Without laughing

Without laughing.

I think I can fuck up a gorilla with bare hands

I practice MMA for 7 years now, boxing in parallel for 6 years, I could.
Not to count strength training at the gym for 4 years, 6 ft 1 1/2 for 189 lbs.

I have an insane speed, reflexes similar to my speed. I just have to wait for him to charge me, dodge his attacks, and throw good punches to his head. I won't stop, and at the smallest mistake he does, the gorilla is finished.

You'll always have virgins from here thinking that it's impossible.

First, nothing is impossible with will, my friends, and 2) that's not with your weak ass bodies that you'll do anything.

Any man with a minimum of training can beat a gorilla with a knife anyway.

With bare hands, that is not necessarily more complicated, it just requires technical skills.

OP is retarded.....

no you can't

Old pasta

A gorilla would snap your ass like a twig idiot. lol

if you're so fuckin ripped you'd have a picture of your own body with a timestamp, but well...
you're "trolling" after all

Go for it OP

You won't be able to put enough weight into your punches
Gorrilas are several times heavier than you it would be the equivalent of you fighting a really fast middle schooler

OP go to your nearest zoo at night, break in, fight the biggest silverback you can find and livestream that shit. If you win I'll give you £1000, no jokes.

Will also chip in 500$

>I practice MMA for 7 years
Gave it away.
Nobody practices MMA.
You practice BJJ or other martial arts. MMA is just a competition form.

But let's run with it. Let's say you do.

> throw good punches to his head
Won't matter. At 400 lbs he won't fucking feel it.
> I won't stop
neither will it

But as other have said.
Do it. But be sure to have some friends with you with some good cameras. At least they will get richt with the video and might even pay for your funeral.