This is so cool! Mac DeMarco proving why he rules again

Other urls found in this thread: Kern

Hahahaha mac demarco more like crap demarco

meh its a good thing i can still enjoy an artists work even though i still disagree with his political and personal views

>monthly deadly islamic terrorist attacks
>people are now afraid of islam, aka islamphobia
>nu males make compilation against the phobia of islam instead of against terrorists themselves

I can but only if there music is good enough where I can't live without it

Mac demarco makes throwaway music as it is. So I can't give him a pass on this one

Yeah right, when western people get killed en mass every month the thing that has to worry us the most is islamophobia.

Why are most musicians cucks ?

>"Blades" Song has a crappy generic loop and shitty meaningless lyrics
>Photoshop swirl effect
>"philia" the first thing that comes to mind is pedophilia

>Artists Who Have Never Read The Quran Nor Spoken to Muslims Rise Against Islamphobia
really gettin' the synapses firing

what most people fail to understand is that the most terrible stuff isn't in the Quran, but in the hadith books such as sahih al bukari, sahih muslim etc. The thing is that sunni Islam is more about worshipping arabic caliphs than worshiping god, hence the whole jihad thing (which is nothing more than a transcription of old arabic feudal traditions)

Anyway, people who think that a religion made for some backwards desert nomads 1400 years ago is relevant in the rest of the world are retarded.

>muslims want to extract revenge on the western world for what the western world has done to them in the past 20 something years
>western nu-males say they don't mind and release an anti-islamophobia compilation
>all the while failing to take notice of the actual cause of the problem at hand

This is fucking bizarre

>leftists have never been anti white, anti christian and anti western before

Nice try muhammad

Daily reminder:

I ain't reading that shit, nigga

good for him he seems like a cool guy

>tfw the city I live in is unsafe because of the high muslim population
>tfw the threat of a terror attack is extremely likely thus you always need to keep this danger in the back of your mind
>tfw some faggot who's never been here or met a muslim in his life tells me that I'm in the wrong

>he thinks Islamic terrorism is about "revenge"

Holy shit, the Democrats are actually redpilled but still push this shit on the people?
Thats just pure evil.

Did you literally just equate Islam with terrorism? Are you 5?

Isis's goal is to create a holy war, and they want you to hate muslims

>do you really equate a religion that commands it's followers to kill non-believers with killing people in the name of that religion


holy shit you got him

>they want you to hate muslims
They want you to die, faggot. They want the world to be Shia muslim.
Like they give a fuck if we're scared or hate-filled or not.

He has no source

No they do
They want muslims to join them
They hope you will force them out so they all go and fight for them
It's working too, trouble is they come back here and bomb people

It's a book called "The Quran"

This right here, this is the most idea narrative ever. The sheer fact that people repeat it is astounding. ISIS want us to believe this narrative, they want us to think that if we change our ways then we've let them win. Why? Because the current system lets them get away with everything they want. And idiots like you keep up this idea that we can't do anything to stop terrorism because 'thats what the terrorists want'. There are no words for how utterly brain dead this idea is.

>Shia Muslim

Isis are Wahhabi Sunni

>source: either my ass or lefty propaganda


Show me where

>Nu-males fight for women rights
>also support a religion which was built on misogyny

MI6 good enough for you?


Europe will be under the Muslim caliphate in 60-100 years with or without violence.
All this turning a blind eye/mass immigration cuckoldry is doing ISIS's work for them.
They can literally just put their feet up and chill out, Europe is dead.
They only chance Europe has is to pull it's finger out of it's ass, close their borders and get tough on mosques that breed these faggots.
If Europe truly hated Muslims from the start they wouldn't have let any in and ISIS couldn't do shit to Europe.

Muslims can't abuse women. Abuse = power + privilege

Only white men can abuse women


>inb4 muh historical context

>daily islamic terrorist attacks
>muslims running people over, bombing, mass shootings
>Fear spreads as the body count rises
>Blood in the streets
>The chillian Mac DeMarco saves the day by telling us to just chill out, man, and plays a chill tune as the sound of bombs thunder in the distance and gore flies into our faces
>"Thanks Mac!" we cheer as a plane, piloted by Muhammed, crashes into the ground and kills us all, rendering us into ash.

Fuck are you talking about? Isis are almost finished

They are not even full sentences

Well, it was written by an illiterate warlord.

won't be the first time so who cares tbqh

reminder that christianity is not native to europe

I'm not feeling chill Mac, I'M NOT FEELING IT

This compilation is going to accomplish nothing, I mean, like, how?

Not even that user. My point being the common arguments against the citation of verses such as the "wherever you may find them" verse stress the importance of historical context. Historical context is meaningless when Muslims themselves don't take it into account. They just read the texts as given to them.

Doesn't matter.
Islam outgrows the white secular population. With or without ISIS there will always be Muslims that commit terrorist attacks, it has been that way since it started, it's an inherent part of the religion.

>you will never chill with mac in a Isis cage then they pour gasoline over us and light us on fire and mac says some really goofy things while you're burning to death violently

It's only going to appeal to people who aren't affected by muslims. They will get a kick out of feeling like they're helping by listening, the artists gets to feel like they're helping by creating, and miserable faggots on the internet will go on about the fundamentals of Islamic philosophy. All the while the problem goes on unsolved.

You should.

