Let's make hash

let's make hash

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Intredasted, lurking

Waiting for it to pre heat

What do you do, steam it?

OVens preheating rn then I gonna press the keif and cook it into hash p


make sure you dont burn it

And that is just grinded weed or what? Can you smoke it after youve pressed the keif out?

thats marijuana not hash


Not claiming in a "pro" at making extracts. btw. Just a crude method of making hash I learned a while ago

You could just smoke the keif turd.

It's just keif that's been collecting for a while

Yeah I could but I don't feel like it bitch

Almost done if anyones interested, not gonna shitpost for no readon

Im lurking

Not too bad considering I haven't made it in years. Should've let it cool down more

Where the fuck did you make the pollen without getting a noise complaint?

You blew it.

>wax paper


Why would I get a noise complaint? It's keif collected from my grinder

I thought you'd do it this way. I've only smoked once in my life so it's not like I know much about weed.

I thought he was making a joke because its "loud"