Rate me?
I know these threads are cancer but I'm curious
Rate me?
I know these threads are cancer but I'm curious
lose some weight, get contacts and youll be a 7/10 at least
Damn that's actually higher than I was hoping, thanks user
I'll give it a go. Contacts have always annoyed me but I can get them pretty cheap so no harm in trying
make sure you get a good job or start a business so you can make plenty of shekels, jew boy, because you're gonna need it.
Dont look for validation on Sup Forums of all places dawg
You have nice hair.
Try to have less cheek.
let me guess, 3 sisters, divorced parents, probably living with a loser.
I solid 3/10
God I hope.
I mean, where else am I going to get an honest opinion?
Thanks user, working on it.
Actually holy shit?
Like the living with a loser thing is subjective but like, you were correct on all of those. Do I know you?
Also thanks for the generous score
he should try to have less nasal and more dick
Too lazy to make my own thread so I'll just jump in here, rate me.
If it wasn't for date rape... you'd never get laid... amirite, user?
>Shave unibrow
>grow out hair
>Get some glasses that don't look like they came from 2001
ez 7.5/10
1/10 for the fullscreen shot of that unibrow.
I'll have you know my massive kike nose is in perfect symmetry with my dick, thank you very much.
Idunno, but you make it work, right?
So like... 3 inches? Pretty honest. I commend your honesty future cuck.
You look like a jewish nerd. So that means you're probably financially well off and probably very intelligent.
I try to, and I like to think that I do.
Come on, give me a little more credit. I'm 5 hard
Who says I'm a future cuck? I could be a cuck right now.
Financially well off: God no
Very intelligent: Depends on the topic but sometimes yes
This is kinda off topic but can someone explain the tribute threads to me? I don't get it
no longer a neckbeard/10
get off my turf faggot
im the resident cancer poster here
false its just been a slow day for me
every day is a slow day for you because you have downs.
*badum tss*
You would look like an average joe. but your wearing glasses. so 6/10 cutey.
ugly jew
you actually look pretty cute
at least i dont live in a basement
Choose the low calorie option next time
Oh, you think the darkness is your ally, you merely adopted the dark. I was born in it, molded by it. I didn’t see the light until I was already a man; by then, it was nothing to me but blinding! The shadows betray you, because they belong to me. I will show you where I have made my home, I will be preparing to bring justice. Then, I will break you.
Ayy it's you fuckers
How y'all doing
I'm trying my hand at cancer please let me learn
i was born in blood when i was born my chord broke and sprayed blood erywhere also nice quote
hey faggot im just bored hbu
I will lick your toe nail
why are multiple attractive guys on Sup Forums simultaneously? It breaks phyx
Lose a little weight, get cooler glasses or contacts, style your hair, maybe grow it out? You're not an ugly person.
Wow, Sup Forums is being a lot nicer than I expected.
the stars are aligning
trips of truth
about to do an alcoholic beverage, what are you drinking?
I really gotta stop drinking soda and shit. eventually I'll crawl over to /fit/ and begin that whole process
It's true, though
Why the fuck would I post myself on Sup Forums? Rate my two best friends instead
Wine is the best for calorie reasons but get something more expensive than that cheap shit
i am drinking air the most delicious drink
i am the faster skinnier subop
Yeah but admittedly barefoot is pretty good as far as cheap shit goes
also checked
You are so perfect. A beautiful specimen of humanity. The angels are weeping!!!
forgot pic
Do you just...really like yourself or somethign?
nigga you look like the type of dude who thinks hes cute so goes on anonymous boards trying to fish for complements, but then become disappointed with reality and contemplates suicide...........
rate 8.5/10 would succ
I don't even get what for... do you want to crush puss or get the dick? IMHO You are you and we have what we are given... then anything else is up to you and you work with what you have. I mean, if you even think that is a thing in an infinite and absurd existence... you dork. Do a ten strip you shit dick cunty fuck...
i am the greatest human being that there ever was and will ever be no one is more perfect than me
Also, you two think this is joke
No jokes to be had here
The basement will consume you.
Yea I mean, I cant think of any reasons to make fun of you other than your strange eagerness to show yourself off.
The secret is I'm always contemplating suicide
Also thanks
It's true
Nice I've been trying to learn piano lately. music shit can be pretty fun
The absurdist in me is laughing, the realist in me is detecting a cry for help, srsly.
its already working
oh im perfect dont worry
I would not be surprised if everyone wasn't secretly contemplating suicide... if not... welcome to the club.
I don't have to worry, your perfection is at best, displayed but illusion to me regardless of your perception of such. I have no way of having empirical evidence of it, so I doubt it, regardless of your exuberance.
how quaint
Hey cutie. Thatoneguy here. Where ya been the past couple days?
went to a party then stayed up 4 a few days at brothers place getting high and trying on fedoras
Does anal sex frighten or excite you?
Cant argue with a face like that
You know what they say..
The only thing that matters is what keeps you from committing suicide
I think I'm ace. I feel pretty neutral about it
OMG such luv. Want crush dat.
Ah ok. When you gonna release those nudes? (Ill only ask this once a day, you dont have to answer but id appreciate it if you did:))
who wants to join my discord
am i the only cancer left?
I'd be down to join
Oh well. Was worth a shot. Im still gonna stalk you whenever you show up on Sup Forums tho:)
I never knew they said that... but about the anal... you sound flexible. How about Lizard men and Soma regiments?
oky doky here yago
glad to see you here
take off the gg sorry
Enjoy your ego trip, Miss Molasses.
aww why thank you the feelings mutual
Well shit... heh... just don't take any lives on the way then.
If anyone deserves their ego stroked, its this cutie.
(I also wouldnt mind stroking something else he owns;P)
might wanna lurk, but eff you for deraling OP's attention thread... :{
no proomises
i am the no1 cancer round these parts
This. It's the mentality that gets people like Trump as president...
You look like the edgy male version of Chloe Moretz with some chocolate left over on your upper lip.
Nah it was a good time, I had fun
Well, you look better with the beard then. :P
You look like the guy who molested his sister, on the Dr. Phil episode one or two days ago.
>inb4 "normie" tv
The "beauty mark" is actually pretty dang cool/hot. Cot? Hool? WTFEver...
>ITT: thirsty gay men with low self esteem
Another willing, "Member", I gather?
why thank you also its already 4 am here so its been a good day
I feel like my life wouldn't be so uninteresting that I felt I needed to make a self rating thread if I was on a TV show 2 days ago
It's true, though
I know, I miss it. Someone in one of these threads suggested I cut it and I regret it
you are welcome my sir
>I know, I miss it. Someone in one of these threads suggested I cut it and I regret it
user is full of shit... never trust user...
hes not bullshitting i was there
I see my offer has made you speechless
(Sorry for rate lepry, got caught up in another thread)