in logs

No a big african child. Those are more rare.

you. we put you in there.

Those are just regular niggers and are everywhere

Fill it with shit, fidget spinners and garbage.

And logs

Uh, yeah...

Inside, we put a smaller one with duct tape and locks and stuff

Donald Trump.

Another capsule

A cold one, so that the boys in 3017 can crack it open amongst themselves.

Anybody else read that in Peter Griffin's voice?

His name means Beer Bag in German.

my mom

So close to Hex