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>ppat is back
>nuclear powell in the starting lineup

how are the rockets 3rd in the west with that trash

Go Rockets

demar decarol is so shite.

good stream here lads :

Efficiently high scoring

Watch the game and you will see why

>nuclear powell in the starting lineup
_'antoni + harr_en are a match made in heaven


Well, fellow Rockets fans. This winning streak has been fun. But we've been exposed. Fuck

lets not get carried away

Raptors are shit

That was one of the worst calls I've ever seen

Powell was so shocked at the lack of harden defense that he missed a layup

bad TO

Harden rekt

>Nene phantom foul
>no call on Harden
>phantom foul on Bev

This game already sucks

good hustle anderson

Bev ded we got dis

pretty lame card game raps

I'm so fucking tired of this Cockshits team. Been cheering this team since '98. This team can never make fucking adjustments. Yeah, they're like 18-3 in their last 21 or some shit but I don't give a fuck. How many games in a row before their defense doesn't allow a player to go 8/8 from 3? How many turnovers? Fuck this team. I'm out.

good pasta

Does no-one reading the scouting report on Harden? jfc

Harden Strong

And 1

Can't fight against your own instincts

Is ross retarded

they do they just can't stop him

That was a soft af continuation tbqfh

2bh EG hardly gets called so it's nice to see that

I didn't think they were going to count it either



Jesus Christ a review? Seriously? Thank you (((Silver)))

imo they need to change the rules to stop players from people putting their face next to people's elbows to try and bait flagrants. It's fucking ridiculous

These fag Raptors announcers mouth watering for a flagrant foul from nothing


just a regular foul

letting his players get some rest and drawing up some plays. casey is playing 6d chess.


stop screwing around rockets

I can't stand these fucking canadian broadcasters

Splash Gordon

Rockets have been struggling over the past few games, despite getting the wins

I feel like the past 10 games or so have been nothing but awful 1st quarters and then they eventually get the W. Hope that's the case here

I think it's Capela being out and Beverley is clearly not 100%. Nene and Harrell are alright as 2nd unit players, but starting, they're fucking awful and offer zero rim protection.

get back soon capela


Yeah, the lack of Capela really hurts, especially with old man Nene on limited minutes.

Rockets struggle is now official


>tfw trying to watch this game and the Packers/Giants game at the same time

DeRozan > harden

so bebe > valanciunas and powell > ross
can we trade those 2 shitters?

haha gr8t defrozen meme

Our team defense is awful

He dogdicked him in Houston last game and is doing it again tonight

DeRozan can't carry a team though, but you know that.

powell has to slow it down

>letting go of biyombo and keeping penisuncianas
I was THIS close to becoming /lifelong/

the Rockets three's have been way off lately

just rusty because they haven't shot enough

>Cockshits playing the game of their lives
>Raptors struggling
>we're still up 9



could be the back to back

um thats not correct

>1/15 from 3

watch me dip
now watch me nene

They've both taken their teams to the conference finals

Lowry thinks he's a centre lmao

damn bev

real general thread. Harry is spamming in the other one

and you're not even up by much thats the sad part haha

Nene is fucking awful. I hope we sign Kofous like the rumors say

>le_pushoff flopping man

I missed that rumor

why would we want that bird lookin freak over based Nenè?

As Lowry just flails for a call and fouls Gordon lmao

Nene is fine as a backup imo

Because Kofous is a legit 7 footer and Nene is terrible, doesn't understand defensive rotations

>open the door
>get on the floor
>everybody walk the dinosaur


uh oh rapties

>Allowing the 2017 Pooston Cockshits 34 points in the paint in a half

Raptors, fix that shit

coming back

Whats the matter? Did they stop trying to hit 3's?

fuck ariza


They cant. Theres no more biyomGOAT to protect the rim

Is Ariza elite?



Ariza is cool as fuck. Don't see how anyone could hate him


He has his days

Who here watching the Globes preshow, the NFL play-offs and this game?

The NFL playoffs suck ass this year

I have 2 of the 3

fair enough fuck the nfl

NFL pace is too slow for me