ITT: We post the best player in the world for each position

ITT: We post the best player in the world for each position.

I'll start with Left-Back

Other urls found in this thread:




Right Back


Central midfielder




Kek beat me to it




-Short stop
-Center fielder

Better Left Back

>sp football knowledge

yes because we're being totally serious lad

False Nine

>I i I was only pretending to be a retard

Why you want to hurt me?

Specifying Pogba's role would be pointless, he has already transcended traditional understanding of positional roles
>Makelele's defensive tenacity
>Vieira's box-to-box instinct
>Zidane's ball control and incisive passing
He only played on the wing once (CL final) but everyone surely remembers the performance that put Pires to shame. That's why I listed him simply as Midfielder. In truth, only one term describes him properly - Pogba.

Goalkeeper: Neuer
CB: Boipucci
LB: Marcelo
RB: Carvajal
DM: Busquets
CM: Modric
LW: Tsunaldo
RW: Bayol
ST: Suarez

Don't reply or @ me unless you agree.

Failing to detect sarcasm is a sign of autism, la.

------------De Gea

Official SP XI

De Gea
Coleman Howedes Marcelo
Di Maria Pogba Pogba TomBrady
Ronaldo Pique LeBron

Good team t.b.h

fuckin big cunt to hoof the ball up to and shit

Christ lad, you really got sucked in to the Manchester Inc. delusion didn't you

let me take a breath...

its a joke, autismo


Marcelo isn't the best left-back in the world, never has been.

t. danny rose

You can never be too sure with united customers



That's not Tierney.

>le backup to andy robertson man

>Utd customer
His whole world revolves around his obsessive hatred towards utd. I think it's unhealthy but if it keeps him from killing himself then I guess it's fine

Look at his flag. The Slovakian ABU is famous on this board.




He's Scotland's starting left back at 18. He's legit.


That's not chicharito.

good one

He's not even outright starting for Celtic

Decent wee player but give him a few years



Agreed, i'm a fan of el tanque sisley but I think Pogba is the best midfielder in the game

He's Celtic's starting lb.

countries without a single legitimate world cup shouldn't comment on soccer

third worlders with no legitimate coaches shouldn't comment on football

>no legitimate coaches
>no british coaches in the top 6 of his own league

'people' with dental care even worse than that of third worlders shouldn't comment on what they do not know about.
for example, people from the UK should not comment on brazilian coaches.

Brazil has a top 3 world class coach right now. Shame on you if you don't know.

Nights watchman

Team captain

Left wing

Rubbing cocaine on your gums isn't dental care, monkey.

>Brazil has a top 3 world class coach right now
Because of what? Winning the Olympics? Lmao

What about the infinitely more important Copa America?

You are so clueless. Rogerio Micale won the olympics and even though he's a good coach, he's not a top 3 world class coach. It's someone else.

Refrain from commenting on soccer, you know nothing about it.

My beautiful dentist agrees with that and I bet she'll be appalled to know that that is common practice in england.

>you know nothing about it.

About south american football? True, and judging by the stadium attendances, not many in Brazil do either jej

Well, if they didn't know about it they certainly would look into it, so the stadiums would be packed - you know, like they were on inauguration, the modern ones. Novelty factor is serious business in Brazil.

Brazilians know their football well and better than that, they know the value of their money inflation well.

But it's both amusing and depressing that you can't admit that you are clueless, that your frame can't hold itself and instead of admitting that you will try to flip in another frame, even more frail.
I admit, I find stupid people funny.

As an Everton fan


most overrated player in the EPL imo.

always kek when the press try to link him with Man Utd.


You're retarded

Who else gayboi? Bale was unironically a top 5 player before he got injured. Sanchez or Hazard (lmao) is not a valid answer.

He's done alright this season but he still worms his way into various pundits best XIs despite the fact he's been average or worse since Martinez's first season

I swear people are too lazy to actually watch full backs coleman is a meme

I too enjoy may mays


Only correct answer in this thread. Sup Forums's knowledge of sports is laughable.

>When the whole squad is getting roasted lmao


Marcelo played against Germany in his own country despite living in Spain the last decade.... You're shit mate.

>A defender that can't defend

defender is a role, not a position. you don't need to be a defender to play where he plays. he's a good enough defender though.

what are you talking about you schizo

>who else

Tap-In Specialist: Rashford

'no' and not even close

Their manager really is a top 3 right now in power levels. You have no idea, this is an entirely different Brazil, is a magnificent combination of good and pragmatic style of play, mixed with modern content.

If you have the bad luck of going against them in the next world cup, and they keep getting better and having a good day? They will fuck you up.






>CB: Boipucci
>RW: Bayol

Godín, Messi. Everything else is spot on.

>being able to beat england on a good day
Hand then the cup already.

Where are the English players lads?

Check out their record since Tite took over. They're going to tear through qualifiers and most of Russia 2018. Top 2 or 3 NT in the world at the moment.

is this satire?

I feel ashamed for laughing at this but I did

Marcelo was one of the worst players during the 7-1 match

Yeah but he's great with Madrid

>De Gay
>Best Goalkeeper


What is going on here? All i see is a nigger getting darker.
