Prove you're not a newfag

Prove you're not a newfag

what's a newfag?




but i am a newfag

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My boots float.

I meant to:

The Game

OHHHHHHHHH you fucker

>furfags took over this board because you faggots forgot this

>he doesn't remember April Fur's Day

No u

fuck you

Sup Forums caused the modern trannypocalypse with a tumblr raid that got out of hand.
Bet you cunts don't remember that. Started as a joke raid, crazies took it seriously, and now we have the world today.

We all remember.

F40ph thread motherfuckers!

it's kind of like the Brony epidemic

>Actually thinks Sup Forums caused anything.

but i am

Sup Forums's done a lot over the years, roodypoo.


Tumblr didn't need Sup Forums to trigger itself

I have a "This :D" parrot tag on ylilauta, that makes me a godtier pussy pounding alfa-male.


I want to have sex with Mari

i wanna fuck her too

how did you do that ?


Not again, baitmaster.

bix nood bitch


been here since 2011. it just clicked today. shit, I'm a newfag.


>consider myself as mature
>goes to habbo to make human swastikas

I fucking remember that

he'll never be a meme

she epin Sup Forums

just copy paste it dude:
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But saying "Milhouse will never be a meme" is itself a meme, isn't it?

what is a meme?


Brb church

pools closed

but i cant triforce wtf


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lol cat is long

>឴ ឴ ▲
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check these dubs

/l/ will always be best board

fucking witnessed






The oldfags are all dead, only newfags now so your better deal with it.

Am oldfag, can confirm

Not really

It''s funny how when you post a picture of him most people ask "who is this"
fucking hell

I am the last oldfag standing

I'm bad at proving things but I remember that time they set the filters to make faggot = candy ass and nigger = roody poo. Also, tripcodes

Fuck yeah, we haven't had a Candlejack thread in forev

I support you faggot

No, now go fuck yourself fag. Better things to do than post something that any tard and their cousin could easily find on the internet and post on here as "proof"

>what is Hal Turner
thats what brought me here funny as shit

ho candlejack ! long time no s

roody poo xd xd

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its been a long time since weve seen anything candlejack rela

Fuck. The ALT+029 thing stoppt working

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This is proof to me.

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you can tell by the filename
pic related

You retarded bro or just a newfag like the rest?

thanks for the reply's faggots now leave and fap to you're hentai

cleary you can not tell then
good day to you

>other people know about this


Mfw people dont even know marble cake

Of course if you dont have your own head up your ass like then you would catch on quickly

jd thread?

So you are just retarded then

oh boy it is joseph tiem

who doesnt love joey d

I remember IDs on Sup Forums

Been here since, idk, 2014?

finally a nice wholesome thread
gather round friends

hey wow that's pretty old


you're all faggots don't discriminate guise

Nice, im not the only one.

stop fucking with my joseph ducreux thread you nobmongling hobgoblins

I dont really use /b anymore

I remember when 4 Chan was in 56K
The Meme's were in back and white.
More animal porn, less Loli.
Flash animations was the new GIF.
Hashtag was something you smoked.
Tryforce was just three triangles.
Oldfags only had 1 through 3 chan.
Jarr Jarr Binks was the new lamefag.
Weed, for legal reasons, was something you mowed.
The AAAAAAAWWWWW threat was epiic.

Clearly are

now i can return to business as usual

>less loli
wat? oh yea thats right cheese pizza

and everything was lovely once again, would you believe it?