Democrat voters don't know (or choose to ignore) this stuff, but Democrat politicians aren't ignorant or stupid. They know what's going on and push their nonsense anyway because it gets them votes and power (or in some cases because they're blinded by their ideologies and believe bullshit like "they act like this because we've not been welcoming enough" or any other west-blaming excuse).

You think Islam will tolerate an Enlightenment? A separation of Church and State?

If by religion you mean Wahhabism then sure.
But Wahhabism != Islam

What are you doing with that van mac?

>They only do these attacks because the west ruined their countries so they want revenge.
Must be why attacks on the wast are only a small number compared to the much more frequent attacks they do on each others in their own countries.

>But that's only a small group of radicals. The vast majority of muslims is made of peaceful people who practice "real Islam" and would never hurt a fly.
Go tell that to Copts.
Or any minority group in muslim countries, and ask them if the persecution they face to this day (that goes on since the day muslims invaded their countries) is only done by extremist groups like Daesh.

>trusting a fucking meme image packed with english translations of a non-latin religious text
This is why no-one takes you seriously.

>Head in the sand
This is why no one takes you seriously.

Stop using phrases you don't understand.

I know what "takes you seriously" means you condescending twat.


>white countries bomb muslim civilians daily, killing thousands
>muslims kills a handful of people in Europe

Really jiggles my biggle-wiggles

Even if those quotes are mistranslated or decontextualized, it's pretty clear that a significant portion of muslims believes those things, and the number is lqrge enoough that wherever there are muslims in a non-negligible number there's always some group that causes mayhem.
The true intention of their scriptures is irrelevant if the interpretation that many muslim give them is the violent/hateful/intolerant one.

It's a pointless discussion anyway, since muslims have acted this way since the day Muhammad was still alive, so it's clear that it's both the religion itself and its interpretations.



Consider this: central Asian countries like Kazakhstan practice Islam and yet are generally peaceful.

It's almost as if the problem is not Islam but Arabs in general.

For your consideration.

> Kern

>It's almost as if the problem is not Islam but Arabs in general.

I've met some pretty decent Arabs. Funnily enough though, none of them were Muslims.

>generally peaceful

Not all Islam breeds terror. Example: Indonesia. Very nice people!

It would be absolutely hilarious if they bombed this concert.

Just because you don't hear about it it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

The only reason Islamic integralism is mostly strong in arab and african countries is because in those other asian ones Islam isn't very strongly radicated in their day to day culture, while in africa and the middle east it's basically all they think about, and religion is their top priority in life.

sure just don't get arrested there

Who gets arrested? Criminals. I am not a criminal. No problem there!

Indonesia is very well-known as a repressive, deeply corrupt shithole lmao. Are you just naming any and all Islamic countries you can think of in hopes that at least one of them is going to be civilized?

Wrong! My best clients come from Indonesia. Great country!

Can you guys please use google before posting?

i dunno man i almost got arrested for leaving the country with a musical instrument
cops there are fucking mental, like ss officers on a coke bender

>don't go to Aceh

>I have never been to Indonesia nor have I read enough about it and yet I make large sweeping statements on its overall character as a nation state

Indonesia is far from a model nation

>but muh low crime rate
it's called low reporting, user.

Your problem, criminal, not mine.
Are you saying Indonesia is culpable? So the US is culpable for terrorists for being victims of terror attacks? Nice logic!

>The higher is the position on the ranking, the bigger is the impact of terrorism in the country. Kazakhstan's 94th place puts it in a group of countries with the lowest impact of terrorism.[6]
alright then

oh i see you were just baiting
and there i was thinking i was having a conversation with a real person

My point was that there are still non-negligible amounts of islamic terrorism, so it's not a phenomenon that's exclusive to arab countries.
Of course it's not gonna be among the top affected countries (because as I said before, Islam isn't as radicated in their life as it is in Arab countries), but still proves that wherever there is Islam there are problems like this.

Also that number doesn't count all countries but only terrorism-affected ones, so it's not like it's in the top safe countries worldwide. It's only relatively safe compared to other terrorism-affected ones.

>But x country has muslims and they're peaceful good people.
Pic related.

There are Arab non-muslim minorities in Arab countries and they're as peaceful as any other European or non-muslim Asian peoples.

indonesia isn't all bad, they have hobbits, and everyone loves hobbits

A phobia is an irrational fear or hate of something. There is absolutely nothing irrational about hating islam.

I don't like hobbits.

i bet you haven't even studied islam


You can start your studies here:

nice try, stormfag


I'm actually largely left-wing.

is that why you posted links to a zionist organisation

>Guys I think drug cartels are bad and with all their murders, kidnappings, etc they're a menace that needs to be stopped.

>YOU IGNORANT! I bet you didn't even research their history and culture in depth, and have no idea what you're talking about, so your opinion is worthless and wrong.

how is that equivalent?

Generalizing all muslims as terrorists is just as naive as generalizing that everyone who's ever played a nintendo game is a furry.

>nuh uh bro my imaginary genie has a bigger dick than YOUR imaginary genie #teamjesus

religious wars in a nutshell

It means that you don't need to do deep research on something to say it's bad, since it's so evident by the effect it has on the world.

oh sure, you can hate anything you want, so long as you're aware that arguing from a position of ignorance is completely ineffective

>so long as you're aware that arguing from a position of ignorance is completely ineffective

>thinking all muslims are terrorists

pot, meet kettle