Is it justice / God's plan that Islam is conquering Europe?

Here me out:
>Europe falls into degenerate atheism
>Islam conquers
>Christians are permitted to practice in Islam, albeit with many unfair burdens like the jizya
>Atheists are murdered / purged
>All remaining European natives will be Christians

It seems to me like God is giving Europe the chance to return to Christianity through the Muslim conquest.

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That's pretty retarded, even for an American. Oh, who am I kidding?

Which part is wrong, shitposting nigger?

None of that will happen. Jokes on you, bud. Early Christians thought that Jesus would come back during their lifetimes. That was 2,000 years ago.

Some early Christians thought that, but it was never actual part of Church teaching. Jesus specifically said that no one knows the hour or the day. Just because some Christians had ideas about the end times doesn't mean that Christianity was wrong, especially since Jesus' own words contradict those ideas.

There will be no Christians in the future, it's a dying religion.

Why would Atheists be easier to conquer than Christfags? Atheists can nuke cities, poison water supplies, torch orphanages, and no Great Sky Faggot to care about it.

The Church didn't exist in the first century A.D. They still called their religious gatherings Synagogue and still sacrificed sheep and shit.


It's God's plan we learn to fight again.

Deus Vult.

Yeah, and has any of that ever happened? Or are atheists just leftists who invite Muslims into their countries?
>atheism = science may may

Except that's not true.

Did you read the book of Revelations, user?

In the end things will go to shit, the world will break and be forced to establish some form of "world government". It's sort of unavoidable. I actually think that Muslims dominating Europe are the preparation for that.

I'm an atheist and I'm not liberal.

Of course it has happened. Officially atheistic states have racked up magnificent, beautiful body counts that Chrstians can't compete with. Atheists have had a nuke pointed at my house all my life.

everything happen cus he allow it
they are too cucks, we need to get up in arms

They were also gommies

That's great, but population level demographics indicate that atheists are overwhelmingly liberal.

>And I also say unto thee, that thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it - Mathew 16:18

Do not loose faith. Though the night may be dark. The day is near and we shall be triumphant in the light.

Ad Maioriem Dei Gloriam

That's KALERGI PLAN, retarded !!!!!!!!!

"The man of the future will be of mixed race. The races and classes of today will gradually disappear due to the elimination of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-negroid race of the future, similar in appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with the diversity of individuals."

Yes, you are correct. The muslim invasion is the judgement of God upon the West because of their godlessness. St Sophronius of Jerusalem stated it 1400 years ago:

>Why do barbarian raids abound? Why are thetroops of the Saracensattacking us? Why has there been so much destruction and plunder? Why are there incessant outpourings of human blood? Why are the birds of the sky devouring human bodies?Why have churches been pulled down? Why is the Cross mocked?Why is Christ, who is the dispenser of all good things and the provider of this joyousness of ours, blasphemed by pagan mouths so that he justly cries out to us: "Because of you my name is blasphemed among the pagans," and this is the worst of all the terrible things that are happening to us.

>That is whythe vengeful and God-hating Saracens, the abomination of desolation clearly foretold to us by the prophets, overrun the places which are not allowed to them, plunder cities, devastate fields, burn down villages, set on fire the holy churches, overturn the sacred monasteries, oppose the Byzantine armies arrayed against them, and in fighting raise up the trophies [of war] and add victory to victory. Moreover, they are raised up more and more against us and increase their blasphemy of Christ and the church, and utter wicked blasphemies against God.

>Yet these vile ones would not have accomplished this nor seized such a degree of power as to do and utter lawlessly all these things, unless we had first insulted the gift [of baptism] and first defiled the purification, and in this way grieved Christ, the giver of gifts, and prompted him to be angry with us, good though he is and though he takes no pleasure in evil, being the fount of kindness and not wishing to behold the ruin and destruction of men. We are ourselves, in truth, responsible for all these things and no word will be found in our defence.

Why be an atheist? How do you know that there is no higher being?

