How old is the average Sup Forumstant...

How old is the average Sup Forumstant? I would say about 14-20 judging from the post style and overall taste of the board but i'm not sure.

Late teens/Early-to-mid 20s

22 years old here.
Started lurking at 16.

I'm 24 but I mostly come here to get opinions on music I write


Feel like probably everyone is in their early twenties but that may me just projecting. out of my ass,
65% 18-25, 15% 15-18, 20% 19-30

congrats if you're still here after 30

if youre on past 20 then just fucking kill yourself

I'm just writing music until someone does it for me

You first

Judging by all the hip discussions here: 75%

This board was better in 2011

26 year old (mostly) lurker here

Though this is the first time I've frequented Sup Forums in several months.
I've mostly been on Sup Forums during my hiatus and I've gotta say the rampant leftism on this board really pisses me off. I love music but I just wish faggy liberals weren't so good at making it.


>it's an "OP makes a thread just to be an asshole" episode

you're the reason Sup Forums is trash now, sage

im 20

25 in a week


Late-teens/early-to-mid twenties sounds about right. Mostly men, maybe some gays here or there, but that's about as far as the average Sup Forums-tant goes on the scale of diversity.

>you're the reason Sup Forums is trash now
>Sup Forums is trash now
Sup Forums was always "trash" in many different ways, only newfags like you think there was any major difference. If anything people not being assholes enough is what has turned this place to shit

And half of the girls are probably transgenders.

>This board was better in 1011

All girls are transgenders. We are all men.

Gonna kill myself after 6 months then

22 here only really visit bleep jazz and daily nothing wrong with visiting Sup Forums past 20 you'll see once you get to that age


41 here

I manage the BS here for about an hour once a week mostly for AOTY threads in case I missed anything elsewhere

1994 fag here

>listing 18-25
>then 19-30

What the fuck user are you retarded or something?

I'm 24 but don't know why I come here seeing as you fags don't listen to any of the music I do.


just fucking kill me already fampais

I'm 30 but I only frequent /classical/ and sometimes /comp/ if it's up.

35. There's a lot of old fucks on this board - more than you''ll accurately be able to account for. Most will not reply to a "how old are you?" thread

26 year old lurker, but I, not sure why I keep on coming back. The shitposting and plebbery is out of fucking bounds these days.

there are no girls on the internet

> tfw gonna be 24 in a few months
> tfw realize this board is irredeemable garbage for edgy teens but there's no other good music boards

music for this feel?

Way too old for this site but I've been on and off lurker for 10 years because you guys are still useful for learning about new music and there isn't really anywhere better online.

this. people are too nice and it invites all the worse newfags in which makes the standard for music even worse than it already is

Joke's on you, cause I'm already dead inside,

there are no girls in the world