ITT Characters you aspire to be

ITT Characters you aspire to be



say my name...

Patrick Bateman

Early Cuyler.

Captain America. He's probably the superhero with the most likable superhero. He's a kind, humble, noble guy who just wants to do the right thing. It's kind of refreshing to see that with all the anti-heroes we've been seeing lately.


*likable personality

Such a gentleman. He wound them all up and watched them go. I miss this fucking show

Best fucking show, gone too soon.

without question.

you guys think he ate that goat he was petting?

Why is he so perfect?

I'm not even joking

There is still hope for a season 4



Is that Bloody tear Bond villain or Hannibal or the teacher mistaken as pedo?

Neither, it's Doctor Strange

I am going to be a de facto NEET who pretends to be taking care of my mother and the hotel business, and occasionally peep women's shower and dress in drag

Actually I aspire to be Superman but this is what I actually do


season 3 was shit tier


Why would you want to be a cuck?

neck yourself. The second half of s3 is kino

There is literally nothing wrong with being a cuck and this Joker is super awesome with his make up and style

Who wants to be my Scully?

He looks like a sissy version of a mara salvatrucha


cpt picard
