Took my first cock today - dunno if I liked it but he was gentle. What you your first time like

Took my first cock today - dunno if I liked it but he was gentle. What you your first time like

>What you your first time like
a a aaa dd dd dont kknnooww my ffff--ather hnggggggggggggggggggg!

Lol why would you do that? You are fucking gay now. It's okay to fuck some submissive faggot without turning gay but taking cock in the ass kind of crosses the line. You are basically beyond all forms of redemption.

did it sting when he finished in you?

i like this meme

Nope I had to poop tho

Maybe he is a faggot now, maybe he's not.
What the fuck are you going to do about it?

>Me and freind begin getting curious
>like 9-11 years old? around that age for me
>He was like 14 about 3 or so years older than me
>he recently started talking to this girl and outside while we shoot hoops he begins mentioning sex stuff
>I instantly get hard as fuck and he says something like oh ur hard?
>Anyways we go inside and in his room
>I lay down on his bed and I see him take his pants off
>Hes not huge but neither was I as I pull my pants right off
>He was nervous cus his sister was home and kept hessitating
>Finally I remember his booty as he sat next to me and began rubbing me
> Anyways he quickly stops cus hes scared I will say soemthing
>I beg but nothing else happens
>Next day Im at my other freinds house and we are playing a game and I remember laying down and getting really hard
>I begin jacking off but my freind kinda ignores
>Finally figure out in 8th grade one of my best freinds is gay
>Finally call over summer and spend the night
>First night I ask about him being gay and he admits it. Within seconds we r both naked.
>HE lays me down on my back and I basically cum right away as he begins rubbing our bodies
>REALLY awkward after I come. Was a virgin...
>Laughs it off and we begin fucking all summer


only after you get a cock in ya