Český thread, všichni knedlíci sem

Český thread, všichni knedlíci sem.

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Could you explain to me why is piss porn so popular in your country? Is it more accteptable there or something? I have nothing against it but it is so strange.... Also Bernard beer is fucking amazing and your country is a beauty.

We like piss porn? I live here, and i have no fucking clue.

Yup, same, no clue about it being popular here.

Why is most of Porn I watch from Czech? You mostly find porn from America or UK and rarely from other countries, but damn, you have 10 million people in your country and it seems that you produce a lot of stuff.
I hired a hooker in UK once and guess where was she from. She was great

Byl někdo na Píseckejch slavnostech? Celkem opruz co se mě týče.

If you do a search on it there are tons and tons if pissing porn producers from the Czech Republic, I have kind of a fetish for that stuff and somehow 50%of it is german and like 20% czech, so that's why I asked if it is more accetable there, but maybe it is just that somehow the producers like to shoot that stuff in your country for some reason.

it's cultural i guess, i mean, i'm a total beta, and even i scored a 7. Women just want to fuck more, that's all.

Time to book my ticket to Czech Republic then.
I know Polish girls are getting fucking wet when you tell them that you are from UK and earn 5x their salary. Will Czech girls be more likely to ride my cock just by the fact that I am a foreigner with theoretically better living standards?

Jsem nasraný, spálil jsem si ruce a krk na slunci...