Trying to lose 50 pounds in 1 month with fasting, will it work, what to do agains hunger any tips?

trying to lose 50 pounds in 1 month with fasting, will it work, what to do agains hunger any tips?

user... You can't lose 50 pounds a month

if you plan on cutting a limb, then it will work.
i think the best you can do is 10kg if you:
run about 15km everyday
eat only salad and low calorie foods
do sauna

Not possible, the only way to lose 50pounds is to cut your arms off or legs but I wouldn't recommend that... Try to do it over the summer, go lift some weights eat but less. In 2 month you could change a lot I believe in you faggot

its a water fast form dr.jason fung. 30 days only water and multivitamin

It will not work.

That's not how fasting works, and without liposuction that much wrought reduction would be impossible.

Fasting slows your metabolism for self preservation. You won't lose much weight, but feel like you're dying. Unless you completely starve yourself. Then you might die anyway.

>You can't
>Not possible

actually you can, it's just not a healthy way to do it and you'll end up with saggy skin

Watch your carbs, drink lots of water, do cardio, and no, you can't lose 50 pounds in a month. Don't be dense. You'll just end up sick and losing muscle, not fat.

I'm aiming to lose 5 pounds this month to cut some extra bulk weight, and I think that's optimistic.

There are no shortcuts. Looking better and losing weight is doable, but takes some time to achieve. Fasting will fail, and just make it harder for you later due to muscle loss.

Never trust advice from somebody trying to sell you anything.

Go to /fit/. Seriously. I got my start there.

1) you can't do it with fasting. It will shut your metabolism down
2) I'm assuming you are a fat fuck 280+ so you can lose 50 in a month
3) eat many small meals/day at least 5, better 6
by small I mean no more than 1/2 cup (prepared) oatmeal, 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese. You can eat all the leafy greens you want (no dressing)
4) minimize carbs. You can have them, just never more than 1/2 the size of your hand, not including fingers, just palm.
5) you need to exercise like fuck.
6) water, lots of fucking water, until you slosh.

This will work. I 110% guarantee it.

I stopped eating but maybe a meal or two a week and ran 5-10 miles 5 days a week. Most I lost was 28lbs in a month. I regret it. You can't lose 50 in a month, don't try. You'll regret how you look and how you feel.

Honestly it doesn't matter what you eat, just reduce your caloric intake and drink only water. You'll lose weight quick. Don't excerise because it will make you hungrier and it won't help you lose weight anyway.

Green tea helps with hunger

this is bad advice

Explain please

Which part?

Was watching this dude on Youtube who all he did was drank water for almost a month and he lost a lot. Drank water when he felt hungry and let the body eat into the fat reserve.

You said you regret it. How and Why? If you lost 28 pounds in one month you have to feel atleast a slight bit better

They can show you.

Buy one of those disposable e-cigs(n Joy, vide, whatever) and use it 24/7, and drink coffee like a motherfucker. This idea of yours is stupid, i ve already tried it, what works for normal white(blacks go better with low carb diets) people is a balanced carb and protein intake 6 times a day without fat. Yes, mind blowing right? Fat makes you fat

I did it for 5 months and lost about 110-120 lbs. I was left with sagging skin and stretch marks I'm more embarrassed of than fat rolls. Never had any energy to do anything else, skin started to look like shit, permanently change my body chemistry so now my body holds on to every calorie and I have to watch now more than ever, once you lose the 50 you'll see no problem in 10-20 more, then 10-20 doesn't change your confidence or self esteem, it wears your heart so goddamn bad that I had to quit my baseball league from chest pains, its fucks with your teeth and generally is not good. Take it slow and do it right.

I hear tell you lose 1lbs per 3500 calorie deficient

3500 x 50 = 175'000

Say you need 3'000 cal a day

3'000 X 30 = 90'000

175'000- 90'000 = 85'000

You'll need to make up an extra 85'000 calorie deficit through exercise.

According to the treadmill at my gym 1, 8 minute mile burns 132 calories

85'000/132 = 643miles

643/30= 21 miles

So you'll need to eat nothing and run 21 miles a day for 30 days

You can do it , I believe in you.

I'm 6'3 started at 250ish and stopped at 135, now I'm a no muscle skeleton draped in sagging skin. Also, your body eats muscle tissue before fat when there are no reserves to work with.


i also bought viagra since i was told it increases metabolism and heart rate, i take one pill a day after waking up

Fasting is a shitty way to lose weight user. You put that back on really quickly as soon as you start eating again. Better to just commit to a good diet and start exercising in incremental and reasonable steps.

Really? Why do you say this? Ive been on one meal a day with almost no exercise for over a year and I feel great and look much better.
>240lbs to 175

& I did one or two meals a week and exercised 5 days a week. Yours isn't too extreme, just make sure you're getting enough vitamins and minerals in your meals and alternate to get them all. Your body needs them for a reason.

iam 120 kg and 5ft9 iam worried about hunger iam hungry all the time how can i keep a fast like that


You shouldn't fast but if you don't have the discipline to power through the hunger pangs then you won't lose weight.

>Don't excerise because it will make you hungrier and it won't help you lose weight anyway.

Wow, ignore this. This guy is a dumbass; exercise is the best way to lose weight when combined with a good diet.

Don't give advice if you're fucking clueless.


No, when you do that, your body starts consuming your MUSCLE. Which weighs more than fat so you "lose" a lot of weight, which you'll quickly gain back with a much slower metabolism.

Let me expand on this: you fast, you'll lose muscle mass. Muscle mass (and your metabolism) are what really burn calories. If you fast, you lose muscle, and that means that you'll gain fat with even LESS calories than before.

If you're fat, you've stored up too much fuel. You need to make your body consume that fuel more per day by gaining muscle.

Fasting is like not driving your car to save on gas money, and missing out on work because you have to walk. It's self-defeating.

KEK, taking viagra to lose weight ................ you win bro this ylyl thread is done

>about 110-120 lbs
well, you were probably a really fat fuck to begin with

6'3 250ish. It was being tired of being a fat fuck that gave me the resolve