Had rough sex last night

Had rough sex last night
Woke up with my forskin sore and swollen. Could it just be that I overworked my dick. I'm in pain Bros any help/insight would be appreciated

She was probably too dry. This also happens when you fap a completely dry cock too hard. It will go away in 2 days.

Thanks bro. Yeah lube was definitely lacking last night

Trips, and put a little talcum powder on it. You'll be right as rain tomorrow by this time.

pic unrel, but somehow funny

must be an ugly, desperate skank to actually fuck a guy with foreskin

btw - it s probably any of a plethora of infections since foreskin pockets are disease farms

Won't That just dry my dick out?
Pic appreciated I need the laughs

Sorry you're cut mate. I'd be mad with a mutilated penis too.

Also, do some manscaping, man! You won't get a decent Blowjob with fuzzy nuts

>I believe everything I read on the internet
Show us where the bad man touched you

take more pictures

No man, it'll soften it like velvet. Also, it will prevent infection, if not already infected.
If it's red on the inside, it'll calm it down.

Take a good look at the foreskin. That's what a real man's penis looks like.
Please realize that your jew dick is mutilated and you're way less sensitive due to that.

fapped yourself raw?

Tried taking a razor to my balls and while the results were great the anxiety wasn't worth it and hate the regrow.

News flash: Lots of religions are circumcised.
> I'm a Lutheran, you're a whore

Do you know the history behind circumcision in America and why you do it?

The foreskin was cut to stop boys from masturbating.

You'll get used to it, it's worth it!

How hilarious!

such a shame you're mutiliated

I'm cut, and I can tell you're just butthurt about being cut yourself.

I know. It sucks. But you don't gotta be a dick about it

Yo you got a nice dick. Post more?

Bruised skin does not need anything to "calm it down".

Talcum powder:
Learn it;
Know it'
Live it.

Why do some dudes fear to shave their balls? The skin there is thicker than on most places of the body, you cannot slice it open with a safety razor. I do experience some capilar bleeding because the skin is uneven but I don't fear that I will do any damage that won't heal in 12 hours or less.

Cut here and I really don't care either way but I've found girls preferred the look of circumcised