What are Sup Forumss thoughts on the DX7 or just electric pianos in general?

What are Sup Forumss thoughts on the DX7 or just electric pianos in general?
I personally like them more than real pianos

the dx7 is not an electric piano
it's a synthesizer with not the slightest bit of intent to sound like a real piano

lad thank you for making this thread.
the dx7 is the greatest synth ever made.
currently in the process of making an entire album featuring epiano presets and alterations i've made. i'll post it in the bandcamp thread when it is eventually finished.

basically a dx7 + a chorus/flange pedal is sonic bliss.

It's most popular sound is the E. Piano preset
You know exactly what I mean

also lately bass (every babyface/laface record employs it)

I like myself a nice cheesy dx piano sound
still absolutely retarded to even compare it to a piano

>it's a synthesizer with not the slightest bit of intent to sound like a real piano
Every synthesizer at the time aspired to accurately emulate acoustic instruments. The fact that they did a piss poor job of it doesn't mean that wasn't still a major goal.

that's the TX81z though

>Every synthesizer at the time aspired to accurately emulate acoustic instruments
imagine being this retarded and thinking you're right

...then why are all the presets piano, guitar, brass, etc. on every vintage synth ever made?

imitative synthesis was the biggest reason most people bought these things in the first place

The stock sounds are decent but cheesy as fuck, E.Piano is nice though

But they are incredibly difficult to edit, so I don't really see the point in them, really

>greatest synth ever

oh boy

>...then why are all the presets piano, guitar, brass, etc. on every vintage synth ever made?
the same reason every old drum machine has Cha-cha, Bossanova, Tango, Foxtrot, Samba, and all those other dated patterns that nobody uses.... because its been tradition since they started making it in the 60s

if you seriously think that by 1983-85 electronic music wasn't established as its own genre and people appreciated synthesizers for their unnatural and novel sounds but just wanted to emulated pianos and shit, you are absolutely retarded. NOBODY thought they sounded realistic until samplers and better digital synths came around in the mid and late 80s

seriously stop talking out of your ass when you clearly have no idea

>But they are incredibly difficult to edit
They really aren't. It's actually pretty easy.

>the same reason every old drum machine has Cha-cha, Bossanova, Tango, Foxtrot, Samba, and all those other dated patterns that nobody uses.... because its been tradition since they started making it in the 60s
They didn't include them so that no one would use them. What sense would that make?

>if you seriously think that by 1983-85 electronic music wasn't established as its own genre and people appreciated synthesizers for their unnatural and novel sounds but just wanted to emulated pianos and shit, you are absolutely retarded.
I'm aware that electronic music existed, but that wasn't what drove the market. The vast majority of the people that bought shit like that wanted shitty ersatz instruments for bar bands, etc.

>seriously stop talking out of your ass when you clearly have no idea
Ironic statement of the day

also for the first ~20 years they existed, virtually no synthesizer even attempted to mimick real instruments, because it couldn't even get close. that wasn't even a thing until the 80s

you are so fucking retarded mate, just give it up.

>that's the TX81z though

you can program lately bass into the dx7

Just got one for $50 because "no sound was coming out".

All I had to do was turn Local Midi Control to "On" lol.

Its pretty good tho, I haven't tried to program it yet, I just downloaded a shit load of patch banks from some website, got some pretty good piano/epiano/clav/harpsichord/organ sounds.

See the ARP Soloist, Roland SH-2000, Moog Satellite, Korg M500 Micro Preset, also every electronic piano and organ ever. Even the non-preset models came with patch sheets for making tuba sounds, etc.

Seriously, are you imagining that the TR-808 was designed with techno and hip hop in mind? This shit was primarily made for fucking wedding singers and cheap demo recordings.

electric pianos and electric organs are not "synthesizers", and the others you mentioned were meant to accompany organists so obviously they'd have similar features

and none of those synths, or the organs for that matter, sound anything close to what they're trying to emulate. nobody was thinking "haha I'll use a pro soloist so that people will think I have a guitar which costs half as much as this synthesizer"

>This shit was primarily made for fucking wedding singers and cheap demo recordings.
adjusted for inflation brand new 808s cost roughly the same as they do now (~3000$)

electronic musicians were a sizeable market by 1981

>electric pianos and electric organs are not "synthesizers"
In many cases they're not very different. Did you know that Yamaha were initially interested in FM synthesis for use in organs? They also made the first digital pianos using FM synthesis.

>and none of those synths, or the organs for that matter, sound anything close to what they're trying to emulate.
No shit, but if you play it idiomatically it suggests the desired instrument

>"haha I'll use a pro soloist so that people will think I have a guitar which costs half as much as this synthesizer"
No, it was more for solo performers or people who didn't want to hire trumpet players, etc.

>electronic musicians were a sizeable market by 1981
The thing is, you don't make a successful instrument by selling to recording artists. There aren't enough of them, even if the genre is relatively popular. Far more musicians at the time were playing in cover bands or doing waltz medleys for old people. People who wanted to sound like Kraftwerk were like 2% of the total market.

FM synths were the best piano keys synthesizers when the dx 7 came up