I've got friendzoned... what to do about her?

I've got friendzoned... what to do about her?

Stop being friends with her, if she already knows how you feel about her

Kill her obviously

If police discover?


Don't let them. Clean up your mess.

keep telling her you're busy with other friends so she gets the double message that you're popular and don't need her friendship. then jerk off to her in private cause you're a fucking beta gerbil

Pistol or shotgun?

But I love her D:

fuck love.....love is your life in robot form with her holding the controller.....respect and admiration are much better (and safer)

Alright buddy imma guide you throught this just.....drink,cry, smoke all in one night and stop hanging out with her the next day....also call her out on her bullshit

Love is a chemical humans make to compel us to breed

it fucking ain't its a bonding material....survival mechanism...lust is the breeding agent

three options
A keep making advances
B stop being her friend, or at the very least stop being her bff
C stalk and kill her

go on with your life and look for someone worth your time?

Dont pay attention to this kinda people it only demonstrate you get too attached to just one person there are 7 billions of people in this planet

Fuck her no i mean rape her

point made...so she's as good a fucking mate as anyone else

obviously underraged faggots!

Inb4 rape
Rape her

i'll tell you what OP, if you're luved up with her then you've been close enough to know what she wants...as your trusted medial profession i prescribe i course of bleach adverts. i.e tell her where the germs are (her unmet needs) and chuck some bleach on them (meet those fucking needs) tried and test in homes the world over. godspeed you wimpy little snotbag

fuck her to death.

Hire a hooker to be your pretend fyck friend. Get kissy in front of her. Be cold toward her. Should get her jelly.

Love is a way to keep breeders together long enougth to protect the young child until he grow up

that's what i said dipshit


only appropriate response to friend zone is to avoid contact

Is that what you said ?

Stop being her friend this is not the only woman on earth. If she calls you tell her you don't want to be her friend you wanted something more. The best thing to do is to stay away. Out of sight out of mind.


Nothing. Trust me "freindzone" means your ugly. Calling it the freindzone is just denial of your like me you'll go through the dabda stages and eventually one of your rejections will break you and youll blow your brains out.