How old were you when you realized that vidya in any quantity is fucking cancer?

How old were you when you realized that vidya in any quantity is fucking cancer?

Literally nothing positive comes from it and the only people who like it are legit manchildren. This board rails on about making the most out of life and then blows $40 and 3 hours on Dark Souls

>dark souls

Man you got ripped off

Meme games are the newest super hyped games that come out. People blow the cash, talk about it for two weeks, and then immediately move to the next hyped game.

I literally can only play battlefield for hours any ther game I rage quit within ~10 minutes

Video games are fun

Yeah but my entertainment it is physically impossible for me to be entertained without the video games I play for x amount of hours per day! I can literally do nothing else but play video games! Here are excuses x, y, and z!

>Stop liking things!
>stop liking what I don't like


Post here with a video game and what it's about and I will suggest an alternative activity for you.

Hue, I used to have that exact same poster.

I still play some video games but I keep it pretty secret outside of close friends.

give me an alternative for grand strategy games like Hearts of Iron 3 or Crusader Knights II

Besides, following your argument you could argue that any movie, book, play, music, art is cancer.
If I say that nothing good comes out of any of these then all these must be cancer right?


Since 2007. Every game since has been made to appeal to casuals and women who think they're gamers because they play CoD or Assassins Creed.

>I play CoD and watch Marvel movies, I'm such a geek :^)

the same can be said for television, radio, or WASTING YOUR TIME ON THIS FUCKING BOARD.
Don't delude yourself into thinking spending your time shitposting like this is spending your time any better, it's entertaining, occasionally mildly informative, but most of all, it's just fucking fun, stop being such a hardass and relax.

>Literally nothing positive comes from it
That's a lie their are literal studies that prove their are reward receptors in the brain that go off when accomplishing things. The only thing is having a good balance and not overdoing it.

i.e. saying that something is bad does not make it bad

Well, I had my friend bring this up to me and I suggest some board games or even role playing games in general. We are currently coming up with some house rules for a sort of dynasty/government role play that involves maths, maps, pieces, etc. So far we have gotten seven other people interested.

There are always tabletop games and role playing games if you're a willing to give that a try. You're also not limited by only what the game tells you that you can do.

>Every game
>made to appeal to casuals

If you just eat whatever shit you get served by the big publishers then that's what you get.

I play strategy games every once in a while
>making most out of life
Do you know where you are?

I'll bite,
Counter Strike
Total war: Rome II
Grand Theft Auto V

3 hours in dark souls? What am I a fucking casual?

How is this in any way shape or form more valid than playing video games, you fucking pleb? Honestly, it's none of your concern if I stare at my shoelaces for six hours a night. Quit acting like you're better, you're a piece of shit and eventually you'll be dead and full of maggots - just like the rest of us.

Or a speed runner

The difference is you can't control a characters movements. It's similar to driving, and I like driving.

>Counter Strike

As lame as it may be considered, pick up airsoft or paintball. You're out, you're amongst people, you're active, etc.

>Total War

Tabletop games.


Kill yourself.

You're amongst other people and you're not being told what to do, basically. You're more free to bend things to how you want them to be in the case of role playing games. The other things get you out and active, which help your body instead of simply your fingers and your lard.

I don't think I'm better than you either way, bucko. I'm just trying to help. I always have manchildren lash out at me though, so it seems like y'all are the ones with the problems here.

How about instead of shooting it down, make a profit from it?
The video game industry is bigger than the movie, music, or any other form of entertainment you can find.
That's a lot of jobs and wealth generated.
A lot of scientific research benefit from crowd sourcing vidya players.
Maybe the next planet we'll fuck off to is discovered by a bored and competitive vidya player just because he wants his name tagged on that discovery.
Or maybe the genetic material to cure aids or achieve immortality is sequenced together by puzzle obsessed vidya gaymers.

Mind your own fucking business because you clearly don't know shit.

I was about 22 when I realized it, and it took me years afterward to kick the habit. I still play games on my phone here and there, but for the most part I've given it up. I'm much more productive and my thinking is clearer now. It's a very hard habit to quit and I'm still tempted to play especially when new games come out with lots of buzz.

Modern video games are simply too good. They've mastered the reward mechanism to make you in a constant state of feeling like your achieving something when you play. Real life is far less rewarding per unit time, which makes it hard to seek real life accomplishments when there's always some new quest, challenge, unlock etc in games. Couple that with team based competitive multiplayer games and the corresponding social pressures, and you have a perfect storm to make you waste your life away without even noticing it until it's too late.

It's really sad; I think it's a major factor contributing to the decline of quality human capital in America. All I mean is that people should be dealing with real problems in their life, their community, and they're culture and instead are wrapped up in virtual worlds solving made up problems.

I used to say "at least I'm not just watching TV" but that's a false choice. The truth is they're usually both a huge waste of time. The world has so many problems and so few leaders. I think part of the reason is that we are increasingly disconnected from our communities and instead are connected to artificial communities that offer no real life impact or value.

It is only cancer if you're a NEET whose life revolves around vidya and doing nothing else.

I disagree, but maybe that because I'm not...

I spend every free minute exercising and studying classical philosophy. I have no need for Jewish distractions disguised as "leisure".

Except of course for the grand information superhighway.

>he says while shitposting on a Laotian Yeti-hunting Outpost

I was 18, OP

If anyone else here is over 18 and still plays video-games, you need to grow up or go and see a doctor to get diagnosed with autism already. There's literally no excuse to play kids games when you are an adult.

Done, fun as fuck,
Although CS tends to have more teamwork, still definitely fun

Can't really compare to real time battling

>Kill myself
I've heard this is alot of fun, I've been thinking of trying it sometime.

>firing off the reward receptors in your brain for literally achieving nothing but sitting on your lard ass
>something positive
pick one

>Literally this entire thread

>$40 on DS?
nigga i torrented that shit

I play project reality. 50 v 50 mod for bf2 that came out like 10 years ago.

You lead a squad of 7 real people across huge maps while using radios to coordinate with 8 other squad leaders and your teams commander.

It's slow paced, rounds can last several hours and you have to communicate constantly. Vehicles can take up to 20 minutes to respawn when lost and without transportation your team will be at a huge disadvantage. Walking to an objective can take a long time.

Playing this game helps me to sharpen my leadership skills by leading groups of seven random strangers.

What's a good alternative?

mongolian yurt building sedoku board