Yeah, its God's plan that a group of idolaters pretend to be his "chosen people" for thousands of years
Its his plan that these deceptive cretins infiltrate all areas of society and manipulate them for material gain without punishment
Its his plan that the one man who had a chance at stopping them was ganged up on by the entire western world
Its his plan that they would use this to further bolster their political power
Its his plan that they would promote communism, atheism, pornography, interracial relationships, premarital sex, and abortion
Its his plan that they would promote homosexuality, transgenderism, and even pedophilia
Its his plan that anyone who stood against this corruption would be a social outcast for it
Its his plan that even the Pope in Rome would come to condone the liberal onslaught
Its his plan that these people would destroy national borders to flood civilization with devil worshipers who want us dead
Its his plan that dozens of terrorist attacks would all be swept under the rug like nothing happened
Its his plan that the last remnants of what is good in life would be destroyed by these devil worshipers who are little more than political puppets for the "chosen people"

You might say that God planned all of this, all us Christians call it the devil.


no you idiot. havent you read the bible. the end of the story [spoiler]humanity fails god. god has to shorten the time the beast has to fuck shit up or no flesh would be saved[/spoiler]

your inability to fight back has made you trash in the eyes of god. the ones who would submit to some heathen faggotry are enablers who are no better than the condemned

To be fair you need to think about what you consider "fighting". The Bible says that those who live for the sword will die by the sword.

The part where there isn't a jewish hand up your butt

>We're suppose to just sit back and watch it all happen
I don't really believe this whole "The Bible says it, so there's nothing we can do about it" type of attitude. It's a cuck attitude. What's the use of even protecting Europe? Might as well hand Europe over to Islam, and fasten up the end times

>The Bible says that those who live for the sword will die by the sword.
'Just War' is allowed by the Bible.

>What's the use of even protecting Europe? Might as well hand Europe over to Islam, and fasten up the end times

better res

You wanna be raptured?
Or do you wanna stay for the 7 years of hell of earth?

For me i think ill choose the latter, sounds exciting though i might regret the choice

>What's the use of even protecting Europe? Might as well hand Europe over to Islam, and fasten up the end times
Those who find it prudent to be silent in the face of evil ought also to be considered evil. A good, just God cannot make His home in a Kingdom of bystanders.

Probably. And like the good cucks they are, Western yuropoors are doubling down on nihilism and hedonism, all the while cursing Christians with every breath.

>all European natives will be Christians

you mean the ones that didn't convert to Islam...

>tfw reading this thread while being Muslim

kek all you retards trying to figure out how to revive dead religions. Christianity, Paganism, Libertarianism, Fascism, all of it is as dead as Hitler in the bunker.

Convert to Islam and worship the only Lord you have. Indeed Allah is forgiving and Most Merciful.

More like:
Islam conquers Europe.
Population stops being cucked because Islam is not a cuck religion like Cuckasstrianity.
Europeans become the natural leaders, and spread Islam to Asian countries.
It is all like Hitler envisioned.

Churchill was so fucking based it's too bad the alt right faggots are butthurt stormweenies

it will happen when it happens
what are you going to do now, go kill some arabs?

wow wrong quote lol

Quote the passage that allows "Just War"?

As exciting as it sounds, the Bible describes heaven as the best thing you can experience. The first few years of the post-rapture times however are described as extremely chaotic times when billions will die. The choice is pretty clear for me.

too bad it will never happen you kaffir

Also, we must not stay silent and watch it happen, but attacking them with swords is also not wise. Can you picture Jesus killing Muslims? He was saint, he wouldn't ever do that. We must try to be saint like Jesus, therefore we should avoid killing too (unless attacked or provoked)

Sounds smart
Lets not fall asleep then, brother, as we await diligently for the Lord, as it is written he will come like a thief.

Dues Vult, brother, i would love to meet you in Heaven.

nah, you're on the right path about it being punishment for sin though.
the persecution the islamists intend to carry out on christians isn't though, just follow russia.



