Was anyone alone on their 21st birthday ? I don't want to be the only one

Was anyone alone on their 21st birthday ? I don't want to be the only one

I was. best birthday ever.

no one is a loser to shitpost in 4chain in his birthday

u welcome

buy alcohol and drink alone until you make a friend

Not 21st. I was sick and was going to be alone. A girl I knew came over and fucked me after taking care of me. She was a saint.

I lost $7000 dollars on my 21st birthday trading JDST; my biggest loss on the stock market to date. I spent the day alone cause i was fucking dying inside.

sounds like something my ex would do. i still kinda miss her.

Think so, don't remember.

i was, and then my twin invited me to go to a bar, which was like, oh look strangers that i don't care to meet, wish i was home alone being drunk and comfortable

It's not my birthday, they cancelled on me and I do not want to be home with my family getting criticized