Megyn Kelly just said "MoFo's" on TV

Lets complain and get her fired.

Let's go out, see the sun and talk to a girl instead.

Link vid

She a trumper now
Leave alone

all at once
good idea. She won't see us coming

Fuck off kike

n-no, y-you

It was just on Foxnews.

Why shes pro trump now, trump owned dat sweet pussy.

I actually was out today.

No she's not. She just had Katrina and some pro Hillary shill on and she kept interrupting Katrina. She was also going on about how she started the trump hates woman movement with her "hard hitting questions during the debate"

god damn her hair is fucking sexy today

I want to see her episode with Trump first.

They just showed previews. Once again she's making it all about her.

Oh how ironic. I thought was Sup Forums was pro free speech. Why would you stoop low as liberals are to censor someone?

This was Megyn Kelly the night after the interview

Fuck off Bernie


Fuck off mofo.


Congratulations youre a third of the way there. Now get some sun(its cloudy) and go talk to a girl

write a draft letter for us with the contact info user

Looking at her toes she isn't wearing pantyhose, that looks like a landing strip.

What went wrong?

Don't you ever tell me how to live my life you son of a bitch. I would kill you with my bare hands if you were standing in front of me

The webm of the slip

Northwest somewhere?

SJW-tier attacks are bad. You have to be better than that.



her body is so disgusting and misshapen, it's like something out of Silent Hill

her torso is like a flattened cardboard box, and her creepy limbs are like boney tentacles

giant frying pan face and bizarre dyke hair...i think this counts as self-harm

Remember when women wore suits and you could take them seriously?

No they fight dirty, so we must crawl through the mud to beat them

Why? I say shit all the time


That face, looks like a commanding dyke that spreads pussy for her friends at alfa mega pi.

mmm... nothing better than cotto salami amiright?