Since Islam's ultimate goal is total world Islam, no. Because once they reach a certain point population wise they'll simply just wipe out everyone who isn't Muslim.

Was the holocaust gods revenge on jews for killing jesus?


This is literally a modern Jewish scholar's polemic.

Its based off of Jesus discussing his impending death and resurrection but taken out of context and made to be about the return of christ.

reddit fags belive it.

One can only hope Europe returns to Christianity before its too late.

Every Christian expects Jesus to return during their lifetime.

Islam has a lot of correlations as to what Hitler was talking about, it's based anons.

If any of you did any research on it instead of listening to the memes on here you would know that it would be a better alternative to Christianity.

[4:104] And be not weak hearted in pursuit of the enemy; if you suffer pain, then surely they suffer pain as you suffer pain...

[8:57] If thou comest on them in the war, deal with them so as to strike fear in those who are behind them, that haply they may remember.

Sounds similar to the Nazi scare tactics and fighting for your people huh

What happened to old testament Israel over and over, is the same thing we are witnessing in the West today. God is giving us up to the hands of our enemies. There is more to the story though. We need to start praying.

Virus hits planet. Only cure is a protein found in pork

Who gives a fuck? In the end Jesus still comes and saves us all, it shouldn't matter how he goes about doing it.

In a way, yes.
You see, Christianity was at its best in times of struggle, that's when they prevailed and grew strongest.
When everything is calm, the decay begins, and it takes a new struggle to get strong again.

Jesus said that generation will see him return in all his glory. Also that St. John won't die until his return.

Funny how Christians are less cucked than atheists

I don't really think Islam will 'conquer' Europe. Sure, Europe is experiencing a growth of Muslims because of immigration, but not enough to take over all of Europe. The Muslims population will probably stay under 10 percent.

The children of Muslims who grow up in Europe's secular education system often become non-religious. This just continues until full assimilation. At least that is what the trend is.

And don't be silly. There won't be a race war of any kind in Europe. It didn't happen in the USA, Canada, Brazil etc... People just become accustomed to living in a diverse society and don't resist it if it happens slowly.

That's the future, goys.

These traditionalist viewpoints always lose. Slavery ended, women suffrage was enacted, gays can now marry... social conservatives always lose.


Get back to rubbing your forehead on the ground while you talk to yourself because of what some kike-book plagiarizing sand nigger pedo wrote down 1400 years ago. At least christcucks and buddhists are semi-bearable, you mudshits need to be put in camps with the kikes and gassed.

>muh I don't fear death, muh afterlife

When you die nothing happens, quit being a cuck and think for yourself you fucking coward.

"Early Christians" -- i.e., Messianic Jews might have sacrificed before 70 (at a Temple controlled by Romans and Jewish elite collaborators), but not after, because there was no Temple after that.

Its possible

Many times the hebrews were delivered into the hands of their enemies as part of God's will for the constant disobedience and the constant resurgence of Ba'al practitioners.

David would make a great kingdom.
His descendants would allow Ba'al idolatry, temples, statues and more. God would punish Israel. Then a good descendant would come along, destroy the Ba'al faith, and all would be blessed again, then another would come along and fuck it all up. It happened over and over, then God really stuck it to Israel by letting the Babylonians seize Israel.
Then things got better, Nebuchadnezzar II ended up being a decent Babylonian to Daniel and later Israel returned.

And is it any coincidence that the Israeli government has Jesus killed, then bam, like 300 years later Persians take Israel and keep it until 1947.

Now Europe is corrupted by atheism and science starts abandoning God, the Catholic church spirals out of control with corruption and starts lessening sins like Atheism and homosexuality and bam, muslim take over like the middle ages, like when the catholic church was selling redemption for money.

Protestant nations (US) isn't getting taken over now are they?

No, it's the Jews' plan for Islam to destroy Europe and European people, but over time it will result in a mongrelized society that will produce an "Enlightened" Islam, one friendly towards the Jewish oligarchy running it.

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