We all act like gentlemen till someone gets trips

We all act like gentlemen till someone gets trips.

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Well, looks like I'll take a roll.

Jolly good attempt good sir. May I have a go?

I love to masturbate


Im posting from my phone



But of course, good sir. I may be a newfag, but it isn't hard to be polite. Another roll for me to see if anything changes, I s'pose.

Very productive today I see. I hope you have a safe travel good gent.


I sure do hope these are trips!

That sure was a close call there good sir!


Blacks should be given free health care since whites slaved them only white people should have to pay for our health care



i do say mr. user that was a jolly good attempt at, keep a stiff upper lip ey chap.

i like the peace

Ahh yes, the black great group of gents!

What a good idea sir!

What about quads

I have the faiths.

Well sir i think that was fairly good but i must say

Why hello there dear Sup Forums. How are you gentlemen doing? I am, what you would call, taking a shit right now. What are you doing right now?

How you high-class men are dealling with this hard economy?

How astounding! I am, in fact, also taking a shit currently!



My my, this thread is going great!

What a lovely day for some trips

It's fairly unexplicable why this thread is completely lacking faggots. Any good sir care to explain why that's indeed the truth?

That's amazing! I hope you don't have diarrhoea like I do right now.

Dearest me, no one seems to have gotten trips yet!

oh boy nearly my good man

I must say, I'm honestly impressed my good sirs.

I shall return briefly I do hope no ill mannered folk appear in my absence

I wish you the best of luck on whatever you may be doing while you are absent.

hang on my chaps, i'm just going off to masturbate to hardcore hentai, cheerio!

Hope your fap goes nicely for you, fellow chap!

I am sorry to hear that, but no, i am not as unlucky. Apologies!



hello everyone im having a nice day . YOU having a nice day

Dear gents, this thread is going well and I hope so do you. It shall be time for a brief lecture on eugenics!


Rohrmann et al. (2007) disprove the postulation that Blacks have higher testosterone. Instead they find that they have higher serum estradiol despite testosterone levels being equal.

An overproduction of estrogen in men can be the causation of abnormal behaviour through emotional disturbances as well as type 2 diabetes.


Marshall (2005) shows that African Americans suffer from high diabetes type 2 levels because of "genetic traits, the prevalence of obesity, and insulin resistance."


Sniekers et 29 al. (2017) conduct genetic analysis on 78,308 individuals via the UK Blood Bank and find that 336 SNPs in 18 genomic loci, altogether 52 genes are linked to human intelligence, to be more specific the intelligence factor g.

In brevi:
• Genetic correlations (high significance for each) were calculated between intelligence and 32 other traits.
• Proxy replication has been successful via educational attainment meaning that this study is another confirmation that IQ does determine success.
• Identified genes are predominantly expressed in brain tissue.
• SNPs positively overlap with longevity, intracranial volume, height and birth weight.
• The authors mark their study as "starting point" implicating that there possibly are much more SNPs regulating human intelligence than previously suspected.


(2007) Blanchard et al. discuss the relationship between IQ, handedness, and paedophilia in adult males.

Low IQ and left handedness are significant for clinical patients with pedophilia. Both factors are caused by developmental disturbances. Low education is caused by lower IQ.

Cheerio lad! Don't feel guilty in any way, after you're done.


Udry et al. (2003) compare, using data of the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (US), health and risk status of adolescents in coherence with self-identification with a single race or more. They show that juveniles identifying themselves as mixed race are more prone to smoke and drink, have a worse school experience and show higher risk regarding general health questions.

They conclude that "adolescents who self-identify as more than 1 race are at higher health and behavior risks."


Plomin & Spinath (2004) elaborate on intelligence and factors thereof in coherence with genetic predisposition.

As this paper covers some of the most important aspects such as heritability of intelligence and redundant aspects of environmental explanations I shall outline key points:

• "half of the total (intelligence) variance [...] can be attributed to DNA differences between individuals." Heritability is much higher taking measurement errors into account.

• "heritability of intelligence increases throughout the life span" and the factor of environment "declines to negligible levels after adolescence"

• "... assortative mating for intelligence is substantial. Correlations between spouses are only about .10 for other personality traits and about .20 for height and weight, but assortative mating for intelligence is about .40"

• Concerning high differences of children in twin studies, "intelligence is the exception to this rule of nonshared environmental influence."

I ougth to acept thee challenge

Oh, you know. I'm just a mere newfag trying to get a hold on figuring out Sup Forums. I think I'm getting better with it though, so huzzah for that!

What´s all this then ?

Oh my off by one

Wonderful weather outside on the upper mid east coast of the United states to be sitting here and lollygagging.

Always the right time to expand the ole brain's knowledge. Sincerest thanks ole chap!

Every chap in 'ere is acting gently! Please continue.

Good thread indeed so far, gentlemen.

I do say this is quite the thread. Well done ol boys!

I hold my dice in my hand in a rolling fashion

Hello compatriots

Ah, if only the position of the third to last zero and the three in the fourth to last slot was swapped... Oh well, back to calling everyone chap we go!

