Spring 2017

>Spring 2017
>Donald Trump has been elected President
>He only won because California turned red by 2%
>The California Congress votes to leave the Union
>Governor Brown(Minority) signs it
>California cuts all roads and flights from the rest of the US
>Government begins purging rural regions of California

What is President Trump's response?

Full scale invasion ending with the hanging of Brown and the seperatists imprisoned and tried for treason.

no state will leave the union

Invade commiefornia and gas the hippies
In reality though New York is more likely to go red then California

Take it back by force ofcourse
I can already tens of thousands of Texans lining up to bust dat Cali SJW pussy

>California red


invasion? they'll literally destroy themselves, then its up to us to send settlers to once again build cities


nuke commiefornia

Texas is literally California #2.

California uber alles

Well it is full of red, so OP isn't entirely wrong

If they weren't SJW's, I'd empathize with them tbqf but they are so they can go eat a horse dick.

Honestly? It'll work itself out.
Lets commiefornia have its $15/an hour and all the immigration it wants, watch as it turns into a clone of mexico and people leaving in drives as drugs and lawlessness rules the land. They'll be begging us to take them back.

>Texas is literally California #2

No, because 1.) Texas came first and 2.) California is full of fucking faggots.

Invasion is the only option, then when mexico tries to intervene we conquer them too

Californian here. I'm waiting for this cause it would be free reign to crush the Marxist liberal scum here.

NO STATE will leave the union.

Texas won't go as long as staying in the Union is viable. They've taken far too many transplants from Cali.


God damn I hate the Californians.

Send all illegals caught to California.
Empty the prisons and send them all to California.
Round up all the drug addicts and dealers and send them all to California.
Arrest all gang members and send them all to California.

Divert all water from the Colorado river.
Disconnect all power from the Hoover Dam.
Seize the assets of every company based in California.
Blockade the entire coast from exporting or importing.

The place is barely inhabitable now as it is. Let's see how they live withoit anything.

Its the goddam northerners in the bay area and sacramento, I tell ya

Oh, definitely, I'm a southerner and most of the non Pablos are pretty conservative. I just want the state of Jefferson so they don't have the power they got. More'n so they'll start a shitfit and cause some ruckus.

>What is President Trump's response?

Build a longer wall.

Illegals can vote in California, please don't.


I'm in San Diego and I'll gladly assist the God-Emperor destroy the rebellion and reclaim his rightful clay. I wouldn't even charge a single cent for my services.

>Government begins purging rural regions of California
These rural regions have 10rnd bullet button AR-15s. Good fucking luck.

The next day simultaneous 9.9 Earthquakes strike in SF and LA and California from about the MT Shasta area to baja disappears into the radioactive Pacific Ocean. The End :)

Me when I see a seperatist

So much this. I live near Los Angeles and I would fucking give my entirety to servitude to see this disgusting city bombed into the stone age.

I want jefferson as well, Want my gun rights!

LOL you think we didn't stockpile regular capacity magazines? AR and AK owners go out of state to get regular 30 rounders.

Fuck yeah!