My my chaps!

it's true?
Watches at 0 $?

Another roll for me, my fellow friends!

Dear gentleman, since "les triples" seem to take their good time, I shall aspire you with even more knowledge about human races.


A. Craig, Richeson (2014)

The U.S. Census Bureau projects that racial minority groups will make up a majority of the U.S. national population in 2042, effectively creating a so-called majority-minority nation. In four experiments, we explored how salience of such racial demographic shifts affects White Americans’ political-party leanings and expressed political ideology:

• Study 1 revealed that making California’s majority-minority shift salient led politically unaffiliated White Americans to lean more toward the Republican Party and express greater political conservatism.

• Studies 2, 3a, and 3b revealed that making the changing national racial demographics salient led White Americans (regardless of political affiliation) to endorse conservative policy positions more strongly.

• Moreover, the results implicate group-status threat as the mechanism underlying these effects.

Taken together, this work suggests that the increasing diversity of the nation may engender a widening partisan divide.


Stoet & Bailey (2016) conduct analysis on PISA. They find that, despite countries having a more liberal stance on gender roles and equality thereof, females still account for...

"larger national sex differences in 'mathematics anxiety' and relatively lower parental mathematics valuation for girls".

Based on these observations one is able to conclude that
'math anxiety' and lower female participation in STEM fields is universal and likely biological, casting serious doubts on gender-stratification hypothesis.

As a nota bene one should take into account, that said countries offer better opportunities for attainment in STEM fields for both sexes, enabling males to pursue an even higher grade of education.

I'm not allowed at the local gay bar anymore so now I read books and taste fine wine.

How interesting good sir!

i nicely rolled virtual dice comes fams.



Frigge et al. (2016) elaborate on selection against variants in the genome associated with educational attainment (POLYedu).

Acknowledging the fact, that educational achievement is associated with genetic predisposition, Frigge et al. show that said score steadily declines at 0.010 standard units per decade, estimating the actual polygenic decline at three times the rate. Since fertility is correlated negatively to educational attainment said circumstances are being held responsible.


Turkheimer (2000) presents his Three Laws of Behavioral Genetics.

Turkheimer begins by stating, "The nature-nurture debate is over. The bottom line is that everything is heritable, an outcome that has taken all sides of the nature-nurture debate by surprise. [...] I have suggested that the universal influence of genes on behavior be enshrined as the first law of behavior genetics (Turkheimer & Gottesman, 1991)* [...], it is worth stating the nearly unanimous results of behavior genetics in a more formal manner."

● First Law: All human behavioral traits are heritable.

Turkheimer warns of oversimplification. Psychobiology, malleability to be more specific, claims that actual developmental processes lead to complex outcomes. However these as well are determined by genetic predisposition.

● Second Law: The effect of being raised in the same family is smaller than the effect of genes.

● Third Law: A substantial portion of the variation in complex human behavioral traits is not accounted for by the effects of genes or families.

Take home message: We receive our traits ab ovo.

What the devil, with all these deuces?

Oh boy here we go. Ready yourself gentleman!

How wonderful, this thread is!

Say my good sir, you happen to have anything interesting on the Catholic religion? I've been quite curious about those folk as of late.

Ready chap!

>we all talk like le gentleman until trips and we go CRAZY!!! LOL!!! XD

You should all be ashamed of yourselves.

You fellows make my day!

This wait certainly is a killer, eh?

this seems to be a sport most engaging, my good fellow, a remarkably thrilling hunt indeed


Ahh what a lovely day to try

Would have been quite hilarious if you had then gotten doubles!

Three posts late, fellow chap. Darn.


pip pip cheerio and all that jazz lads.

Good day to you fine people

i would atleat like to get the dubs

Good sir, this is a thread for gentlemen. Join us!


Good day to you my fine gentlesir

Good sir, the "catholic region" may not be very well defined. However, have an inbreeding map.


This. These threads are gay as fuck.
>good sir
The cringe is strong.

Here you go gentlemen. Trips for you

Dear thread let me roll repeating numbers for you

Indeed, I find it quite a struggle to understand folk with lesser eucletic capacities.

Let's have a go at this gents

Nothing like a /gentrips/ thread.

Darn it


(1976) Scarr and Weinberg show that Black children raised in White households acquire a higher level of intellectual performance in their youth than Black children raised in afro-american homes. This supports the idea of youth malleability regarding IQ.

Nota bene: white children in wealthy White households even outperform regular whites in a proportion matching the Black-White IQ gap.


(1983) Scarr and Weinberg conclude their experiment from the 1970s by testing said children after adolescence.
They find, that IQ returned to values of their respective counterparts resulting in the original White-Black gap showing that intelligence malleability only occurs during youth.

Scarr concludes that her findings further confirm heritability of IQ.

Good evening gentlemen, would you care to join me, I made a huge reservation for all of us at Dorsia

Many apologies sir, but you have not gotten triples.

Will we ever find the trips of truth?